Missing Girl From Monster Massive Rave Found! Real Story on Page 15

It's very good that she was found but honestly i can't say it's not partly her/you guys fault that this happened...you have to realize thepotential of something like this if you are gonna roll and need to stay together...hopefully nothing bad happened to her and let this be a lesson learned...
Originally Posted by MECKS

not really a time to joke.

since you guys are thirsty for details. she's at her grandparents, but that's not where she was found.
the Detective on the case went down there to talk to her and investigate if there was any foul play.

her faher couldn't tell us exactly what happened because he was understandably in tears and frantic....
I'd do the same thing. .

@ people cracking jokes... Hope this doesnt happen to anyone you know.
Yeah, definitely not the best idea to get separated when rolling. For the most part, raves are safe and most of the people there are peaceful but there'salways going to be a creeper or two at any function of that magnitude.
Its always good to hear when ppl end up missing that they're found alive..regardless the situation


imma preface this by saying she took 4 thizzelles all at once. she doesn't know what kind they were.
so she was with this guy she was really digging. she started dancing and just having a good time but the dude left her. so she just started dancing with groupsand just chllen.
when everything was over she finally realized the guy she was with (her "rave daddy") had left her.
this was apparently when she was walking on the street so she just starfed crying and walking aroung when a girl noticed her and asked her is she was okay. thegirl i guess realized how wierd she was acting and said she would take cared of her. appaerntly the girl lived in the valley so she took her way out there. shesaid she knocked out in the car and just remembers waking up sunday on the girls bed....





Back to the story:

sunday, she was too scared to go home. she didn't want to get everyone mad. the girl she was with also thought she was underage and was scared shed getcharged for kidnaping/sexual assault if she helped my friend get back. anyways eventually monday the girl took her to her grandparents and that's where westand now.

what strikes everyone as odd is she keeps changing her story. we don't know if she had sex with the first guy.. but she was on her . so I'm hoping thatsved her from any assault...


thanks for everyone with the help.

BTW. rhey are still looking for the guy that had her phone. he used the phone to call his friend in SD
why would the girl be afraid to return another girl who was on drugs?

maybe i'm missing something...

the hell were those pics?
And this is why you don't go to these type of events unless you're with people you could trust who got your back (inebriated or not).

EDC last year was more than enough for me to realize, raves aren't my thing anymore and the crowd is way too young to be going to these type of events
But good thing OP, they found that girl.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

why would the girl be afraid to return another girl who was on drugs?

maybe i'm missing something...

the hell were those pics?

They might think she drugged her, and what makes it worst is she's under age.
Great to hear she's in once piece. I don't know how pills are today, but when I was dropping, 4 pills at one time, would probably kill you. I meanthat's what probably got her to feel so down. Her mind must have been racing. She's a very lucky girl nothing happened.
That story doesn't make any sense what so ever. If I was the girl who "found" her. I would've immediately called the cop and told them that Ifound a girl and she was too impaired to comprehend with me.

The cops would've brought her back home a lot sooner and this whole mess wouldn't have happened.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

That story doesn't make any sense what so ever. If I was the girl who "found" her. I would've immediately called the cop and told them that I found a girl and she was too impaired to comprehend with me.

The cops would've brought her back home a lot sooner and this whole mess wouldn't have happened.

exactly...you don't take a stranger home cuz they are high...what is thizzing? is that like E?

somethings missing from her story...
I mean I can't really knock her for getting lost. It's a rave. Especially a massive one like this, you're going to get separated unless you'reholding hands the whole time. Even then, people like to go on their own journeys at raves.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

At first I thought it said We Hit It

Her story doesn't make sense. How would a stranger take her without reporting her to the police?

I think there is more to the story.
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