MSNBC Lies Too

yall going hard in here

this +#+% is mad corny

its pointless, save your precious time on something worthwhile
I detest both Fox and PMSNBC because both promote radical agendas for their respective wings. Fox set the standard for "journalism" and others havefollowed suit to attract viewers.

Here's what I hate:

FOX is right-wing and unbalanced--- this is well established. What I don't like is that other media outlet like PMSNBC clearly provide the other side oflunacy AND promote the belief that the Democratic party is the answer to the rotten Republicans.

This is why I can't stand shows like the Daily Report or the Colbert program. They may deal in satire but I know they'll attack anything conservative(which is fine by me) yet off the Democratic party as the solution.

Both parties are crooked. Both parties feed off a saturated media industry which deals in indoctrination, propaganda and deceit.
Rex - You make a lot of great points, and I can't disagree with most of them. I still think you are probably overestimating MSNBC's power andunderestimating the power that Fox still holds in this country... mostly just based off their ratings alone.

Fox has FAR many more viewers than MSNBC, and it's continuing to grow that way as people are looking more and more to the anti-administration viewpoint ofthings (Fox).

It's almost 2 to 1 across the board, Fox viewers over MSNBC.

And what's funny is that if i remember correctly, these ratings were even MORE to the favor of Fox news about 4 years ago.

MSNBC should be considered dangerous in many ways, but let's not act like they have anywhere near the power of Fox news even to this day.
The main problem with the media today is the 24-hour news cycle and entire networks competing for viewers. All the big media companies do now is find anaudience and then pander to them. I think its obvious that Fox and MSNBC are the extremes of this instance but I think the difference between them is that Foxclaims not only to be fair and unbalanced but also the only news channel people should ever watch because all of the other channels have a liberal bias. MSNBCdoes act like all republicans are mean spirited idiots but in all honesty, republicans right now are not really helping their case. Like essential'sstatus says, some stuff has a liberal bias just becasue that is what reality dictates. Micheal Steele and Sarah Palin were chosen for their jobs because ofObama and Hilary, that I think is clear. With all that said, CNN is the best we have because they actually report and have unbiased panels debate the largerissues. Of course they have people like Sanchez who go after the Fox but the majority of the reporters are unbiased.
Kinda glad to see the thread grow.

I listen to a lot of cspan and npr in the car and really enjoy hearing different perspectives (cspan) i cant believe some people actually believe right wingconspiracies. What i found intresting is this old woman was saying how she watches fox for entertainment. I would imagine a large number of people do. I try toavoid cable news at all costs. Like I said in the Rick Sanchez thread pundits are the downfall of cable news. I miss when CNN reported instead of having hosts.
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