Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation 07/31/15 Trailer PG1

Movie was really good. Wasn’t expecting it to be that long though but it didn’t matter. I was entertained from start to finish. I’m assuming the mustache on Cavill is the reason to blame for that terrible Justice league CGI upper lip on Supes.
Fantastic movie!

Whoever the fight / stunt coordinator was for this film is deserves a ton of praise for this one...The motorcycle sequence, and bathroom fight scene had me :wow:...Nevermind the helicopter and halo jump stuff...Just amazing...

Henry Cavill for Bond...Book it now...
While watching the movie I noticed there were a bunch of scenes that were in the trailer that didn’t show up...Helicopter flying head first into the truck being the major thing...Here I was thinking that there must have been issues with the production...Nope they just filmed way to many action scenes :lol:...Movie is A1...

Also watching just now that Tom Cruise actually did that halo jump and I’m just in awe...Say what you want to about his crazy personal life but this guy leaves it all out there for his fans...
While watching the movie I noticed there were a bunch of scenes that were in the trailer that didn’t show up...Helicopter flying head first into the truck being the major thing...Here I was thinking that there must have been issues with the production...Nope they just filmed way to many action scenes :lol:...Movie is A1...

Also watching just now that Tom Cruise actually did that halo jump and I’m just in awe...Say what you want to about his crazy personal life but this guy leaves it all out there for his fans...

Tom is the definition of movie star . It’s crazy I was listening to the rewatchables podcast and what they said about him after making mi2 and it turning him to an action star is true . It seems like he was on a different trajectory film wise before it came out .
Saw it in IMAX last night. Movie was good from start to finish. Action was insane. Wish I saw it in Dolby.
Can't wait to see it tomorrow, glad its getting praise on here.
Seeing it in Dolby, but may have to backtrack to IMAX for a second viewing because the building scene in Ghost Protocol literally took my breath away and the underwater scene in rogue nation and the helicopter opening did the same.

I've been playing Rogue nation nonstop at my house in anticipation
Fallout got me so hyped I had to rewatch Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation.

Fallout was great. The jump and helicopter chase/crash were crazy but I don't think it surpasses Tom scaling that Dubai building.

Hope MI7 brings back Renner and Patton.

Pretty much have it as:

Rogue Nation
Ghost Protocol

stillin729 stillin729 Change the thread title man.
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I remember seeing a comparison to Fury Road on twitter when the Social Media embargo lifted and wanted to not get that excited cause Fury Road was probably the best action film I'd seen in decades, well Fallout deserves to be its spot with the best action movies of all time. Already trying to plan to see it again after work next week in Dolby.

The fake out in the beginning, the halo jump, and bathroom fight was all within the first act and that felt like a full movies worth of action scenes :lol:

Ferguson, Monaghan, Kirby, and Bassett were looking A ******* 1, no surprise, the MI films always have fine looking women.
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When did eberybody else figure out Walker was Lark?

I knew the second Lark out the blue accused Ethan :lol: Before that I was like the fierce Asian dude was Lark, put up a great fight against 2 guys and got got by somebody he aint know about (who shouldn't have even been in there :lol: )

I swear as they kept going on about this Lark guy I was like why? :lol: He's not important. He's just one of the apostles you got a name on thats doing **** since Lane is locked up. Then Walker started crafting this conspiracy theory and I was like Oh I see whats going on here.

The only truly crazy thing MI couldve thrown at me is if somehow it was true and Ethan been a double agent. Sure they'd switch it up for the next movie and reveal some dude had a Hunt mask on but that'd be wild.
When are we gonna give Cruise the credit he deserves? This is without a doubt one of the greatest movie franchises ever.
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