What Will The Outcome of The Finals Be?...

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since the original point of debate was that the thing LeBron is most known for in 2011 and 2013 is like night and day...
since the original point of debate was that the thing LeBron is most known for in 2011 and 2013 is like night and day...

Like I said in the first place 2011 lebron and 2013 lebron ISN'T night and day. He might avg .5 rebounds more and isn't shying away from last second shots but that's it. His surrounding cast is a different story, D. Wade better be on his A game this series or the chatter will get louder
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He passes up threes now that he was taking 2 years ago. Find a stat to confirm or deny that.

He drives less 'decided' now, making the decision around the FT line or maybe a step below, as opposed to being convinced at the start of his drive from the 3-pt line that he's going to dunk. Yes, part of this credit is presumptuous, but you can tell... errr, I can tell... that he is making his decisions ON the drive now as opposed to deciding at the start of his drive. It takes more words to explain than it does to see, but there's no stat to disprove or prove this one, either.

He's joking around FAR less. Of course, he's still having fun, he's still joking around... but it's MUCH less. Stats on this, please?

Keep posting stats to show how he's not night and day different than 2 years ago, though. It's... if nothing else, it's entertaining to see the statistical similarities while I watch a vastly improved player who now has a championship.
I remember him being amazing throughout the playoffs and straight up mentally collapsing out of nowhere in the finals. Before the finals he was just as dominant as now. He was unsure and tentative in the finals. Now I don't see anything like that. He disappeared to the point that you didn't even notice him on the court. Maybe he thought he should take a back seat to wade. I really don't know. It was perplexing. Yeah the mavs defense was good but it seemed like a self inflicted wound. It was very strange
It's weird, I want Game 1 to start so all these super scouts and nostradamus' can fade to bolivian. But

then it's just going to be ref talk though ...
Memphis big men are much better than Miami's big men. Look at Z-Bo and Gasol's stats all season compared to this past series with San Antonio. Pop has been managing Duncan, Manu and Parker's minutes all season for the FINALS. There is a reason he didn't suit his boys up to play against Miami earlier in the season. His young boys have confidence against Miami (the game was close)
Why quote me and not stay on the topic?
My post was comparing Indiana's big men to Memphis' big men.
The way I see it, Miami handled Hibbert and West so I'm sure they can handle Duncan and Splitter.
It's weird, I want Game 1 to start so all these super scouts and nostradamus' can fade to bolivian. But

then it's just going to be ref talk though ...
I can start... er, for me it would be 'continue'... the ref talk now if you'd like.

Embrace it, bruh. Look who I'm a fan of as I say the things I'm saying about the Heat.

You ain't the refs or the players, right?


06 and 12 are all yours, regardless. Maybe 13, too.

Fixed? Don't let it bother you that there are bafoons like me saying the Heat are the league's 'team' for now.

They are, but don't mind us.

I sure the hell don't care who says what about Lakers championship banners.
He passes up threes now that he was taking 2 years ago. Find a stat to confirm or deny that.

He drives less 'decided' now, making the decision around the FT line or maybe a step below, as opposed to being convinced at the start of his drive from the 3-pt line that he's going to dunk. Yes, part of this credit is presumptuous, but you can tell... errr, I can tell... that he is making his decisions ON the drive now as opposed to deciding at the start of his drive. It takes more words to explain than it does to see, but there's no stat to disprove or prove this one, either.

He's joking around FAR less. Of course, he's still having fun, he's still joking around... but it's MUCH less. Stats on this, please?

Keep posting stats to show how he's not night and day different than 2 years ago, though. It's... if nothing else, it's entertaining to see the statistical similarities while I watch a vastly improved player who now has a championship.

I gave you factual numbers that can't be disputed and you give me some psychiatric report on lebron James. Ok cool
2 years ago: 0 championships

now: 1 championship

There's a factual number to back my stance.

He won a championship. He hadn't done that 2 years ago.

He's playing different. How can I prove it?

2 years ago, he didn't have a FMVP.

Now he does.

There are stats that show the he is passing up 3s that he was taking 2 years ago. I don't care to look them up, but they're there.

I'm much more comfortable letting you believe he's the same exact dude... because his PPG is so close.
2 years ago: 0 championships
now: 1 championship

There's a factual number to back my stance.

He won a championship. He hadn't done that 2 years ago.

He's playing different. How can I prove it?

2 years ago, he didn't have a FMVP.

Now he does.

There are stats that show the he is passing up 3s that he was taking 2 years ago. I don't care to look them up, but they're there.

I'm much more comfortable letting you believe he's the same exact dude... because his PPG is so close.

Are you really trying to bring championships into this argument???

And lebron in 2011 was already a 2x league MVP sooooo your argument is...um, losing
Like said earlier in the thead, it's gonna come down to the x oooooooooooooooo *abel voice*

With that said, Spurs in 6.
I walked up and down this board two years ago speaking on what LeBron wasn't.

Today, right now, he is BY FAR a better player. Better defensively. Better shooter from deep and mid range. Better on the block. Smarter with picking and choosing how and when to attack or fall back without standing 35 feet from the rim.

He is clearly better in 2013 than he was in 2011. Night and day is an apt description. And I assure you, I am not known on this board as a big fan of LeBron, but he has done what I demanded him to do, improve his weaknesses. And for that, he now has my respect.
In the 2011 Finals Lebron was guarded by Jason Kidd and JJ Barea at times on the block and couldn't score.

That sentence in and of itself should tell you where Lebron is at now.
Night and day.

In 2011 lebron avg 26.7 ppg in the regular season
In 2013 lebron avg 26.8 ppg in the regular season

Yep, night and day........................
You dudes and your regular season stats :lol: I don't care what anyone did against the Bobcats in the middle of January & the countless other meaningless games in the regular season against subpar competition when you can pad your stats or the other team is resting their best players for the playoffs

In the playoffs, where you play the best competition when intensity is at its highest, Bron didn't even hit 25 ppg in year 1 with the Heat.

Since you wanna focus exclusively on PPG, that tells you all you need to know.

Then you watch the film that year & see him unable to score on dudes like JJ Barea in post up situations. C'mon son.
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[quote name="JumpmanFromDaBay"]You can walk on the Internet? Mind is blown :wow:[/quote]Him? Yes. You? No.
Ska and CP...since you're so confident in your picks.
I propose to both of you a sig or avy bet on the series.
I got the Spurs.
And you guys know Im a man of my word when i lose... :nerd:
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