What Will The Outcome of The Finals Be?...

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  • Spurs in 7

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  • Heat in 4

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  • Heat in 7

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Game 7 will have to suck big time in order for this not to be the GREATEST FINALS I'VE EVER WITNESSED since I started following the NBA.

Man... I can't even... From being up 3 with less than 3 minutes in regulation and having the ball.. To choking it away.. To somehow managing to get an overtime. This has got to be one of the greatest finals games of all time. Insane.

I really thought the Heat were done. At the end of the first half - the Spurs miss a 3 pointer, and Kawhi Leonard tips in the offensive rebound to put the Spurs up by 6. I swear to God, every single one of Miami Heat's players had their heads were down and their body language was like they gave up walking off the court at the half. And when LeBron missed that easy layup over Duncan sometime in mid third quarter, as easy of a shot as he could hope for in these finals, I was like: "Yeah, okay, they're done." :smh:

I still have no idea how Miami won this game. It seemed like the Spurs were getting all the points they wanted in the paint and that Miami didn't get a single fast break point, a category where SA got some points on the other hand. They can't let that happen in game 7.

:lol: Haters blaming the refs for the outcome of this game. Well I for one am shocked. SHOCKED! :lol: Stay salty.

Whatever happens in game 7, this has been one hell of a series and thanks to both teams for some insanely entertaining basketball which reminded me why I fell in love with the sport to begin with. It's really a shame that one team has to lose.
Everyone who is saying Manu traveled isn't mentioning the next foul by Bosh...

How can they not call that when he clearly pushed him and then jumped into him?? Damn :smh:
Watching Espn and it says Lebron was clutch when we all know it was bosh and ray.
How so?  Bron took the 4th quarter over.  If it wasn't for him the Spurs would of won easy.   Bron did his thang when Bosh and Wade were on the bench. 
All the credit can't go to lebron he brought them back but he almost threw the game away with those turnovers
I honestly havent been this hurt by a loss since my eagles lost in the superbowl, damn man. Right in the feels.

Where is Anti to make sense of all this?

Julius F. Wrek
Suicide watch.

He can say whatever he wants, the Spurs will not be able to recover from this, they went all in tonight...rightfully so...but to no avail 
Bron had a good forth but remember the turnover at the end that led to two ft by Ginobli and then the airball.. He played well but he damn near costed them that game at the end too.. Bosh with the boards and some clutch blocks and ray with the corner 3 with D in his eye were pretty big
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you people crying about this game being fixed need to pull down your skirts. mighty funny its always the refs when the team you dislike wins

this happens every year in the finals. bunch of haters.

if the lakers win a title its because the refs. i guess its the heat now.

you dont like the way the nba is. dont watch.

simple as that.

nobody forcing you to watch.

same dudes crying about ginobli being fouled is the same dudes who said in the past refs never call late game fouls like that...
I don't care if he got hacked Manu took like 14 steps on that play :lol: The real question is how they missed that?
Same with Danny Green stripping Lebron on the fast break. The ref was standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE PLAY! if he couldn't tell that was off of Lebron his powers of observation are not good enough to be a ref :lol:

I don't really have any complaints about the officiating though there were a couple missed calls. Manu, FT's, and Pop cost them that game.
Duncan with 5 second half points. Zero in the fourth & overtime.

Popovich taking Duncan out of the game allowing Bosh to get crucial offensive boards.

Tony Parker shooting 6/23

Ginobili with 9 points & EIGHT turnovers :lol:

Danny Green 3 points for the entire game.

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This game was basically who could make the most mistakes first, and well, the Spurs get the short end of the stick.

That 4th QTR was literally back and forth with mistakes.
Lebron was useless the entire game and went on a great spurt, but still had a costly turnover posting Parker and missed shots down the stretch before that scramble 3 point shot.

Spurs just messed up big time.

LOL! Yeah and when Lebron plays GREAT in 3 quarters in other games but doesn't have a "great spurt" you guys ONLY focus on that. Just stop. If you guys can't give Bron credit for coming through after ALL Y'ALL thought he was just gonna throw in the towel, then stop trying to front in here like you really have a point. We all know it's just another way for you guys to flip your lil hatred.
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