NBA's Softest Players In The League

Easy WCF. Stop lumping us all into the same category. Just because one or two Warrior fans pop off doesnt mean we are all like that. I mean, its like when people classify YOU in the same category as 80JerryRice80, 92 and whatever other SN he has. You dont like being associated with him just because of the team you like right?
dland24 wrote:

Easy WCF. Stop lumping us all into the same category. Just because one or two Warrior fans pop off doesnt mean we are all like that. I mean, its like when people classify YOU in the same category as 80JerryRice80, 92 and whatever other SN he has. You dont like being associated with him just because of the team you like right?

fam i never said ALL warrior fans are like that...i simply said thanks for validating my point why i cant stand fans like you and your "the season is over when its starts" basketball team

i never generalized the whole warrior fanbase...i meant it for those funny guys like jumpman and acid

i only associated jumpman with 92,80jerryrice80 cause we both push him away to our respective fanbase kinda like a game of "you can have him"

i never said i didnt like 92, 80jerryrice80...granted ive never met the guy but i dont like to be associated with him cause he claims to be a die hard forever all day everyday niner fan then the next day a die hard forever all day everyday till raider fan...c'mon thats blasphemy yo

my favorite NTer=sarcasm
Rashard Lewis is pretty soft. Frye is soft, Amare is soft on the defensive end, Gasol is soft, Jamison too
Dirk? You trippin

T-mac has been injured too much. Naturally he's not going to be as physical as his Magic days.
Depends on your definiton of soft.

If winning over 50 games 10 straight seasons, 1 MVP award, 1-of-5 players to average over 25 pts, and 10 rebounds for their playoff career, only miss 12 games in last 5 seasons is your definition of soft then I guess Dirk deserves to be on your list.
I wouldn't say Jamison is soft, that's just his game. He's not the typical 4.

Carter is soft as hell. I don't know how people are arguing against that. Just the other night the dude collapsed like there was a sniper in the building. Limps off holding his wrist, makes a Willis Reed-esque entrance but still holding his wrist to make sure everyone sees that's the reason he'll suck for the rest of the game.

Kool-Aid in his veins.
Simmons pretty much murdered Vince's soul when he mentioned in his game 2 diary how Vince goes down, acts like he's dead for a few minutes, then slowly gets up followed by shaking his thumb for the rest of the game basically saying I'm playing, but I'm hurt, so if I miss any important shots, remember, I'm hurt.  And then he goes on to miss 2 key free throws at the end of the game. 

I honestly had high hopes that this team would inspire Vince to get a nut and ball out all year.  I thought being this close would make him just push himself, and yet, here he is, still Vince Carter.  What might have been. 
vince and tracy immediately comes to mind. tracy gets hurt sneezing (barkley made that comment one time. had me. lol). and vince...dont get me started....
Z aint soft, in fact, if he's on the floor, he's one of the first to jump in whenever there's a conflict. He's limited on the court by his lack of athleticism if anything.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Z aint soft, in fact, if he's on the floor, he's one of the first to jump in whenever there's a conflict. He's limited on the court by his lack of athleticism if anything.

Yeah Z goes hard, he's just stiff as hell making it seem like he's soft. He always jumps into battle whenever somebody on the Cavs is about to go at it
I don't know how any of you can say that Vince isn't soft, every time someone bumps him he goes down in a heap and stays there forever

Just look at game 2, no one touched him and he still stayed down for about 5 minutes
Being soft and complaining a lot are two different things. Kobe gets a lot a contact and honestly, he probably feels it more than anyone with all the injuries his body has. But he is up there in the complaint department with the best of them (Duncan IMO). At least Sasha did learning one thing from the best!
Originally Posted by NoReasonableDoubt

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by acidicality

Fakers SG #24. He has that signature crybaby "AYYYYYY!" after every time he drives and doesn't get a foul call.

I would respect dude 100% more if he didnt do this. Even when he doesnt get fouled, he still has to look at the ref in disgust.

So I guess you guys dont respect Jordan or Lebron as well when they thought they got fouled. Im not saying they all got fouled everytime, but its working the refs and its been happening forever. Lame statement.

Jordan never yelled driving to the rim. And Lebron doesnt complain half as much as Kobe. There's a fine line between working the refs and crying and Kobe has crossed it over the last 3 years. I think hes the best but c'mon bro... Dude just needs to shut up and play ball and let his greatness speak for itself. For the record.. your reply was a lame statement. Sorry if the truth hurts you cuz thats exactly what I posted. Truth.
I want to see most of you cats labeling somebody soft try to score in the paint in a league where cats probably average 6'6 in height and 200+ pounds
for 82 games and see how long you will last in the's not soft it's playing smart look at Derrick Rose how he kept getting hurt and it takes a toll
on your body.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Fakers SG #24. He has that signature crybaby "AYYYYYY!" after every time he drives and doesn't get a foul call.

Why are you trying to mimic that immature child ZoDogg? You wanna be like him? btw why are you even talking when your squad of NBDL warriors suck
Working the refs or not, it still kills your credibility to stare down the refs after every drive that isn't punctuated with a whistle. Kobe has always been one of my favorite players, but it almost seems like his whining has increased in the past couple of years. At least I don't explicitly remember him doing this in his 35ppg season. It's as if he feels entitled to calls now whenever he feels any sort of contact, and yes I know there are a lot of superstars that do the same, but Kobe does it to a ridiculous degree.
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
Depends on your definiton of soft.

If winning over 50 games 10 straight seasons, 1 MVP award, 1-of-5 players to average over 25 pts, and 10 rebounds for their playoff career, only miss 12 games in last 5 seasons is your definition of soft then I guess Dirk deserves to be on your list.

Dirk is far from soft...
NOW that whole MAVS organization is soft...including the fans...
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