Most tasteless tattoo I've ever seen (PICS)

Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by THE FAME

His body..his thoughts...I could care less.

Co-sign I don't think some of these people realize that...smh

You say that to people who lost family that day. See what they see. My uncle pulled people out of the rubble that day, and I'm offended and angered.

Your uncle...not you what gives you the right to be angry at this guy? What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you...That's what I love about America(U.S.A)...
What gives him the right to be angry? Are you stupid? The guy made a mockery of innocent people killed. The issue isn't about the guy expressing his freedom, it's about how he expressed it.

...Wow you just implied me being stupid. Here's a tip if you are arguing don't name call because that takes away all your credibility to argue. So thepoint of you arguing have been thrown out the window and this turns into a name calling fest...which I will not be a part of.
I bet you guys wouldn't punch someone with a swastika tattooed on their body, what makes this one more offensive than any other hateful tattoo? Youcan't be selective just because you think you can beat up the person wearing the tat.
Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

You made a stupid comment. That's my opinion. I'm not going to call you names. I don't want or need to.

Haha you just proved my point I win. /sarcasm
Okay referring back to this,
What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you...
No he doesnt. There's a limit to our freedoms. There's a reason it's illegal to shout 'FIRE' in a theater, just likethere's a reason you cant go around spreading threatening/harmful hate speech. Obviously it's not illegal for him to get a tattoo, but he can't goaround showing it off and parading it to people. The tattoo is offensive and could be potentially harmful to himself, if no else.

And Worlds Enemy covered why I have the reason to be angry. I'll be damned if I'm content with a guy making fun of a terrorist attack that killedthousands.
Originally Posted by 18key

Okay referring back to this,
What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you...
No he doesnt. There's a limit to our freedoms. There's a reason it's illegal to shout 'FIRE' in a theater, just like there's a reason you cant go around spreading threatening/harmful hate speech. Obviously it's not illegal for him to get a tattoo, but he can't go around showing it off and parading it to people. The tattoo is offensive and could be potentially harmful to himself, if no else.

And Worlds Enemy covered why I have the reason to be angry. I'll be damned if I'm content with a guy making fun of a terrorist attack that killed thousands.

...So you have never made fun of any type of race, event, etc? There aren't supposed to be limitations on our freedoms but people like you make it possiblefor politicians to do that. Look the Patriot Act for example. If it's offensive to you then I suggest you gouge out your eyes so you don't have to seeanything else that might offend you.
He can do what he wants but he better be ready when someone loses their cool and comes at him. and btw i dont know how to quote but this: "Your uncle...not you what gives you the right to be angry at this guy? What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom toput whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you...That's what I love about America(U.S.A)..." is stupid and you are a stupidperson for writing this..
What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you
yes, that's fine...but it's also a FREEDOM to be angry at the tat.

don't confuse Freedom of Speech (without repercussion from LEGAL prosecution) with being able to say anything without ANY repercussion.
It's funny, but only over the internet, nah mean? that is the type of tastless, clasless +!*+ i love to see other people post on message boards
No he doesnt. There's a limit to our freedoms. There's a reason it's illegal to shout 'FIRE' in a theater, just like there's a reason you cant go around spreading threatening/harmful hate speech. Obviously it's not illegal for him to get a tattoo, but he can't go around showing it off and parading it to people. The tattoo is offensive and could be potentially harmful to himself, if no else.

And Worlds Enemy covered why I have the reason to be angry. I'll be damned if I'm content with a guy making fun of a terrorist attack that killed thousands.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you
yes, that's fine...but it's also a FREEDOM to be angry at the tat.

don't confuse Freedom of Speech (without repercussion from LEGAL prosecution) with being able to say anything without ANY repercussion.

Yeah...ok verbal repercussion or physical if it's physical is all I can say.

if i saw that in person.. i'd probably do something regrettable to that guy.. real talk... thats one thing i take extremely serious
Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

What happened to freedom of speech etc he has the freedom to put whatever he wants on his body no matter how much it offends you
yes, that's fine...but it's also a FREEDOM to be angry at the tat.

don't confuse Freedom of Speech (without repercussion from LEGAL prosecution) with being able to say anything without ANY repercussion.

Yeah...ok verbal repercussion or physical if it's physical is all I can say.

what do you mean wow? I would definitely speak my mind if I saw someone with this. I know a few people who would beat the crap out of someone for wearing this.I can't imagine what would someone would do that actually lost someone. You're just asking for it having this sort fo tat. Not only is this one of theworst tragedies to ever happened but it happened in our lifetime. I swear, some people have no morals.
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