More History: Michael Steele Picked To Lead GOP (1st African-American)

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

HOLY +*+@! ... thats my man right there ... i cant believe he actually made it this far in politics ... when they tried to reform me when i was younger he was the dude who sat me down and tried to get me to practice my faith more ... he belongs to my church and i saw him at the mall a couple of months ago and said hi to him like he was a normal guy ... i may be able to get a job in politics after all ...

and for those of you saying "i wonder why" and blah blah blah ... he is the ONLY person aside from jindal that can hold his own when put up against democrats under pressure and actually sound intelligent ... he was going around all over the media outlets including the ultra liberal, defending the GOP and stating his case ... this is a very very very very very good look for republicans ...

If somehow he becomes the nominee in 4 years he will ABSOLUTELY DISMANTLE Obama ... im calling it right now ... if it is a Steele/Palin, Steele/Rice, Steele/whoever ticket, they will take over the presidency in a heartbeat ... in fact, it wont veen be close ... yall think Obama is articulate and captivating, wait till you get to know my man Steele ...
IDK anything about this guy but just as with Obama, it's refreshing to hear good things about him. Since I don't like you, I don't know if I'd like the people you like I like that the only thing I'veheard about him so far is stuff that you said which all sounds pretty cool and all. Being a regular joe in the mall and at church beats the hell out of beingthe next big scandal, right? I don't care if he beats Obama in 4 years just as long as whoever wins is looking out for me and people like me
. I wishhim the best of luck.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

IDK anything about this guy but just as with Obama, it's refreshing to hear good things about him. Since I don't like you, I don't know if I'd like the people you like I like that the only thing I've heard about him so far is stuff that you said which all sounds pretty cool and all. Being a regular joe in the mall and at church beats the hell out of being the next big scandal, right? I don't care if he beats Obama in 4 years just as long as whoever wins is looking out for me and people like me
. I wish him the best of luck.
im not the hannity type ... im a republican because i believe in the very basic republican way of thinking as opposed to the democratic way ofthinking about thinking (low blow) ... that being said, i hope obama is the best president weve ever elected and i hope his plans come through and our countrybecomes great again because of Barack Obama ... but im just not seeing it ... i will stand up and eat crow if he does and be happier than a pig in #$%% ...

that being said, i really want yall to understand what type of person michael steele is ... im talkin about a family man, a values man, a man that understandsthe highs of the highs and the lows of the lows ... this is the first time ive personally felt excited about a politician, not because i know him, but becausei KNOW HIM ... at least i know if he starts doing some sideways stuff that it really is true that all politicians are puppets ...

he better move out of maryland though bcause he will never be governor or anything in this god forsaken state ... smh
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

IDK anything about this guy but just as with Obama, it's refreshing to hear good things about him. Since I don't like you, I don't know if I'd like the people you like I like that the only thing I've heard about him so far is stuff that you said which all sounds pretty cool and all. Being a regular joe in the mall and at church beats the hell out of being the next big scandal, right? I don't care if he beats Obama in 4 years just as long as whoever wins is looking out for me and people like me
. I wish him the best of luck.
im not the hannity type ... im a republican because i believe in the very basic republican way of thinking as opposed to the democratic way of thinking about thinking (low blow) ... that being said, i hope obama is the best president weve ever elected and i hope his plans come through and our country becomes great again because of Barack Obama ... but im just not seeing it ... i will stand up and eat crow if he does and be happier than a pig in #$%% ...

that being said, i really want yall to understand what type of person michael steele is ... im talkin about a family man, a values man, a man that understands the highs of the highs and the lows of the lows ... this is the first time ive personally felt excited about a politician, not because i know him, but because i KNOW HIM ... at least i know if he starts doing some sideways stuff that it really is true that all politicians are puppets ...

he better move out of maryland though bcause he will never be governor or anything in this god forsaken state ... smh
That low blow made me

I respect your views on the matter and I know, that extra strong Obama poster type HOPE (high blow) that this guy is what you say he is. Because Democratic OR Republican, we're all American. And the more positive and productive leaders we have, the better.
touche RNC. touche.. Maybe they are trying to be an inclusive party now if so I applaud them. But it will be a long time before they can do what they need to,in order to be the Republican Party not the GOP. It is the same thing I know but when you call yourself the Grand Ole Party you are not making fans 1. becauseyou are being condescending 2. the word old doesnt help in politics.
But if they are actually trying to stop the obstructionst ways and be real then thats good and im happy
im telling yall ... i think this obama %@$ whooping opened the GOP's eyes forreal ... the bill they proposed as an alternative to the one that will gothrough is AMAZING and im not just saying that cuz im a republican ... now they pick Steele ... i like the way they are reacting
regardless of whether or not the bill is amazing, public perception of what house republicans did is not good at all.
yeah well theres only one way to change perception ... go back to the presidential election threads when "people" (ahem ahem) suggested that maybethe GOP should pick an african american to head it up ... ... ... everyone laughed in that persons face saying there was no way in hell those hill billys dothat ... im telling you son they really got their %$*!$ kicked this past election and seem to be learning from it ... they dont like not having control LOL
Republicans will hate on anything Obama tries to pass. They don't want Democrats running a monopoly on the white house like they did during the FDR years.
if it works it works ... plain and simple ... when you have 11 of your own kind voting against the bill, something is wrong, point blank ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

if it works it works ... plain and simple ... when you have 11 of your own kind voting against the bill, something is wrong, point blank ...
11 of 252 really???? That's 5% that doesn't show anything.
All I know is Ehrlich and Steele f**ked MD up the 4 years they were in charge...dude is just another token black republican
Originally Posted by Essential1

11 of 252 really???? That's 5% that doesn't show anything.
it shows something ... maybe theres only 11 people who actually care about America and not their own political agenda

All I know is Ehrlich and Steele f**ked MD up the 4 years they were in charge...dude is just another token black republican
i bolded the most important part of your statement ... dude is an L7 weenie ... he has no clue what he is doing and he had to choose Steele justto make sure he could carry some black votes ... and what party is Ehrlich again?
So 177 Republicans follow political agenda???? Man I take it back they are a terrible party and Michael Steele is just to appease black which won't happenbecause of Socially Conservative views. Thanks for clearing up what I wasn't seeing before.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by Essential1

11 of 252 really???? That's 5% that doesn't show anything.
it shows something ... maybe theres only 11 people who actually care about America and not their own political agenda

All I know is Ehrlich and Steele f**ked MD up the 4 years they were in charge...dude is just another token black republican
i bolded the most important part of your statement ... dude is an L7 weenie ... he has no clue what he is doing and he had to choose Steele just to make sure he could carry some black votes ... and what party is Ehrlich again?

Republican...also your judged by the company you keep, so what does that say about your boy Steele? He couldn't control one dumba**, so how do expect himto control a whole party of them?
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by Essential1

11 of 252 really???? That's 5% that doesn't show anything.
it shows something ... maybe theres only 11 people who actually care about America and not their own political agenda

All I know is Ehrlich and Steele f**ked MD up the 4 years they were in charge...dude is just another token black republican
i bolded the most important part of your statement ... dude is an L7 weenie ... he has no clue what he is doing and he had to choose Steele just to make sure he could carry some black votes ... and what party is Ehrlich again?

Republican...also your judged by the company you keep, so what does that say about your boy Steele? He couldn't control one dumba**, so how do expect him to control a whole party of them?
Yall dudes is willin', Maryland was not messed up when Ehrlich was in office. It wasn't messed up before Ehrlich. Its not messed upafter Ehrlich. Now if you want to say Baltimore, well Baltimore has been messed up before Ehrlich, during Ehrlich, and is messed up after Ehrlich. Im aDemocrat by the way, but yall throwing dirt on the man's name. Let the dude live.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

i see what they did there.

I mean, I hope I'm wrong.
But this to me is more of a reaction and a bit of shrewd maneuvering than actual progress for the GOP.
In other words, if Obama didn't win, ain't $##% would have changed over there.
I could be wrong... But I doubt it.
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