MTV's The Challenge

For those that care this is the alleged cast(via vevmo)for the next season:
Quite a few nice surprises on there. Last year a few things were a little off at this time. There may be a few missing still.

They actually flew Derek (and I forget who else) out to Thailand as potential replacements if anyone on the Champions side got DQ'd. Nobody did, so they were never called upon. So, reports of other people being there were true, just nobody knew in what capacity until later.
You gotta like your chances if you're a female competitor. That field looks super weak when Cara and Camilla are the "big dogs".
They actually flew Derek (and I forget who else) out to Thailand as potential replacements if anyone on the Champions side got DQ'd. Nobody did, so they were never called upon. So, reports of other people being there were true, just nobody knew in what capacity until later.
Derrick never went to Thailand. They flew out Dylan and Emilee as alternates because they were worried about people quitting based on condition of Shelter. That's one thing we can't be sure about if someone is an alternate with cast. Last time they didn't even know Amanda was there til midway through. So we may be missing a few still.

I've read multiple things about Derrick, he was suppose to go(maybe as alternate) but he either got replaced because CT decided to do it last minute, or champs side got dropped to 4 after Sam dropped out. I think they left him stateside as an alternate. But they flew Dylan/Emailed home and it was originally thought they we eliminated.
That's a solid cast for the new season, especially on the male side.
That's the perfect cast for Aneesa to finally sneak a win. I can see Amanda winning it all too.

It all depends on the theme.
:rofl: They buggin. What fans have ever said they want to see the ppl in the challenges face pro athletes? :lol:

It will be entertaining to see Johnny Backpack fail to try and get in the head of pros.

Hopefully Camilla is there to go crazy on Lolo :lol:

Maybe one of the pros can set him off and bring the old chase you in your onesie pajamas I WILL END YOU CT back :nerd: :lol:
CT killed it.
Took out TBE.

Corey is a mainstay in the Finals.
He hasn't missed yet has he?
I want to knock Wayans but, I mean, he's there right...he earned his spot I reckon.

Ashley is odd man.
WTH was that, leave the alcohol alone girl.
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Cory will never will one IMO..his knees are too damaged to run a final that grueling.

CT with the smart strategy..too bad it wasn't something physical because Darrell would had the advantage.

Also that is a really good cast list for next season. Since the new producer came in, she was able to bring back even more OGs.
CT and Darrell man wish they both could of made the final. Now i'll be rooting for CT, Darrell still the goat.
For those that care this is the alleged cast(via vevmo)for the next season:Quite a few nice surprises on there. Last year a few things were a little off at this time. There may be a few missing still.
It looks like they are separated into three teams. If you look at it closely it looks like all the vets have the same color border, the recent RW all have a blue border and the AYTO cast have a green border....wonder what the theme is.
It looks like they are separated into three teams. If you look at it closely it looks like all the vets have the same color border, the recent RW all have a blue border and the AYTO cast have a green border....wonder what the theme is.

Yeah there's no confirmation on theme, but a lot of people suspect it to involve it being split that way based off cast members. Person who made image color coordinated it that way.
They rigged this whole thing so there'd be more underdogs in the final.

What a way for Darrell to go out.
Camilla is going to find a way to lose this Final. It's hers for the taking.

Nelson was in that water looking like Roy Lee :lol:
They rigged this whole thing so there'd be more underdogs in the final.

What a way for Darrell to go out.

right?? no offense to CT, but he definitely got chunkier. CT played the elimination really smart, but it's dumb how they didn't make it a physical contact elimination like the first two (Hall Brawl anyone)???

It's dumb they had Darrell/Laurel miss out with Cory/Nelson making it, smh.
CT and Darrell are too old and such Legends that, you don't want to tarnish either of their rep by having it be something brute.

I figured that is why they got the Softball.
Don't even think CT & Darrell were the primary focus in that elimination, they also had Laurel vs. Camilla to consider. If Cara or Ashley was in that spot, there would have been something more physical
so long lost wayans bro is from LA?? :smh:

dude seems boarder line slow.

Camilla so trash and feels herself way too much...

wish corey would dog her out but dude is too busy cupcaking and then pretending like he's running game in the confessionals :lol: :smh:
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Ashley is crazy :smh: :lol:

You wanna go home after making it to the end? :stoneface:

They knew the underdogs would be competing for 3rd place if it was 4 Champs in the final.

3rd place only gets $5,000 :lol:
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