***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

76 in the paint is a bit much. Especially when more than a quarter of that came in the first.

Yankeephan style of play.
Cheese in the paint and then just jack up threes.

Pretty ridiculous.
Wow, you are really something.... If I dont cheese dont call me out for cheesing like that its not cool... the only reason you say that is cause Iused bosh on the inside and kobe and lewis shooting threes? you want me to really cheese and score 60 a game with kobe and doing nothing but dunks? shootingthrees with players who are rated 90 plus isnt jacking em up its called a gameplan.... dont call me out like that man, do you want me to run every play by youand then see if you think its right? dominating inside and outside isnt cheesing its me being good if i wanted to cheese id drop 70 on u with kobe dunkningevery possesion... so dont talk $+*@ about me like that
I full court pressed because I was down 20, and it worked, because I came back and almost beat you.

I only did it with Redd because you kept cheesing with Johnson. I had to keep up somehow.

Its not the complaining thats ridiculous, its the continuous cheesing and its annoying. Also, when I did full court press you couldn't do anything, hencewhy I came back from being 20+ down.

You cheese, thats how you win, cool.

Edit: Yankeephan it was a joke, relax.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Whatever, i like dunks and threes. I drive and go hard i drive and kick, thats how i play.

I think all this complaining is getting excessive.

Djtek drafted his team with people who dunk how you gonna tell him he cant dunk that much with D12 and Iggy when thats all they do in real life.

Its like telling me not to dunk with Josh Smith. He cant do anytihng else in this game. He has 99 dunk IM GONNA DUNK.
Its like telling me i shoot too many 3's with Peja. All he does in real life is shoot 3's.
You couldnt stop JJ so i kept goin at you. Did i @%*+# about Redd? no well what i did to you with JJ in the first is what you did to me with redd in the 2nd half.

Not to mention you were full court pressing majority of 2nd and 3rd qaurter. You press im gonna get PIP.
Im gonna tell everyone that. YOU PRESS IM GONNA DUNK AS MUCH AS I WANT.

Just let ppl play, instead i gotta have u messeging me saying i play like Yankeepahn...Ok im plaiyng like Yankeepahn whatever. Me n him prolly have the best games outa every in this league when we play, its fun.

Stopp *****ing and just play.

Amen... People draft their teams to their styles.. whether its bigs inside or shooters outside...you cant tell people there doing too much of one aspect.. Imean if someone is using kobe or lebron and scroing 50 a game then I can see but thats not whats happening
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I full court pressed because I was down 20, and it worked, because I came back and almost beat you.

I only did it with Redd because you kept cheesing with Johnson. I had to keep up somehow.

Its not the complaining thats ridiculous, its the continuous cheesing and its annoying. Also, when I did full court press you couldn't do anything, hence why I came back from being 20+ down.

You cheese, thats how you win, cool.

Edit: Yankeephan it was a joke, relax.
Have you ever watched a real game of basketball?
People get hot and take over. Johsnon was beasting should i have subbed him out? I would say at least 20 of my PIP came from you pressing. Wanna know how manymore PIP i had then you? 20 sumtin.

Its always the same ppl complaining about ppl cheesing. Scratch that its basically just you. Few complaints here n there form others but majority of time itsjust you.

When shots arnt falling for me im gonna go inside. You know if you ever played basektball or had any knowledge towards the sport you would know that.
When shots arnt falling for me im gonna go inside. You know if you ever played basektball or had any knowledge towards the sport you would know that.
If none of your shots are falling then its ok to cheese in the paint. Ok, glad thats settled.

People get hot and take over. Johsnon was beasting should i have subbed him out? I would say at least 20 of my PIP came from you pressing. Wanna know how many more PIP i had then you? 20 sumtin.
Wasn't complaining about that, but if hes hot then maybe he can hit a mid range jumper instead of just driving every play?

20 in the paint from pressing? It would have happened even if I wasn't so thats invalid. You were more successful with it when I stopped pressing.
Its always the same ppl complaining about ppl cheesing. Scratch that its basically just you. Few complaints here n there form others but majority of time its just you.
Yeah, I am the only one who speaks up about it. I wonder why.

I hope Syknin takes the whole thing, since hes one of the few who plays TRUE sim ball. Either him or youngpnoi.
Sure are a lot of arguing. C'mon guys, it's Thanksgiving.

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to the 2K9 league!

I probably won't be on until either tomorrow night or the weekend because of Black Friday so I'll be back sometime around then.

Edit: Oh yeah, gg NKEAIR and Capital BC. I kept the game to single digits, but then Danny Granger and LBJ stepped up in crunch time.
gg skynin i had a chance to win it and turned it over SMH!


Did u watch JJ last year vs the Celtics he took it to Ray Ray over and over and over again...in the paint.

But fer real it sounds like you need to pick up a real ball gets some friends and go play pick up.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

gg skynin i had a chance to win it and turned it over SMH!


Did u watch JJ last year vs the Celtics he took it to Ray Ray over and over and over again...in the paint.

But fer real it sounds like you need to pick up a real ball gets some friends and go play pick up.


This is not street ball.

Resort to making fun of people. Cool, you're very mature. I've been playing ball for recreation since I was about 10 so please stop

Im not making fun of anyone.

Im saying this is a video game. If you want total SIM go play ball for real.

There will never be a total sim, realistic, GOOD basketball game.
Of course not, when people play like you.


Its a joke, Happy Thanksgiving bro.

Theres a bunch of extremely sim leagues though.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Whatever, i like dunks and threes. I drive and go hard i drive and kick, thats how i play.

I think all this complaining is getting excessive.

Djtek drafted his team with people who dunk how you gonna tell him he cant dunk that much with D12 and Iggy when thats all they do in real life.

Its like telling me not to dunk with Josh Smith. He cant do anytihng else in this game. He has 99 dunk IM GONNA DUNK.
Its like telling me i shoot too many 3's with Peja. All he does in real life is shoot 3's.
You couldnt stop JJ so i kept goin at you. Did i @%*+# about Redd? no well what i did to you with JJ in the first is what you did to me with redd in the 2nd half.

Not to mention you were full court pressing majority of 2nd and 3rd qaurter. You press im gonna get PIP.
Im gonna tell everyone that. YOU PRESS IM GONNA DUNK AS MUCH AS I WANT.

Just let ppl play, instead i gotta have u messeging me saying i play like Yankeepahn...Ok im plaiyng like Yankeepahn whatever. Me n him prolly have the best games outa every in this league when we play, its fun.

Stopp *****ing and just play.
lol. i actually changed up my style of play and im GLAD i did. now i dont have to rely on d12 and iggy to dunk over people EVEN THOUGH they stillcan
. now i torch people with monta and deshawn "cant see me" stevenson from three .. .and then i dunk over people as icing on the cake
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