MNF - Indianapolis Colts (3-3) versus Tennessee Titans (6-0) 8:30 p.m. ET on ESPN

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Told you all that Tampa 2 scheme is old. Coaches have figured it and the defense was getting shredded. The scheme relies on constant pressure from the front four to the QB but once the game wears on and they get tired, it starts to die out. Best example, my baby Bears haha
Very true which is why you see the Bears playing more man and less Cover 2 because of the reason you stated.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by mjd77

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ill say it now like i did week 2... the Titans are TOUGH!

Packers bout to put that 1 in the L column though
I doubt it. Rodgers better not get too comfortable with that healed shoulder, cause there is a good chance it will get planted into the ground again. Rodgers patience will be severely tested in this one. Yes I am a Oilers/Titans fan.
The Titans are 7-0... its going to end at some point, the odds are against them every week from here on out, they are an excellent team, ive been saying it since week 2-3 that theyre one of the best. But they're primed to drop one.

Rodgers mobility >>>>>> Manning's.

And i believe 2 of those picks from Peyton last night game off tipped balls by his own receiver.

If the packers can win the TO battle then I think they have a great shot at winning this game, Ryan "Im going to break a big one until i stumble and fall" Grant needs to put up some rushing numbers too.

None of this stuff matters right now anyways... well see next Sunday, i cant wait.

I'm sure the Titans will lose a few - just not to GB. Their schedule is pretty brutal the second half. I am from WI, so I'll always root for the pack- as long as they are not playing Tennessee. I'll admit I am pleasantly surprised by the Titans. I thought they would be awful this season because oftheir lack of offense...maybe 5-6 wins.

When I was younger, Warren Moon was always my favorite, so that's how I became on Oilers fan, and I've been with them since Haywood Jeffries, DrewHill, the run and shoot, Jack Pardee and Buddy the year Commander Cody Carlson ran the show
(3-13 if I remember correctly). Then they brought on Fisher, drafted McNair andEddie George, moved to tennessee, finished 8-8 for like 3 or 4 years in a row, then got to the SB...been up and down ever since.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I've been a Titans fan since they was the Memphis Oilers, the season before they went to the Superbowl. I'm a homer fan anyway and will never change. Now that the Tigers bball and Titans had great seasons, its time for the Grizzlies to come up anytime soon.
Tennessee Oilers


You right. I meant to say when the Oilers when they were in Memphis the year before they reached the Superbowl.
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