***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

lol thanks jehlers for making monta the POTG .... ellis def rebounded from that horrible game with 15/20
from the field woooooooo ... and 28 pts 12 rebounds for d12 but thats expectedfrom a beast
dude i swear having boobie and peja wide open out there scares the hell outta me when i play zone LOL luckily i was able to anticpate the passing lanes enoughto get the W
send me a message on xbox live gt - djgtekfrmsanjo if you wanna run with the warriors. im going to put in work on gow2 horde
yeah, just go ahead and give my spot to someone who will put some games in... i really want to stay in it but my schedule isn't going to let me get themin... oh well.
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