My college degree is worthless apparently.

^ I've looked around on various boards about the usajobs and they all seem to take the same tone. It's basically a resume grave unless your a vet, which is not just 5 points
basically your foot is in the door. I'm having mixed feelings about there being jobs out here or not. I do believe there jobs but its truly a network magnet now, a majority of my
job search has been on the net because I'm trying to land a state gig in another city. Lot's of dead end's left and right though.
Originally Posted by ModernDarwin

No, but i think you might be 'disappointed' with the response.  I teach English full-time at an after school program in South Korea.  I get paid much less ($2300 a month), but I am able to save much more than I did when I had a 80k+ job and am doing my double master's full time at the same time.  My work pays for my apartment, I don't have to pay U.S taxes or Korean income taxes due to a tax treaty, and don't have the usual expenses of living in the US.  

If I look at it per hour/how much I could save/time spent at work/cost of living and monthly expenses I'd have to make 78k+ a year in the U.S to get to a similar style of life.

I think I am in a unique situation (most foreign teaching jobs aren't as good), but it has given me a chance to see many countries, live in a new place, learn how to create daily habits of success, get in shape, get out of debt, and still continue to build the network and education I'll need for when I return to the U.S.
hahahaha you talkin bout tons of jobs out there but you had to cross the pacific ocean to get your gig.  cmon now.

offtopic, were you teaching at, in Seoul or further south?  I considered doing the whole teaching English in Korea thing right out of college but then I remembered how much I friggin hate Korea.  My opinion on the country has changed after I was there last year, but damn... I dont know if I could live there, USA is A-OK as far as I'm concerned.  My brother moved out there for a job about 5-6 yrs ago and that guy is never coming back.  He loves it.  Different strokes I guess.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by steven42lh

I JUST met a girl working as a sushi waitress who has her PhD from Arizona in biochemistry. CRAZY.
this cant be life...

maybe she didnt apply herself and look for job opportunities while still in school.  maybe she just assumed that companies would be lining up to hire her since she had a PhD.

phd....biochemistry..sushi waitress? man she gotta be ugly or fat or both
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Dakingii

this cant be life...

maybe she didnt apply herself and look for job opportunities while still in school.  maybe she just assumed that companies would be lining up to hire her since she had a PhD.

phd....biochemistry..sushi waitress? man she gotta be ugly or fat or both

what kinda bootleg sushi restaurants you goin to?  the sushi waitresses at my local spot are atleast 6's or higher.  aint no fat or ugly ones there.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

maybe she didnt apply herself and look for job opportunities while still in school.  maybe she just assumed that companies would be lining up to hire her since she had a PhD.

phd....biochemistry..sushi waitress? man she gotta be ugly or fat or both

what kinda bootleg sushi restaurants you goin to?  the sushi waitresses at my local spot are atleast 6's or higher.  aint no fat or ugly ones there.
 haven't seen a fat sushi waitresses ever.
Originally Posted by Osek206

 But really I'm mad as hell. I decided to move in with my brother to change my life around because making 42k after 6 years experience in the Environmental Health and Safety field with my degree in Environmental Studies just doesn't make since to me. I'd like to move back to the westcoast, Baltimore sucks to me but I really need to change my career first or it would be a pointless move.  Has anyone successfully changed their career around and actually became more successful in the process? Tips would help but ultimately I'm going to need a new direction.


But in all seriousness; do what you think will benefit your quality of life. Take a calculated risk...
Originally Posted by Osek206

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

ME NO PASS wrote:

Mojodmonky1 wrote:

maybe she didnt apply herself and look for job opportunities while still in school.  maybe she just assumed that companies would be lining up to hire her since she had a PhD.

phd....biochemistry..sushi waitress? man she gotta be ugly or fat or both

what kinda bootleg sushi restaurants you goin to?  the sushi waitresses at my local spot are atleast 6's or higher.  aint no fat or ugly ones there.
 haven't seen a fat sushi waitresses ever.

She looked good though!! 7-8 according to NT standards. She was married as well, but she was definitely not ugly or fat. I think it was just tough for her to find work. Her husband is finishing his PhD in petroleum engineering here at TAMU. She couldn't find work in the region. At one point she taught at the local community college with my wife but it was too stressful for her.
i can see both sides of the story but you have to be somewhat thankful to have a job and make a stable income. sure 42K may not be your preference but don't just quit and move on. perhaps baltimore is not the "ideal" industry for your field
Originally Posted by Ryda421

i can see both sides of the story but you have to be somewhat thankful to have a job and make a stable income. sure 42K may not be your preference but don't just quit and move on. perhaps baltimore is not the "ideal" industry for your field

Originally Posted by Osek206

 But really I'm mad as hell. I decided to move in with my brother to change my life around because making 42k after 6 years experience in the Environmental Health and Safety field with my degree in Environmental Studies just doesn't make since to me. I'd like to move back to the westcoast, Baltimore sucks to me but I really need to change my career first or it would be a pointless move.  Has anyone successfully changed their career around and actually became more successful in the process? Tips would help but ultimately I'm going to need a new direction.
You work in EHS and make that little?  I work in the same field as you.  My BS was also in a similar field as yours.  My first job in EHS, out of college, was around 50K USD.  I stayed for 14 months, and jumped ship and got a new gig that pays 25-30% more.  A lot of my professors are consultants on the side and they make a lot of money.  Once you gain a lot of knowledge in the field, be it lock out/tag out, haz waste, etc. you have a real advantage on your side. 

With 6 years of experience, you should be in the 6 figure range by now, or very close to it at least.  I'm basing this information on what I make and what my friends, and others in the field make. 

$42k is REALLY low for a job in this field.  At my former job, I was having a hard time finding associates to come on board because we were offering $45k/year.  And this was for a job with no experience required.  We just wanted the degree.

Are you a CSP or at least an ASP? 

I'm sure I will switch fields soon due to my own preference.  But this field pays comfortably.  

Lastly, have you tried to go into environmental consulting?  That's where the real money is.  I'm sure you have enough experience throughout the 6 years to do for it, ie dealing with OSHA inspections, EPA, knowing MSDSs, etc.

In my observation those sorts of degrees mainly have jobs in more environmentally progressive states (ie. not red states).
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Slightly off-topic, however...
I know the economy's bad, people are out of work, etc, etc, but why has the general theme lately been that people should settle (and be totally happy) with whatever they're getting paid?  Is it wrong to feel like your education + experience should make you worth more?
Every time I see a thread about jobs or salaries its a bunch of people saying "you should be happy with that salary" "that's more than enough to be comfortable" "I got a friend with 5 masters and 3 doctorates who makes 8.00/hour"  

If you're cool with you salary (whatever it may be) because you feel it is appropriate considering your experience and education that's perfectly fine.  But if you're only cool with your salary because you're comparing yourself to other people who make less or because somebody else is telling you that's what you should be happy with y'all are seriously limiting your growth and devaluing yourself.


Time Out....
. I was briefly reading this thread before going to sleep (after a long week, of working a part time job that makes more than your friend...)

I don't know what your friend is doing but if I had a Masters... let alone a Doctorates I wouldn't be making merely "$8.00/hr." I really wanna call ducktales on this one but can you somewhat clarify his situation, without going too personal into details. I think it's either mere stupidity or just straight up horrific luck to be caught on that end of the career stick.

With that said, I feel the same way with my degree. I've already outlined my regret in other threads, however it's just like what everyone else is doing. I think I'll start reaching out to some fellow UC alums on LinkedIn hopefully they'll have better gigs lined up because I am done with my current job, the co-workers don't really make it any better
at this point, i'm hoping i can make $42k 6 years out of college...i had an internship last summer in the marine insurance field, and no offers for this summer.  i'm getting a degree in political science, with minors in financial econ, corporate strategy and latin american studies...i'll be a senior next year, and i'm starting to feel like i really wasted my parent's money...and i'm at a top 20 school...
^ I hope your going into law, or getting a MBA at that same top 20 school or better.
When I was getting fitted for my running shoes I met a girl who just got her master's in Religion or something along those lines. I asked her what she was planning on doing with that and she told me "I dunno yet." She was probably making $10/hr there. She was cute too. It's hard on this boulevard.
Originally Posted by Weekz

In my observation those sorts of degrees mainly have jobs in more environmentally progressive states (ie. not red states).
This is true for environmental consulting, but EHS is nation wide.  OSHA can give you an unannounced visit at any given time.  Furthermore, if your company has more than 50 employees, you are required to have plans set, ie safety annual training, evacuation drill, etc.  Also, the EHS team does not make money for the company, but rather saves the company.  Workers comp is a big one.  If your employee gets hurt on the job, you are responsible for the treatment.  And yes, you can be litigated if the employee wants to take you to court.
Originally Posted by MHT214

Originally Posted by Osek206

 But really I'm mad as hell. I decided to move in with my brother to change my life around because making 42k after 6 years experience in the Environmental Health and Safety field with my degree in Environmental Studies just doesn't make since to me. I'd like to move back to the westcoast, Baltimore sucks to me but I really need to change my career first or it would be a pointless move.  Has anyone successfully changed their career around and actually became more successful in the process? Tips would help but ultimately I'm going to need a new direction.


But in all seriousness; do what you think will benefit your quality of life. Take a calculated risk...
Im going to keep it real. Alot of jobs arent paying. Yea you got guys making 70K+ but best believe they are modern day slaves. Fools pulling 60+ hours weeks on the regular to make that salary.

Realistically, 90% of the time you aren't going to get those jobs without a hookup anyway. Basically someone has to literally put your resume in the hands of the hiring manager.

My advice to the guys with degrees is join a local trade association for whatever you want to do so you can network. Your pretty much guaranteed to land something that way. Downside is some organizations require a membership fee to attend the meetings. Well worth it if you ask me though.
Originally Posted by IcyyyESR Two3

at this point, i'm hoping i can make $42k 6 years out of college...i had an internship last summer in the marine insurance field, and no offers for this summer.  i'm getting a degree in political science, with minors in financial econ, corporate strategy and latin american studies...i'll be a senior next year, and i'm starting to feel like i really wasted my parent's money...and i'm at a top 20 school...
come join the military with me pro. I'm going to Navy OCS soon.
Originally Posted by IcyyyESR Two3

at this point, i'm hoping i can make $42k 6 years out of college...i had an internship last summer in the marine insurance field, and no offers for this summer.  i'm getting a degree in political science, with minors in financial econ, corporate strategy and latin american studies...i'll be a senior next year, and i'm starting to feel like i really wasted my parent's money...and i'm at a top 20 school...

Why do you have three minors? And what do you plan to do with a minor in Latin American studies?
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Im going to keep it real. Alot of jobs arent paying. Yea you got guys making 70K+ but best believe they are modern day slaves. Fools pulling 60+ hours weeks on the regular to make that salary.

Realistically, 90% of the time you aren't going to get those jobs without a hookup anyway. Basically someone has to literally put your resume in the hands of the hiring manager.

My advice to the guys with degrees is join a local trade association for whatever you want to do so you can network. Your pretty much guaranteed to land something that way. Downside is some organizations require a membership fee to attend the meetings. Well worth it if you ask me though.
You dont need to put in 60 hours to make a $70k salary, although it's not uncommon. You can easily get $70k jobs without a hookup. It all comes down to YOUR OCCUPATION. You can easily earn $70k as a software developer or mechanical engineer with 2 years of experience. Entry level software developers are starting at $50-$60k
what was so bad about living on the east coast and Baltimore( especially Canton, which is a great place for young professionals) ?

just asking cuz at first you made it sound like u hate your Job, how much money you make, and your degree wasn't working for u..... but now it seems like the location was making u miserable or u got homesick
To the OP it's time to move on. You're degree will only take you as far as you're willing to go with it.
Having a job lined up before I graduate feels good man 

Electrical Engineering FTW
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