NBA Casual Wear Thread

Swaggy P scoring on and off the court
wow, so who is considered good to yall?

exclude the obvious pg, kd, lbj, so i know you guys actually watch/follow the nba

do you actually watch/follow the nba?

how about the Lakers?

know much about MDA and his system?

because if you've been paying attention you know that even the most run of the mill, average guard can look like a good/great player in MDA's systems.

NIck Young's solid season has everything to do with the system he's in and absolutely nothing to do with his own ability. He's a pedestrian talent with under-average athleticism for his position. He's also 28, guys just don't suddenly because James Harden level talents overnight.

The nerve of asking people if they follow the NBA yet in the same breath putting Nick Young on potentially the same level of James Harden all while ignoring the system Young is currently in and STILL not putting up Harden-esque numbers.

The nerve yo. :rofl:
when does he score on the court?

honestly with Kobe out and a depleted roster, i had such high hopes for him this season

so sad
He's actually been pretty good this year, but that's not saying a lot with this horrific Lakers team
I enjoy what this season has done to peoples perceptions of Nick Young. Frole player to Superstar in 5 months
dude probably dropped like 50 with him in 2k and thinks he's god

how would he even accomplish that? :rofl: I play with only the Lakers and the most I've ever dropped with Young on Hall of Fame is ~20ish.

he'd have to be on rookie and exclusively using Young. :rofl: He's like a 72 in 2K, role player status. :lol:
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