MUST READ!!! Finishline horror story...

Another reason why I never shop at Finishline anymore. From their shoddy online restock policy, to them not refunding money until 5-7 business days later, I will not deal with their BS.
Another reason why I never shop at Finishline anymore. From their shoddy online restock policy, to them not refunding money until 5-7 business days later, I will not deal with their BS.
Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

The reason why he wouldn't take them back is because of what they were...

If you had pair of Reebok's or something WITHOUT a release date, it wouldn't have been a problem.

The reason? They're Jordans. The average person doesn't want them if they dont get them on the release day, or with it just one/two pairs, they run the risk of keeping them, unless somebody comes in and miraculously wears THAT size.

Stores started really cracking down on stuff like this during the AJ XI SJ launch...people tryin to resell bought 'em up tryin to cash in, couldn't get 'em off, and returned multiple pairs to stores, orders. Corporate for Foot Locker & Finish Line stepped in and no longer accept returns on major releases.

The problem's not on the receipt, or any signs/postings...BUT, it IS at the manager's discretion. Customer service will cater to you, BUT won't do anything to the manager since this policy has been put in place, so don't expect him to get fired or reprimanded. It's not gonna happen. I know this cause I worked for FL for 9 years.

As for "greedy resellers", cut it out....if you've bought a release you missed out on off of here, Ebay, ISS, etc....then you supported it. BUT....that's a whole 'nother argument.

Not sure how I think about that response.

Things are changing, if a customer calls the 1-800 they will usually get their way.

Space Jams were sold out the same day.

I miss the job but not the customers.

We would refuse returns because it would be too early in the day. 
Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

The reason why he wouldn't take them back is because of what they were...

If you had pair of Reebok's or something WITHOUT a release date, it wouldn't have been a problem.

The reason? They're Jordans. The average person doesn't want them if they dont get them on the release day, or with it just one/two pairs, they run the risk of keeping them, unless somebody comes in and miraculously wears THAT size.

Stores started really cracking down on stuff like this during the AJ XI SJ launch...people tryin to resell bought 'em up tryin to cash in, couldn't get 'em off, and returned multiple pairs to stores, orders. Corporate for Foot Locker & Finish Line stepped in and no longer accept returns on major releases.

The problem's not on the receipt, or any signs/postings...BUT, it IS at the manager's discretion. Customer service will cater to you, BUT won't do anything to the manager since this policy has been put in place, so don't expect him to get fired or reprimanded. It's not gonna happen. I know this cause I worked for FL for 9 years.

As for "greedy resellers", cut it out....if you've bought a release you missed out on off of here, Ebay, ISS, etc....then you supported it. BUT....that's a whole 'nother argument.

Not sure how I think about that response.

Things are changing, if a customer calls the 1-800 they will usually get their way.

Space Jams were sold out the same day.

I miss the job but not the customers.

We would refuse returns because it would be too early in the day. 
Finishline stay doing some grimey *+#%. The day of the cool grey XI release I left one mall because the line was 30+ deep so I get to the finishline @ a different mall not a soul in line. I walk up to the gate and the dude that works there put up a sign saying they did not get any cool grey's and i'm like hmm thats interesting because I had called up there before and they said they were going to have them. I take the L and head home. A couple hours pass and my brother decides to call just to see if they really didn't have any and we find out about 15 minutes after we left the employee was selling cool grey's my theory is that he was doing this to hook up his friends because the stores around here only get 2 pair in each size. I never went to that finishline again after that.
Finishline stay doing some grimey *+#%. The day of the cool grey XI release I left one mall because the line was 30+ deep so I get to the finishline @ a different mall not a soul in line. I walk up to the gate and the dude that works there put up a sign saying they did not get any cool grey's and i'm like hmm thats interesting because I had called up there before and they said they were going to have them. I take the L and head home. A couple hours pass and my brother decides to call just to see if they really didn't have any and we find out about 15 minutes after we left the employee was selling cool grey's my theory is that he was doing this to hook up his friends because the stores around here only get 2 pair in each size. I never went to that finishline again after that.
The reason they do this is because they have people (#!@%+*# at ones at that) buy release day jordans thinking they are gonna make $$$ and flip them, after a week or 2 dudes try and return for the money back, issue is the store gets stuck with these shoes majority of the time, no one wants 2 or 3 week old jordans unless its hyped.

Footlocker/Footaction/Champs doesnt take back release date products at the managers discretion now because of the same issue, same thing with house of hoops.
The reason they do this is because they have people (#!@%+*# at ones at that) buy release day jordans thinking they are gonna make $$$ and flip them, after a week or 2 dudes try and return for the money back, issue is the store gets stuck with these shoes majority of the time, no one wants 2 or 3 week old jordans unless its hyped.

Footlocker/Footaction/Champs doesnt take back release date products at the managers discretion now because of the same issue, same thing with house of hoops.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

The reason why he wouldn't take them back is because of what they were...

If you had pair of Reebok's or something WITHOUT a release date, it wouldn't have been a problem.

The reason? They're Jordans. The average person doesn't want them if they dont get them on the release day, or with it just one/two pairs, they run the risk of keeping them, unless somebody comes in and miraculously wears THAT size.

Stores started really cracking down on stuff like this during the AJ XI SJ launch...people tryin to resell bought 'em up tryin to cash in, couldn't get 'em off, and returned multiple pairs to stores, orders. Corporate for Foot Locker & Finish Line stepped in and no longer accept returns on major releases.

The problem's not on the receipt, or any signs/postings...BUT, it IS at the manager's discretion. Customer service will cater to you, BUT won't do anything to the manager since this policy has been put in place, so don't expect him to get fired or reprimanded. It's not gonna happen. I know this cause I worked for FL for 9 years.

As for "greedy resellers", cut it out....if you've bought a release you missed out on off of here, Ebay, ISS, etc....then you supported it. BUT....that's a whole 'nother argument.

Not sure how I think about that response.

Things are changing, if a customer calls the 1-800 they will usually get their way.

Space Jams were sold out the same day.

I miss the job but not the customers.

We would refuse returns because it would be too early in the day. 
That's why I said "customer service will cater to you"....

You'll get your gift card, Livestrong bracelet, or whatever else they'll send you....but the managers aren't budging.

SJ's were sold out the same're right, so imagine somebody comin in a week later with 2-5 pairs they couldn't get off for rape prices. It's gonna screw up your inventory, not the mention you'll get tired of 200 people asking "do you have a size __?!" when you've only got a few pairs, and that's IF anybody asks for 'em since for teenagers, it's not considered "cool" to get 'em a few days/week after.
Originally Posted by air max 87

The reason they do this is because they have people (#!@%+*# at ones at that) buy release day jordans thinking they are gonna make $$$ and flip them, after a week or 2 dudes try and return for the money back, issue is the store gets stuck with these shoes majority of the time, no one wants 2 or 3 week old jordans unless its hyped.

Footlocker/Footaction/Champs doesnt take back release date products at the managers discretion now because of the same issue, same thing with house of hoops.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

The reason why he wouldn't take them back is because of what they were...

If you had pair of Reebok's or something WITHOUT a release date, it wouldn't have been a problem.

The reason? They're Jordans. The average person doesn't want them if they dont get them on the release day, or with it just one/two pairs, they run the risk of keeping them, unless somebody comes in and miraculously wears THAT size.

Stores started really cracking down on stuff like this during the AJ XI SJ launch...people tryin to resell bought 'em up tryin to cash in, couldn't get 'em off, and returned multiple pairs to stores, orders. Corporate for Foot Locker & Finish Line stepped in and no longer accept returns on major releases.

The problem's not on the receipt, or any signs/postings...BUT, it IS at the manager's discretion. Customer service will cater to you, BUT won't do anything to the manager since this policy has been put in place, so don't expect him to get fired or reprimanded. It's not gonna happen. I know this cause I worked for FL for 9 years.

As for "greedy resellers", cut it out....if you've bought a release you missed out on off of here, Ebay, ISS, etc....then you supported it. BUT....that's a whole 'nother argument.

Not sure how I think about that response.

Things are changing, if a customer calls the 1-800 they will usually get their way.

Space Jams were sold out the same day.

I miss the job but not the customers.

We would refuse returns because it would be too early in the day. 
That's why I said "customer service will cater to you"....

You'll get your gift card, Livestrong bracelet, or whatever else they'll send you....but the managers aren't budging.

SJ's were sold out the same're right, so imagine somebody comin in a week later with 2-5 pairs they couldn't get off for rape prices. It's gonna screw up your inventory, not the mention you'll get tired of 200 people asking "do you have a size __?!" when you've only got a few pairs, and that's IF anybody asks for 'em since for teenagers, it's not considered "cool" to get 'em a few days/week after.
Originally Posted by air max 87

The reason they do this is because they have people (#!@%+*# at ones at that) buy release day jordans thinking they are gonna make $$$ and flip them, after a week or 2 dudes try and return for the money back, issue is the store gets stuck with these shoes majority of the time, no one wants 2 or 3 week old jordans unless its hyped.

Footlocker/Footaction/Champs doesnt take back release date products at the managers discretion now because of the same issue, same thing with house of hoops.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

send an email to corporate about your experience. you'll probably get a gift card.

that might've been the most childish and +#%**-made I've heard a manager of a chain store act like.  His head is a little too big if he's willing to look that simple, unprofessional in front of his employees.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

send an email to corporate about your experience. you'll probably get a gift card.

that might've been the most childish and +#%**-made I've heard a manager of a chain store act like.  His head is a little too big if he's willing to look that simple, unprofessional in front of his employees.
Originally Posted by air max 87

The reason they do this is because they have people (#!@%+*# at ones at that) buy release day jordans thinking they are gonna make $$$ and flip them, after a week or 2 dudes try and return for the money back, issue is the store gets stuck with these shoes majority of the time, no one wants 2 or 3 week old jordans unless its hyped.

Footlocker/Footaction/Champs doesnt take back release date products at the managers discretion now because of the same issue, same thing with house of hoops.
As long as this policy is disclosed to the consumer prior to or at the time of purchase (whether on the back of the receipt or a posted sign), I have no problem with the store refusing the return.

If it is an internal policy, how do they expect the customer's to know?  how can they hold the customer liable for not knowing about some internal back office policy?

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