NEED ADVICE:so my landlord is threatening to kick me out on some BU@@##%$$

Nov 4, 2007
he's been a real stickler on parking and people pulling into our little parking lot of our apartment forever.  Whenever he is home and someone pulls into our parking area he is immediately outside within 30 secs to a min to check if the person is parking...but lately seems like he only worries about me...

everyday i get picked up for basketball around 630-730 depending on when we play...and he is always outside ready to let my ride know they arent supposed to be there, but i always run out before he can get down the steps and i wave hello/goodbye (not knowing he is trying to tell me not to get picked up like this, im thinkin hes just making sure they arent parking or anything) im usually out withing 1-3 minutes of them pulling in and they have never once blocked anyone in or anyone trying to get in their space...I MEAN NEVER

so anyways today i come home from ball and the situation above happend for the 100th time when i got picked up and on my door is a letter
eek.gif says this is the final notice and that in paragraph 3 of our rental agreement it says no unauthorized vehicles are allowed on the parking premises....which it does but mainly emphasizes parking, not picking up and dropping off. the letter says that if i violate these rules again he will give me a notice to leave in 45 days or else hes calling the sheriff to kick me out. 

i have never had problems before with this landlord and have always been on time with payments...never bother him with yardwork or things that are wrong that need maintenance i always do it myself even though everyone i talk to says its his responsibility...whenever i see him i say hi and we exchange ill wills at all except i guess this picking up and dropping off b@%$#%$

what should i do...i printed a letter out apologizing and put it on his door since its late here but i feel bad or there might be some other reason hes angry or threatening to kick me seems weird that a landlord is so stingy with his parking lot for someone to pull in for a minute or two

-landlord is a stickler about parking in his lot, but i always pay on time and no ill-wills
-everyday i get picked up for basketball at the same time and always run into my landlord
-i think hes just checking if my ride is parking and think nothing of a problem w/ pick up/drop off
-come home tonight after basketball with a letter taped to the door
-letter says one more time i violate the rules hes going to kick me out or call the sheriff to kick me out
-check my rental agreement and rules do say no picking up or dropping off but emphasize parking not pick up/drop off
-dont understand why the anger towards me getting picked up and dropped off when it happens the same time everyday
-is it nothing or something else i should be worried about
-or should i just follow rules and forget about it?? he just wants to make a point
why would you want to stay in a place like that?....

use this as an opportunity to find a new place
he cant kick you out for that joe...if they are not parking, rather just picking you up, it doesnt break your rental agreement. If he does, you have a perfect case for court.

My LL is the same way, sometimes worse, but i just brush it off and keep doin what i do because im not breakin any rules.
Slap it that !*#@ says in writing you can't get picked up? Is your apartment located on Riker's? Where else they do that else?
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Slap it that !*#@ says in writing you can't get picked up? Is your apartment located on Riker's? Where else they do that else?

Originally Posted by papeshfoo

he cant kick you out for that joe...if they are not parking, rather just picking you up, it doesnt break your rental agreement. If he does, you have a perfect case for court.

My LL is the same way, sometimes worse, but i just brush it off and keep doin what i do because im not breakin any rules.

If your initial lease is up and you're on a month to month or something, he can give you 30 days notice to vacate no matter what the reason. There doesn't even have to be a reason, unless you're on a long term lease agreement (something more than month to month). 

On a sidenote, you need a better place anyway. An owner that doesn't take care of the maintenance? Why should you have to maintenance HIS property? Does he $#%@# about people being dropped off by taxis? If you don't leave, at least just start walking to a spot where you can get picked up and it doesn't violate his "ammended" lease agreement. He's obviously pretty bitter about this (or something else and is just using this as an excuse to get rid of you).
if the rent is really low for the landlord, he wants you out sooner so he could get more money for his next customer. Very shady business
as a tenant you HAVE THE RIGHT unless you contracted it away to have visitors. if he keeps harassing you for getting picked up file a complaint to hime, then if he tries to kick you out you can sue him for retalitory eviction. the law says if he tries to kick you out or refuses to re-new your lease within 6 months of you filing a complaint or forming a renteres union/committe he will get knocked with retalitory eviction.
I mean, you can fight it, but like Dirt said, why would you want to stay at a place like that?

And are you sure nothing else has happened? Because if you decide to fight, anything and everything can be brought up and used against you.
If it's in your lease that there are to be no unauthorized vehicles ON THE LOT (doesn't matter if they're parked or not) then you're in the wrong and there is nothing you can do about it. Sounds like it's time to move.

as a tenant you HAVE THE RIGHT unless you contracted it away to havevisitors. if he keeps harassing you for getting picked up file acomplaint to hime, then if he tries to kick you out you can sue him forretalitory eviction. the law says if he tries to kick you out orrefuses to re-new your lease within 6 months of you filing a complaintor forming a renteres union/committe he will get knocked withretalitory eviction.
The issue at hand isn't about having visitors - it's about unauthorized vehicles in the parking lot.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

why would you want to stay in a place like that?....

use this as an opportunity to find a new place
Maybe because he likes the place other than this petty issue.

But try to talk to the dude man to man OP. But writing letters might be better for the sake of having a paper trail.

Keep a copy of EVERYTHING
If your leasing agreement clearly says no unauthorized vehicles in the parking lot then no unauthorized vehicles in the parking lot (attended or unattended). Its like running a red light even though the intersection is empty. No harm but still a foul for a reason..

To get kicked out and to kick someone out over something so petty is stupid. Just go get picked up in an authorized area and let that be the end of it.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

If it's in your lease that there are to be no unauthorized vehicles ON THE LOT (doesn't matter if they're parked or not) then you're in the wrong and there is nothing you can do about it.
no unauthorized vehicles are allowed on the parking premises
well there it goes. Walk somewhere else to get picked up where you won't be spotted. Not that much of a big deal.
Technically you're in the wrong op, you have to pay attention to how things are worded. Looks like you just need to get picked up somewhere other than the parking lot.
dont listen to these children. you are technically not in the wrong.
what constitutes an unauthorized vehicle?
on the contract that you signed did you put down a specific vehicle model and license plate? if not, how could he tell you what you drive?
does it say you are not allowed visitors to park in your spot?
now granted we dont know how your parking set up looks, but only way he can get you on that, is if there is only 1 entrance in and out.
if not, %%!# him and get a lawyer.




Originally Posted by mdwst9

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by mdwst9

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Slap it that !*#@ says in writing you can't get picked up? Is your apartment located on Riker's? Where else they do that else?

Chicken butt, stupid.

yea i must be
Imean rally.. I realize not everyone says :"Slap it"... but the rest of the sentence is plain English man
. Unless you're sitting there trying to sound out !*#@ , I don't get the hold up.
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