most likable celebrity vol liked by everyone?

Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, or Will Smith.

"Cornball ******" is something you hear in barbershops from dudes living paycheck to paycheck..

SMH, so you can't be a cornball if you have money? You must of been called that before.

Will Smith

Na I don't like Wills new direction in movie choices.

Ryan Gosling.

His movies aren't that good still don't get the hype.

Bra, she's a L, some people would kill her if they could. Three way tie between JT, Leo, and Derrick Jeter.
Who doesn't like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie though?

Pitt only does dope movies and Jolie like only cares about saving the world and spreading awareness.
This thread is straight comedy. My votes would be JT, Snoop, Chappelle, and Kevin Durant. A friend of mine met KD in 2010, he said he was real chil and nobody was really bothering them. They were on 5th Ave at night too.
Who doesn't like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie though?

Pitt only does dope movies and Jolie like only cares about saving the world and spreading awareness.

Jen Aniston and her fans probably don't like them. There's probably women out there who don't like Jolie either.

I would say Michael J. Fox.
well i mean i dont think thats fair u HAVE to like MJF. u cant not like somebody who has a debilitating disease. its just insensitive

Well, even before his condition was public he seemed to be well liked. Back to the Future and Marty McFly are iconic and loved. He was great in Spin City too. His guest spot on Scrubs was funny.
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