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Ironic, I kicked my girl out the apartment today.

But she insists we stay together.

I don't know whats going to happen. Sorry NT no story for yall, Im not the type to talk about this sorta thing in detail over the net.
Damn man, this chick got you man.
What you should've done was spend some time with you ex or tell her that you are and see how she would've reacted.....than again she sounds like shemight've been cool with it, since she out acting trifling.
Hey man from what you've been explaining on NT, you seem that you let this slide and got past it amazingly quick. My advice for your next relationship is not to be so willing to bend over backwards for these girls if they don't deserve it. Respect in a relationship is just as important as trust and communication. Your on the right track man keep it up but don't forget this isn't really over between you and your ex. When she calls you in a couple days or whenever be about your business and nothing else, she doesn't deserve anything from you especially your time.

She'll eventually remember what she didnt like about her ex and probably come running back to you, tell her you moved on to better things.
Yeah I don't even know how I'll react if/when she tries to talk to me. She always sound like nothing affects her so who knows. Its likeshe built a wall around her heart. She could be cold as ice sometimes. I mean I'm no angel but I think I was more ready for the future because I madecommunication a habit. I make sure I know what the other person is feeling and I make sure they know how I'm feeling.

Damn man, this chick got you man.
What you should've done was spend some time with you ex or tell her that you are and see how she would've reacted.....than again she sounds like she might've been cool with it, since she out acting trifling.
Well I don't have any ex's since I never had a true girlfriend. Just female friends in the past. But she says she wouldn't have caredbut that should have dinged in my head "she is not for you" but it didn't until yesterday.
Sucks man
It's all good fam. At least you got out before things got to be too serious and you really got yourself hurt.

You're young and like you said, you'll find another girl, a better girl.

Keep ya head up fam.
You don't need to stress over someone who disrespects your wishes through more than one occasion. She obviously has a thing for her ex, and you did good bynipping it in the bud.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

You don't need to stress over someone who disrespects your wishes through more than one occasion. She obviously has a thing for her ex, and you did good by nipping it in the bud.
Her real good friend said the same thing. You know it must be something wrong when one of your own friend CAN'T defend you. She met some of myfamily too. My mama really liked her and was ready and waiting to treat her like one of her own
. Oh and to give y'all a bit of background info we almost broke up onThanksgiving too. The holidays have not been kind to yo boy.
Your the same dude telling me how much of a "man" you were because of how much you loved your girl and because you would never smash someone elsesgirl cause you wouldnt stoop to being a "dog"

Crazy story though, dont even stress her....
as bad as it hurts, you made the right move. I hadthe check my chick for that before. good luck out here. you going into the new year so enjoy the benefits.and stick to your guns cause if you go back its mad different and requires so much extra trust.
dude I feel you 100%

my gf broke up with me on Xmas eve as you probably saw the thread, girls are evil

luckily I have a pretty sexy chick I went out with a few times last year on standby now so atleast I can get my Charles Barkley on and rebound
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Your the same dude telling me how much of a "man" you were because of how much you loved your girl and because you would never smash someone elses girl cause you wouldnt stoop to being a "dog"

Crazy story though, dont even stress her....
I said I was a man based off what I stand for. I still stand by what I said. Sometimes you don't get out what you put in and you have to makethe best decision for yourself. And I still think the act is shady to do. But I wont stress because I've already mentally moved on. You'll come aroundone day.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Your the same dude telling me how much of a "man" you were because of how much you loved your girl and because you would never smash someone elses girl cause you wouldnt stoop to being a "dog"

Crazy story though, dont even stress her....
I said I was a man based off what I stand for. I still stand by what I said. Sometimes you don't get out what you put in and you have to make the best decision for yourself. And I still think the act is shady to do. But I wont stress because I've already mentally moved on. You'll come around one day.

I feel you... Its just that the way you sounded you definitely coulda fooled me into believing that you found the perfect female for yourself.

Just curious, how old are you? And her?
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Your the same dude telling me how much of a "man" you were because of how much you loved your girl and because you would never smash someone elses girl cause you wouldnt stoop to being a "dog"

Crazy story though, dont even stress her....
I said I was a man based off what I stand for. I still stand by what I said. Sometimes you don't get out what you put in and you have to make the best decision for yourself. And I still think the act is shady to do. But I wont stress because I've already mentally moved on. You'll come around one day.

I feel you... Its just that the way you sounded you definitely coulda fooled me into believing that you found the perfect female for yourself.

Just curious, how old are you? And her?
I just turned 20 at the end of Nov and she 18 so maybe the age difference caused a big mental gap. And I fooled myself into thinking I found theright one too
. But you know whats most salty? There was a girl lastyear that was giving me the "EYE
" and I turned her downbecause I was with my ex. I know thats what I'm supposed to do but talk about bad timing
. I still believe there is a right one out there. I don't hate her oranything, it just got to a point where I felt she was chasing the "Life" and I was ready to start looking pass that temporary stuff. I don'tthink she sexually cheated but the fact of the matter is she kinda pulled an emotional cheating. I'm kinda the boring type I guess. I don't like goingto parties/clubs for real. I' a home body but I do go out and what not. I was trying to make the effort to be more out going for the past two weeks but shewas always out with her friends and even when I asked I got rain checked. So it is what it is.

And I'm still puzzled by why she thought it was cool if she was skating with her ex and it was just them two.
20 and 18???

you got a lot more living my man, the first real break up is always the worst tho

I remember I was 19 and my "first love" was 18 when we broke up, i took it hard...pain lasted for months but what makes you weak now will only makeyou stronger later
Originally Posted by suge67

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by suge67

u should have played it cool and hit it one more time and given her a facial and put it online. i think its not to late to be like oh i was jus playing and take my suggestion
Shes a virgin. And plus I want to wait til marriage because of my beliefs and I wanted to focus on the other ares of the relationship.
well u should have spit on her or something

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