My New Olympic Crush Ms. Kromowidjojo

Assuming her stamina is adequate I'd like to offer her the opportunity to mount a stallion such as myself for a rambunctious afternoon of bareskinned pelvic equestrian riding? Whereby the changing of positions shall be signaled via the time where her body begins to buck uncontrollably during it's throes of ecstasy, her vocal cords unleashing their licentious lullaby as she engage the apogee of pleasure. Having achieved climax I'll swivel her around, taking her hair as the reigns before I dismount my seminal steeds into her slippery stable..

Mine is Christine Merrill. Girl is slept on.

Bruh my old grade school girlfriend is Christine's sister :lol:

Mellisaa (her sis) goes to UCLA where my current girl for 3 years goes.

I was walking around westwood and saw melissa with her sisters (christine) and the other one I forget her name :lol:, anyways I saw here and was like :evil: :evil: I miss melissa sometimes.. The Merrill sisters are sexy though
Son just straight skipped anyone on track and field.

OP lost. 
Very few track and field athletes have nice faces, most of them have bodies that's on point except that one chubby chick who ran third leg for the US and female shot putters.

Lolo's face game is on point, and madison's is not that bad, but the rest bra come on 
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