My journey through the entertainment industry..............


Can't say I'm wanting to go the Hollywood route. I'm already addicted coke + erotica.

I have lots of friends in the industry though, they all seem to be doing really well.
EDIT: Oh, people are actually trying to debate that Hollywood isn't gay and full of satanism. 
 NVM keep fighting the good fight.

Maybe they're the ones who have it right? Maybe you are the ones who are crazy?

And the person above me, dope avi 
I saw a documentary on E! that pretty much validated a lot of things said in this thread.

It's watered down but it talked about this stuff. If anyone could find the full documentary that would be great.

It's kinda crazy how blatant the symbolism has become since this thread was created years ago.
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No doubt it's a bunch of DL people in the industry. Just check out the cats who acted in plays in HS.

But just to assume everyone who catches a break catches the **** too is a reach (no pun)
Drug Rehab as well.


Narconon International is a substance abuse treatment program[1][2][3][4] developed by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.[5]
The program has garnered considerable controversy as a result of its origins in Scientology[6][7][8] and its methods. Its drug rehabilitation treatment has been described as "medically unsafe",[9] "quackery"[10][11][12] and "medical fraud",[13] while academic and medical experts have dismissed its educational program as containing "factual errors in basic concepts such as physical and mental effects, addiction and even spelling".[14]
Narconon is headquartered in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California[15] and operates several dozen residential centers worldwide, chiefly in the United States and Western Europe. Narconon is a subsidiary of ABLE, a Scientology corporation, to which Narconon pays 10% of its gross revenue.[16]
The organization was first formed in 1966 by Scientologist William Benitez, a former inmate of Arizona State Prison. Benitez got in contact with L. Ron Hubbard after reading his book, The Fundamentals of Thought and with Hubbard's help Narconon was incorporated in 1970.[17]
Narconon has been described by many government reports and former patients as a Church of Scientology front group.[18][19][20][21][6][22][10][23][24][25][11] Both The Church of Scientology and Narconon state that Narconon is a secular program, that it is independent of Scientology,[26] and that it provides legitimate drug education and rehabilitation.[27][28]

Professor Stephen Kent, a sociologist who has interviewed numerous former Scientologists,[29] says that "The connection between Narconon and Scientology is solid. Of course, Scientology tries to get non-Scientologists involved in the programme, but the engine behind the programme is Scientology."[18]
In turn, Narconon has claimed that mainstream medicine is "biased" against it, and that "people who endorse so-called controlled drug use cannot be trusted to review a program advocating totally drug-free living."[30] Narconon has said that criticism of its programs is "bigoted",[31] and that its critics are "in favor of drug abuse ... they are either using drugs or selling drugs."[32]
Hubbard's writings, which underlie the program, state that drugs and their metabolites are stored in the body's fatty tissue, causing the addict's cravings when partially released later on, and can be flushed out through a regimen known as Purification Rundown, which involves exercise, sauna and intake of high doses of vitamins.[33][34] This hypothesis is contradicted by experimental evidence, and is not accepted by mainstream medicine or education.[22][33][35][36][37][38] Narconon's claimed 80% success rate has been described by drug experts as "simply untrue".[39]
Narconon's facilities have been the location of several deaths, some of which have been linked to a lack of trained medical personnel on site. Narconon's international staff training facility, Narconon Arrowhead, is located near the town of Canadian, Oklahoma.[40]
Celebrity supporter Tom Cruise has said "in Scientology, we have the only successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. It's called Narconon."[41][42] However, there exist no independently recognized studies which confirm the efficacy of the Narconon program.[35]

Maybe this is why celebrities never get off drugs whenever they go to rehab.
I don't know anything about the industry. However, I work with this old meth head that spent twenty years in Hollywood. I told him i wanted to be a writer and move to hollywood, this is what he told me.

Get a day job, don't quit til you absolutely have to.

Drugs...lots of them

Sex, boy girl, girl girl, boy boy...they don't care

Said I got a chance be side I'm handsome...I don't even want to be in front if the camera, he said that didn't matter.

Somehow get a connection, whatever you gotta do...and you might have to do some weird shut.

Armed with this knowledge, I'm doubling down on my morals, drawing a line and not crossing it, I'll be able to get a good job, and wait it out.
I don't know anything about the industry. However, I work with this old meth head that spent twenty years in Hollywood. I told him i wanted to be a writer and move to hollywood, this is what he told me.

Get a day job, don't quit til you absolutely have to.

Drugs...lots of them

Sex, boy girl, girl girl, boy boy...they don't care

Said I got a chance be side I'm handsome...I don't even want to be in front if the camera, he said that didn't matter.

Somehow get a connection, whatever you gotta do...and you might have to do some weird shut.

Armed with this knowledge, I'm doubling down on my morals, drawing a line and not crossing it, I'll be able to get a good job, and wait it out.

what if you met the right connect, the perfet connect that would solidify your plans

the catch is..............

are you gonna suck it or not?

do you take some time to think about it?
I don't know anything about the industry. However, I work with this old meth head that spent twenty years in Hollywood. I told him i wanted to be a writer and move to hollywood, this is what he told me.

Get a day job, don't quit til you absolutely have to.

Drugs...lots of them

Sex, boy girl, girl girl, boy boy...they don't care

Said I got a chance be side I'm handsome...I don't even want to be in front if the camera, he said that didn't matter.

Somehow get a connection, whatever you gotta do...and you might have to do some weird shut.

Armed with this knowledge, I'm doubling down on my morals, drawing a line and not crossing it, I'll be able to get a good job, and wait it out.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet everybody's got price.

Doubt means your still thinking about it.


what if you met the right connect, the perfet connect that would solidify your plans

the catch is..............

are you gonna suck it or not?

do you take some time to think about it?


****** bout to straight expose themselfs in here

Why does this thread have such a negative vibe to it?

Dudes really selling their souls for fame? You don't need to be famous to make good money.

big difference between "good money" and "good money" that comes from bein finally famous

2014 aston verse 2005-08 aston

how far are ppl willing to go is a matter of personal choice
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so this legendary thread has been bumped? I pretty sure I posted in here about some crazy stuff but letting some of you know reading this that this thread has been forwarded throughout many other forums I come across (not by me). our brother site had an exact same thread of people letting things out, like Dan Schneider was a big topic in the other forums. I saw the E! entertainment doc and it was knowledge to me already just with recent updates, like the Glee cast member dying.

For the most part its all true.
My question is how is the idea of an actor/actress (current or potential) needing to get work done presented to that person? If there is a black person and it is felt that she/he needs a nose job, how do they even say that to them

My friend not in the US entertainment industry, but still apart of it they told him you need to get this, this, and this down if he ever wanted to release just one single and he would fail without doing it. Then that money for plastic surgery would be added into the money from studio time, vocal lessons, so he already would have this massive bill without one song out so he left. There was no sugar-coating it was like we've scheduled this consultation with a plastic surgeon for you at noon.
I don't know anything about the industry. However, I work with this old meth head that spent twenty years in Hollywood. I told him i wanted to be a writer and move to hollywood, this is what he told me.

Get a day job, don't quit til you absolutely have to.

Drugs...lots of them

Sex, boy girl, girl girl, boy boy...they don't care

Said I got a chance be side I'm handsome...I don't even want to be in front if the camera, he said that didn't matter.

Somehow get a connection, whatever you gotta do...and you might have to do some weird shut.

Armed with this knowledge, I'm doubling down on my morals, drawing a line and not crossing it, I'll be able to get a good job, and wait it out.
what if you met the right connect, the perfet connect that would solidify your plans

the catch is..............

are you gonna suck it or not?

do you take some time to think about it?
haven't read through the whole thread, but i've been working in the industry for a while and can definitely say wisepharaoh is on point with a lot of what he said. i work on the music side, but have done some work for tv shows in the past so i can speak from personal experience. from what i've seen, jews run everything and gays have a strong influence (Fox, NBC, LucasArts, NY and LA Times, Huffington Post are just a few run by gay ceo's and presidents). i don't know much about scientology, but they have their own recruiting pipeline at some top schools - word to college football. i'm not really up on all the symbolism/illuminati stuff, but there is some ritualistic stuff that i've seen from some artists that have made me feel uncomfortable. i'm still trying to make sense of all of my experiences and put it together, so i don't want to say it's illuminati or whatever. been fortunate that the industry has paid my bills and has given me a good life, but i think about leaving all the time. some of my best friends have ruined their lives because of drugs, money, fame, etc.

honestly, i was totally blind to most of it for my first couple of years until i had a 5 hour long conversation with a rapper/actor a few years ago. it was like 5 straight hours of weebaybricethewire.gif. it really put a lot into perspective and i started learning more about the game from other successful people after that. for whoever swore will smith wasn't gay, you'll be disappointed if you found out which other black comedian he had buttsecks with.
Eddie Murphy and Will Smith...........I don't wanna talk about it. I like them dudes nh......smh
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