***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

I'll go on the record and say I don't think I should have won that game. Nice game tho.

Oden is a BEAST
question. with the way im playing purposely not looking for a man downlow and taking shots that i have defenders in my face. will i get in trouble if i have50-60 pip if they are legit pip where im not dunking over people after running into the lane with iggy?

yankeephan. right now?
Don't worry about that. If you are getting PIP by backing defenders down its fine. Or taking shots in the lane. But when ALL you do is dunk it gets crazy.I came up with a new game plan for when i play you next
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

aight im coming in the lobby but why cant you score in the paint? lol
its not that i cant but im scared i'll score too much and you'll see that in the game stats and kick me out of the league LOL
Its not that he can't score in the paint. Just that when ALL he does is dunk with Iggy and D12 its a kind of cheesing.

I don't understand how Iggy ALWAYS has successful dunks btw, shoot half my players wont dunk even when they are 100 percent energized.

So man don't get the idea that you can't get PIP. Just when 90 out of your 95 are in the paint thats a little excessive.
ok cool. i hope to score more than 60 in the next game against yankeephan ... the last coulpe games have been pathetic offensively
I was a culprit of scoring too many PIP my last game. 74/90

But honestly I was shooting jumpshots and NOTHING would go in. I was just lucky enough to get the board with Oden and put it back in.

Also half the time I score in the paint its on a layup with my PG and I have to be nervous as hell its gonna get blocked....
putting shaq in at pf was the worst move ever. he cant move for *@#.. im so pathetic i stopped playing in the 4th lol. sucks that when i play now i try NOT toget iggy the ball too much
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