NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Go through this thread and find that mid-rape quote from George Scorewell...

Lying *** dudes man...:smh:  


Dude, GeorgeScorewell had the most disturbing post I'd ever seen on NT under his last account. He might actually be a real life sicko.

Did you not used to post as gllahone84?

Edit: I have no reason to lie about this. That post, along with your comments in here, make you a sicko.
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Yall in here pointing fingers like there wasnt just a thread where everyone was exchanging sexual assualt stories.
What the **** you talking bout? 

Yeah, I used to post as gllahone84. And I never said something like that. 

You lame as **** youngwolf. 

I came out and admitted to being wrong in defense of Cosby, and took the L. 

This guy...
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I have absolutely no reason to lie about any of this. Why would I randomly post this about someone?

You're a clown for saying I'm lying. I especially like how you asked where "GeorgeScorewell posted that" when I specifically said it was under your old account. Clown.
Look, you didn't say gllahone84 posted it until you realized I didn't say something like that. Then you said after I said it I went back and edited my comment...

Where do you get all this from? 

Plus, gllahone84 never posted in this thread. So where did I supposedly post that comment? 

Aye doublemesh96...

I see how a dude feels when falsely accused of some ****...
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Look, you didn't say gllahone84 posted it until you realized I didn't say something like that.

So when I said "under his old account" in my original post you thought that meant under your current account? Lulz. You wanted a post from "GeorgeScorewell" because you know you didn't say it under this account.

Then you said after I said it I went back and edited my comment.

Because you did...

Mods can see edited posts. So if one of them agrees to confirm that you edited that foul post, I have no problem with finding it.
If that was said I'm sure somebody would've quoted him ...so if he edited it then it wouldn't matter

Accusing someone of that is foul with no proof or cosign ...
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