Millennials Are Running Out of Time to Build Wealth #brokebois

“Just don’t ________ and you’ll be fine”


nobody said to sit down and cry while taking no action. That’s some “faith in gods plan” type of BS thinking. But don’t sit back and let “the man” take no blame on this. “Work harder” is half the statement. Y’all keep your mouths shut as to why you don’t make more money doing what you’re doing while someone else is making 6 figures off you? Part of “working harder” is fighting back against that.

Old white man “work hard” to inherit land? Point is, know history, know why things are the way they are.
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Never ceases to amaze me the people who will argue for a system's failings. You literally gain nothing even if you did well enough.
Right? Working day in and day out for the right to live and nothing more all while there’s a group of people sitting back making a profit off your prime years of living. Y’all arguing for that? Just “hussle hard”? Lol
My dad worked part-time (as a newspaper boy) while doing school and paid off his school debt-free.

I went to school and worked part time. l came out of school with 50k in debt

we both went to state schools

With my dads next job (working in factory) he got the cars of his dreams during his adulthood

With my part time job, I bought every bucket car I could get that could get me from point A to B

By 30, my dad bought a house in California couple miles from the beach for <200k. He sold it a couple years back for 1.4 million.

He lives off his six-figure pension/social security combo now retired in his 60s. He just gets checks in the mail monthly from his pension/SS

He worked 1 job, standard 40hour gig (he didn’t contribute anything into his retirement)

I work 3 jobs (1 full time, 2 per diem) 60+hrs,run a business. I put away 15% of my income to retirement

I’ve objectively worked more and harder than him, but his net worth/wealth was and probably always will be > mine

we now have some of the most expensive education, that has skyrocketed in costs since the boomers generation


I have a mortgage at 2.6% interest (all of the interest is tax deductible)

i have student loans that I’ve consolidated at 6.8% interest that aren’t tax deductible
So to get your crib you had to move to a no name town in a lower tier part of your state and you don’t see the problem with it ?

Lol, so you think I feel lesser because I am not living in Chicago? I moved here for a reason... not just because I could get a much nicer house than I could in Chicago or anywhere in Colorado, but because I have family that is close and the neighborhood is very nice. I do not see a problem with that at all, as my family is happy.
No but 17-20 year olds are very impressionable, especially when they have teachers, parents, coaches, guidance counselors telling them "you need to go to college or you won't be s***t."

"Don't worry about student debt you'll have a great job and pay it off in no time."

This is honestly the biggest problem... people pushing everyone to go to college and making them think ot is necessary to earn a decent wage, which is simply not true. There is also a big problem in the lack of educating young people on credit. Many of our parents messed up their credit abusing credit cards, and instead of teaching them to use them responsibly they tell them not to work on their credit at all. Then everyone acts surprised when they can't get a mortgage because they have no credit history. Also we don't teach the importance of owning property. My father always told me there are two types of people in the world, those that pay rent, and those that collect it. Many people don't realize that in most places in the country, you can own property and pay less on a mortgage than on rent and build equity.
Hilarious how it's always the people and never the f`ed up system that's the problem.
System is ****** up too.
But how long are people gonna sit on their hands and wait or the system to be “fixed?” Do while you can right now and hope that **** gets fixed.

But I’m not gonna look back when I’m 65 and be like damn, the system still ****** up And I never did anything to better myself/wealth
Dudes in this very thread were getting unemployment checks all pandemic now all of a sudden personal responsibility is the biggest problem here. Where was the personal responsibility when you leaned on them checks to survive? Then they mention homeownership as if it’s somehow immune to the macroeconomic issues that plague the country. Dudes are morons at best.
System is ****ed up too.
But how long are people gonna sit on their hands and wait or the system to be “fixed?” Do while you can right now and hope that **** gets fixed.

But I’m not gonna look back when I’m 65 and be like damn, the system still ****ed up And I never did anything to better myself/wealth

I don't think anyone believes just sitting on you hands and doing nothing is okay. The sad reality is the system ain't ever gonna be fixed. Not in our lifetimes. All we can hope for is a few crumbs of positive change. Things are probably gonna get even worse for a while.
What does collecting unemployment during a nation wide pandemic when most people outside of "essential workers" were furloughed? Being a moron would be not taking a check that you already pain in to... what I got last year was pretty much equal to what I paid in taxes the year before... not exactly a "free" check.

As for the answer on how to fix the whole college scheme hustle... well, that's pretty damn simple. Don't go to expensive *** colleges that put you into massive debt "just because" or because it's something your parents wanted to do. Go to a community college first and figure out what you actually want to do, that actually makes money, in an area of the country that you want to live. It's not ******* rocket science.
it’s just not that easy to major in something that makes money like STEM or something like that.

there’s no way in hell I would of graduated college if I majored in anything STEM. I’m not using my degree now for my current job since I work a blue collar job now that has nothing to do with my major :lol:

I couldn’t even imagine taking high level calculus or engineering. Some people just aren’t wired to do good in those majors
I wanted to be an electrician. Took a few math classes. NOPE!

I’ll just stick to what I do now, enjoy it for the most part and make less money.
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