NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

first of all....



Originally Posted by Big J 33

Great episode, there's nothing like this show on tv, its terrific.

So true.

"in summation, good luck and bon appetit." 

So many lulz were lost, not letting us hear some of it. 
I'm sure we will be getting a Brita/Paige .gif, and Chang and everyone at the party 
I was stunned when Annie actually leaned in for the kiss. Caught me way off gaurd.
omg last nights episode was so awkwardly funny...i found myself looking away and laughing cause I was embarrased...lol...was I the only one...

still this show is..

*George* GOLD JERRY...GOLD *George*
Another great episode.

Leonard "Where the white women at"
This mysterious Magnitude
A taco briefcase
The group defending the Barenaked Ladies
Annie trying to kiss Britta


The episode also addressed the constant effort from Jeff to deny his feelings toward the group, and while that's a big dynamic of the show, I definitely think it was getting tiresome. Glad they addressed it and hopefully resolved it.
Last night's episode was good again. I thought the Troy/Abed storyline trying to get that girl was good.

...I didn't know Andy **** looked that old.
I liked the episode a lot. Hopefully they can wrap up the Pierce arc w/ the pills by the next episode. Also, I wonder how Chang's split personality will manifest itself while he's living with Jeff.
I really dug how they made the Valentine's Day episode about the friendship of the group, rather than a proverbial love story. At the end when everyone was on the couch I realized Shirley was hardly in the episode, which was disappointing. They should have been able to fit her in either one of the sub plots (either advising Pierce or being judgmental of Britta's lesbian escapade).

I honestly thought that Paige's friend and Annie were going to get it on. 

IMO, best lines of the night were Jeff's message to the group, his explanation for following soccer and the BNL exchange. 
Every week community has like a different style of episode or reference they base it on
or some kind of Easter egg. I love this show for that.
If we don't get a .gif of Troys face, I will riot. 

He was bugged out. Too funny.
One of my favorite episodes for sure, wasn't the funniest from start to finish but the laughs were great and I'm constantly impressed with how the show can address such real and dramatic issues in a comedic manner, and in this case doing it with the documentary angle.

Each of the characters had a story, ranging from the utterly absurd and hilarious Troy, to the serious with Jeff and his dad, this show is terrific.

Great jokes tonight too, "could you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kinte"
Troy's freakout
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