NBA players that surprise you vol. youre still here?

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

3. Antwan Jamison. Guy really surprised a lot of people. He has been knocked for being a tweener who lacks of offensive skills. But he has really developed into a well rounded player. Puts up double-doubles on a regular basis despite being undersized for the PF position. Added 3pt range to his arsenal too. I thought his career would go downhill when he went to dallas...but he has only gotten better.
I have said it before and I'll say it again. Dude plays like a 58 yr old white guy who lost his knees 30 years back
. He will take the most ridiculous rolling hooks, 18 foot push shots, fast break floaters, this dude knows every way to score, and even down to the 2" of elevation on his jumper, he reminds me of every knee-pad wearing gray haired, huffin-puffin tricky %%+ father time looking mother *%#$*@ I have ever played against

Twan is the truth, I always like his game

ahh man, same thing I was thinkin about Jamison....the shots he takes (and makes) are down right ridiculous.

as a w's fan i've grown to enjoy his game and appreciate his style. the guy can flat out get it done, put 20/10 down every night. he got them flipshots and they somehow go in, even if he's not looking at the basket

i always had to defend him in the vc or antawn debate with my friends, but hopefully everyone will see the value of antawn (he rarely gets hurt)
Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

voshon leanard
chucky actkins

joe smith got gas in the tank

PEJA a little washed up but

C-webb is in there some where

Damon stoudomire
Jason or Jared collins

Lol Najera

I never understood how those bums stayed in the league(and started) for so long...smh

But Kevin Ollie takes the cake
Darrell Armstrong gets me every time.

I'd say Horry but watch him go nuts in the playoffs. By nuts I mean hitting just one clutch shot every other game.
Samaki Walker-Isn't he on the Bucks?
Antonio McD-Seems like he's way older than he is
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