Need your Advice NT, What to major in for College!?

Jul 10, 2008
Been stuck about my life of what i want to do in life besides just buying sneakers. So its time for College! Question is i want to major in Business but i also want to major in something in designing art, Is there a way i could incorprate the two together? College students help me out! Got Big Dreams!
I think it's pretty hard to do the two parallel to one another. Personally I majored in industrial design, but then left it for fine art and now in addition to pursuing fine art I think I'm going to apply to business school as well, mostly because I find it interesting. I think that there are many ways. In order to acheive something in art you have to have passion and have to be ready to put in a lot of work, a lot more then you would spend studying for a business degree. And if you do so regardless of it being id or graphic design for example, you can work your way to a senior designer and after that it's very similar to a business jobs, because you'll mostly be managing and making decisions, while working with creative people on different concepts. Like Hartmut Esslinger his most recent book may be a good read (A fine line), because it's about how there is a new group of designers including himself, who not only think artistically and concentrate on design, but also on the business side. Or you can start are your own firm, which is difficult, but from day 1 you'll have to handle both fields. I don't recommened this without any routine.

Business however is a very solid profession, obviously you'll have multiple choices from which not many involve creative work. However you can try to apply for positions were you may work with artists and have to make decisions in this field.

A good choice btw may be marketing, it involves plenty of creativity and the need for good taste and artistic knowledge. In addition it's a pretty sought after position.

Hope I could help.
I would say marketing and advertisement would fit you great if you like business and art.

Besides that maybe open up your own business where your service is art based?

I was actually forced into doing business when I first got into college, but I figured out it wasn't my thing so I got my B.A. in speech-language pathology.

The most important advice I would give to you is to do some soul-searching and REALLY figure out what YOU really want to do.

You may eventually change your major even though you might know now what you want to do so just go along with the ride and things will make itself clear eventually.
I wouldn't pick a major until after your freshman year. To out there, take the few classes they shove on you and use an elective or two for either a business, art, advertising class etc. See how you like the field first before declaring that major.
I can tell you this... don't pick any wack stuff like mass comm or psychology unless you love it.

Or know how to get it done.

My homey has a masters in psychology and undergraduate in communications

And works at target. Graduated last may.
too many people go to school with the mentality get a degree and get a job...I went to school with the mentality to increase my knowledge about the workings of the world which is why I majored in History....people expect you to have a cookie cutter job to go alongside your degree...thats not what the university is about....most belong in technical schools.

I believe more people should study history because everything has a history...everything has a beginning and end...what I learned in the History program helped me develop my world view and gave me ideas for businesses, as well as political enfranchisement, it's all about what your agenda is an individual.

Life is chess...not checkers...nobody is going to go out of their way to tell you your falling right into the norm.
Why not use your "big dreams" to guide your decision? Asking people other than yourself can very likely go wrong. Then what will you do, lash out at NT for giving you bad advice? I think it's best to figure it out for yourself based on what your life's aspirations are.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I would say marketing and advertisement would fit you great if you like business and art.

Besides that maybe open up your own business where your service is art based?

I was actually forced into doing business when I first got into college, but I figured out it wasn't my thing so I got my B.A. in speech-language pathology.

The most important advice I would give to you is to do some soul-searching and REALLY figure out what YOU really want to do.

You may eventually change your major even though you might know now what you want to do so just go along with the ride and things will make itself clear eventually.

Agree with the Marketing and advertisement direction. I would even say marketing and a graphic design minor if they offer that. There's a lot you can do with a marketing degree because it encompasses a lot of different job aspects  - PR, promotions, business, etc. As I have been casually browsing for a new job (I work in entertainment), I've increasingly noticed that job descriptions include knowledge of design as well - the use of photoshop, illustrator, and more.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

too many people go to school with the mentality get a degree and get a job...I went to school with the mentality to increase my knowledge about the workings of the world which is why I majored in History....people expect you to have a cookie cutter job to go alongside your degree...thats not what the university is about....most belong in technical schools.

I believe more people should study history because everything has a history...everything has a beginning and end...what I learned in the History program helped me develop my world view and gave me ideas for businesses, as well as political enfranchisement, it's all about what your agenda is an individual.

Life is chess...not checkers...nobody is going to go out of their way to tell you your falling right into the norm.
wat do u do for a living?
Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you're doing exactly what the degree plan says from the start so you won't get screwed over
later on. I've heard/seen so many people late in their junior years thinking everything is all good, and their guidance counselor says
"Oh, you didn't know you needed a minor?" "
what?" Next thing you know, you're spending another year+ in school when that could
have been avoided.
Do what you're interested in, if you don't, you'll be miserable by all accounts.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

too many people go to school with the mentality get a degree and get a job...I went to school with the mentality to increase my knowledge about the workings of the world which is why I majored in History....people expect you to have a cookie cutter job to go alongside your degree...thats not what the university is about....most belong in technical schools.

I believe more people should study history because everything has a history...everything has a beginning and end...what I learned in the History program helped me develop my world view and gave me ideas for businesses, as well as political enfranchisement, it's all about what your agenda is an individual.

Life is chess...not checkers...nobody is going to go out of their way to tell you your falling right into the norm.
Very wise thoughts, my opinions are very similar, although I don't think it should be "forced" upon everyone, but the truth is a huge percentage of the world lacks common sense, a mature view of the world and basic knowledge, even those who finish university. And I agree only study until you feel the urge to, but do so if you wish. 
i chose engineering so that i could have a fruitful career and because it's not something that i can easily teach myself outside of a university setting.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

too many people go to school with the mentality get a degree and get a job...I went to school with the mentality to increase my knowledge about the workings of the world which is why I majored in History....people expect you to have a cookie cutter job to go alongside your degree...thats not what the university is about....most belong in technical schools.

I believe more people should study history because everything has a history...everything has a beginning and end...what I learned in the History program helped me develop my world view and gave me ideas for businesses, as well as political enfranchisement, it's all about what your agenda is an individual.

Life is chess...not checkers...nobody is going to go out of their way to tell you your falling right into the norm.
I agree and that's pretty much why I studied history and English. 
Stick to BS degrees (bachelor in science).. Usually leads to entry level 60k+ jobs after school... Chemistry is my field..
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