NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

More like what makes you think he didn't do it? In a week he'll be at 30 accusers...

So basically, if enough people say it, it must be true?

So would you call it just a random coincidence? If it is then how come its happened to just one specific man and not multiple other celebs?

The problem is that in the court of law, an accusation or multiple accusations is not enough to say a guy committed a crime. Sure in the court of public opinion, multiple people accusing the man of a crime can't just be a coincidence.

But why in 2014 is this story picking up this much steam now? Why not 2013, 2012, etc
In this instance the court of law isn't even a factor since these allegations and accusations will never make it there.

Tell me in 2014 what do you do with suspected criminals you can not prosecute when the time to bring criminals to justice "have run out"? Especially when the stories of their crimes pick up steam now and not in the past?
@ "looks like its gonna take you getting raped to understand"

You been raped before fam is that why you understand?
This is why we got countless innocent men locked up for rape accusation
Define countless

This thread is comedy.  I'm crine
What makes yall believe he did it?
Im sorry but I dont believe any of these women.  Do you know how easy it is for a woman to have sex with a guy and "accuse" him of rape?   Kobe, Pac, Mike Tyson, the only difference now is how the internet and media go hand in hand with sensationalism nowadays. 

Hmm lets see, no name actress, old and washed up, 20 years later gets airtime on TV because of "accusations"   Shawty if you got raped why the hell you on Nightline?  Like really, 20 years later you wanna come out, oh and go on a talkshow out the blue, really?
I'm not saying he raped them or am I saying he didnt rape them

but when 20+ people are coming out saying something happened to them by the same person it needs to be looked into, which is what is happening. This doesnt just happen out to celebrities out of the blue
The only thing I can relate this to is the Tiger Woods thing 5 years ago.  Theres one big difference, when Tiger got caught he was still dealing with those women, in Bill Cosby's case, this is happening 20-30 years later.  Its easy to say something now when it happened so long ago.  And I always get suspicious when a whole bunch of people come out the blue after one person says something.

But we shall see what happens....
More like what makes you think he didn't do it? In a week he'll be at 30 accusers...

So basically, if enough people say it, it must be true?

So would you call it just a random coincidence? If it is then how come its happened to just one specific man and not multiple other celebs?

this logic is so stupid

Makes me lose faith in mankind

View media item 1310964
I never once said that each of the women coming forth are telling the truth or that Cosby's definitively guilty. That's not for me to decide but what I am saying is that at what point does it stop being coincidental when multiple different accounts from different women, who have never met each other, from various times and areas all seem to match up and have similar details in their stories? If you believe that it's all a matter of chance than more power to you but I have a feeling that there might be more to it than that.
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How do you prove you were raped? Like if a girl says she said no, and you say it was consensual. How to prove either argument?
If you are the man in this situation, hate to say it, but the cards are already stacked against you.  In the case of Bill Cosby though, I think it's the number of accusations, at a certain point you begin to fit a profile based on behavior. 
How do you prove you were raped? Like if a girl says she said no, and you say it was consensual. How to prove either argument?

If you are the man in this situation, hate to say it, but the cards are already stacked against you.  In the case of Bill Cosby though, I think it's the number of accusations, at a certain point you begin to fit a profile based on behavior. 

True but my thing is people are saying they need more evidence than someone just saying they were raped. What type of evidence? Do you need proof they had sex? To say it was consensual and now the woman is just upset and crying rape? :lol: in my opinion unless it's on tape certain people will never believe certain things.
Even if Cosby came out with an admission of guilt, we would still have people saying he was innocent.

And I get it. He's been the prototypical wholesome family man for most of his career. It's hard to accept that he could be capable of this stuff.
Don't see how folks is caping for Cosby....glad that finger wagging **** is getting his 

I don't wish rape or rape allegations on my worst enemy. That s*** is real. Know someone that was falsely accused, proved innocent...and people STILL think dude is a rapist and he can't get a job.

I think people are just skeptical and not trying to rush to judgment. I can't condemn a man just because he was finger waving.
when you have this many allegations it aint wishing ****.......dude just a stone cold rapist

.these rumors been hanging around his name for a couple decades 

**** just now hit the fan....I do think a few women are lying and it was pushed to **** him over but it is what it is......now he begging for support from the people he condemned 
I ain't never heard of another man getting accused by 20 women of rape

I guess Bill Cosby just that special that people want to ruin him after his prime and get nothing from it.
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Did son really ask did I get raped which explains why I understand and then laugh about it?

Yall the type of callous archaic thinking scumbags I hope never have daughters.
Did son really ask did I get raped which explains why I understand and then laugh about it?

Yall the type of callous archaic thinking scumbags I hope never have daughters.

He's got to be 14 years old.

Then we have 2 other knuckleheads who repped him for it. :smh:
no daughters crew
son or abortion crew

lets not act like you didnt say "It literally seems it's gonna take you being raped to even begin to understand" :stoneface:

stop tryna act holier than thou i obviously wasnt serious in my response yall can sit down now
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no daughters crew
son or abortion crew
Look at this dude.

Change what I said before. I hope dudes like you are shooting blanks and never get the okay for an adoption.
lets not act like you didnt say "It literally seems it's gonna take you being raped to even begin to understand" :stoneface:

stop tryna act holier than thou i obviously wasnt serious in my response yall can sit down now
Said it before in here. You're ignorant to rape and you're just ignorant to the experience of the victim. You've shown you're unwilling to even attempt to understand what it would be like. Hence the hyperbolic statement.

Nobody is acting holier than thou. You're just purposely and overtly being a scumbag but you right I won't take your posts seriously any longer. It's obviously not worth reading.
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In general people gain compassion and empathy after a life changing experience. Some naturally have it, some had it and lost it due to a negative experience, and some never had it.
“Forget these women – What you’re seeing is the destruction of a legacy. And I think it’s orchestrated. I don’t know why or who’s doing it, but it’s the legacy. And it’s a legacy that is so important to the culture,” she said in an interview. “Someone is determined to keep Bill Cosby off TV … and it worked.” (Showbiz 411)

^ From Phylicia Rashad...
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