NBC's Community Thread - 6/2 - Ep. 13: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television"

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

This show is seriously the best. When Annie was describing how she would sex up the elfen stable girl.

only time I could read her lips was when she was like " I flip her over and..."

Troy taking notes

Totally dying over here...she said and i take out my member lol!!!
I was trying to read her and abeds mouth. show is awesome. cant wait for parks to come on
At first I was like this is gonna be horrible for me cause I don't know anything about dnd

But it was one of the funniest ever haha
Just DL'ed and watched the episode again. Very well done. Definitely liked it better than the previous. Went by fairly quick, before you knew it, it was over.
that was seriously hilarious!!

- Chang as the black elf, had me laughing out loud
- Annie describing the sexing
- Troy taking notes [refering to the spooning] "and how long exactly"
- Big Ears or Tail...lol
Well, damn. That was hilarious. I wish the episode was longer. I was legit hating Pierce for a good 2 minutes there.
great episode. love this show. i really think that they're making it a missing to make it the most low costing series to keep it on air.

been alot of bottle episodes. but w.e they're doing its working. i hope they don't get cancelled
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

^Agreed. I hope they don't get cancelled either.

It sucks I never get to watch it on the time it's on and have to settle to watch it online, this is the best comedy on TV for me.  It better NOT get cancelled.
I just saw the episode again. So many tidbits that I just caught that were hilarious.
In addition, the attention to detail in Community is on point. A couple feet away from "Fat" Neil is indeed a black guy who is bald (as described by Jeff). 
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