mods, please do something about this cali/ny stuff

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

If you are not included in a beef, might as well start a beef.

Ohio >>>> Texas

Houston>Cali>NY>Chicago>Alaska>*any foreign country here*> The U.S. except Ohio>Antartica>My backyard>Ohio
Is it true that in Texas, backyard gardens are just a bunch of sand castles? Have Texans ever thought that they were just America's giant litter box?
Cincinnati Reds: 0-1
Texas Rangers: 1-0

Oh, ok.

Could have sworn baseball had no correlation to how much a state sucked, but I mean if that's how y'all (is that how you say it down there?) want to act, the Texas Rangers have never been to a World Series.

Nice jab though. Opening Day always means a hell of a lot doesn't it? You smart Texan, you.
the rangers have been in texas for around 40 years and they have a grand total of 1 playoff victory to show for that.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Diego

[Typical Cali NTer] ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG, the earth just moved. I think we just had a 2.3 earthquake. How can we hop around on one leg and call it a dance with these horrible quakes[/Typical Cali NTer]

Uh no. Last time an earthquake thread was made on NT about a ~3.0'er, everyone laughed at OP. NY'ers would be scared of a 2.3.

And Oregon > all you. Without us, you arent on here arguing

If Oregon didnt exist, NIKE wouldve been founded in NY

NY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dirt off your shoulders>>>>>>>>>>>>>septic tank>>>>Cali>The South>>>The Ukraine>>>>Ohio>>>>OP and his sorry thread.>>>>>Oregon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NJ
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

I love how everyone just agrees that Ohio is trash.

   i might be in cleveland for a few days this summer.

Are you going to partake in the mass suicides that begin on July 2nd?
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