Mike Greenberg should be fired today for this @%%%

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

He probably tried saying King and Junior together and then messed up.

That's exactly what i thought when I saw the vid. I dont really think dude is racist.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

He slipped up
Exactly, but people WANT to have more to it. The fact is, it is what it is. Same thing with conspiracy theorists. Maybe those upset should transfer that energy into actual results. If you're really that mad, write ESPN.
I'm pretty sure no one WANTED Greenberg to refer to Dr. King as a racial slur. It's not like he said "Kuther" or "Jing" or "Munior" or anything other than a racial slur... But "the fact is, it is what it is."

Toughen up
I hope you never make any mistakes... The people calling for his head don't understand that this dude is afraid to to even think somethingpolitically incorrect.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

He slipped up
Exactly, but people WANT to have more to it. The fact is, it is what it is. Same thing with conspiracy theorists. Maybe those upset should transfer that energy into actual results. If you're really that mad, write ESPN.
I'm pretty sure no one WANTED Greenberg to refer to Dr. King as a racial slur. It's not like he said "Kuther" or "Jing" or "Munior" or anything other than a racial slur... But "the fact is, it is what it is."

Toughen up
I hope you never make any mistakes... The people calling for his head don't understand that this dude is afraid to to even think something politically incorrect.
If by "toughen up" you mean turn a blind eye or gloss over racial slurs being uttered (mistakenly or not) on national television...especially in this type of context... then no, I think not.

And no, I never make the kind of mistake Greenberg did
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

He slipped up
Exactly, but people WANT to have more to it. The fact is, it is what it is. Same thing with conspiracy theorists. Maybe those upset should transfer that energy into actual results. If you're really that mad, write ESPN.
I'm pretty sure no one WANTED Greenberg to refer to Dr. King as a racial slur. It's not like he said "Kuther" or "Jing" or "Munior" or anything other than a racial slur... But "the fact is, it is what it is."

Toughen up
I hope you never make any mistakes... The people calling for his head don't understand that this dude is afraid to to even think something politically incorrect.
If by "toughen up" you mean turn a blind eye or gloss over racial slurs being uttered (mistakenly or not) on national television... especially in this type of context... then no, I think not.

And no, I never make the kind of mistake Greenberg did

Have you written ESPN about your disgust yet? Or have you "turned a blind eye"? And bless your soul for never slipping up a word. May you be anexample for all of us. At the end of the day, nothing is going to happen. Why? He corrected himself immediatly after the tongue tie, and issued an unnecessaryapology. Do you even follow his show? Or just want to chime in on a witch hunt outing the racists? My friend, you are looking in the wrong area.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Have you written ESPN about your disgust yet? Or have you "turned a blind eye"? And bless your soul for never slipping up a word. May you be an example for all of us. At the end of the day, nothing is going to happen. Why? He corrected himself immediatly after the tongue tie, and issued an unnecessary apology. Do you even follow his show? Or just want to chime in on a witch hunt outing the racists? My friend, you are looking in the wrong area.
You're right, nothing is going to happen... and given the apology and the original circumstances, I don't believe further action is reallywarranted... so I will not write ESPN or pursue any kind of follow-up action. But it is NOT "unnecessary" toapologize for using a racial slur on national television; that, my friend, is VERY NECESSARY whether or not what hesaid was intentional.

And no, I don't follow his show. What does that have to do with this situation? Do I have to follow Mike & Mike to have an opinion on what happened? I never claimed any type of knowledge of the show or Greenberg that would make my familiarity with the show the slightest bit relevant.

I'm not out "looking" for racists... they usually do a good enough job of exposing themselves to any critically thinking person. And how is themedia the "wrong place" to analyze content for racism?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Have you written ESPN about your disgust yet? Or have you "turned a blind eye"? And bless your soul for never slipping up a word. May you be an example for all of us. At the end of the day, nothing is going to happen. Why? He corrected himself immediatly after the tongue tie, and issued an unnecessary apology. Do you even follow his show? Or just want to chime in on a witch hunt outing the racists? My friend, you are looking in the wrong area.
You're right, nothing is going to happen... and given the apology and the original circumstances, I don't believe further action is really warranted... so I will not write ESPN or pursue any kind of follow-up action. But it is NOT "unnecessary" to apologize for using a racial slur on national television; that, my friend, is VERY NECESSARY whether or not what he said was intentional.

And no, I don't follow his show. What does that have to do with this situation? Do I have to follow Mike & Mike to have an opinion on what happened? I never claimed any type of knowledge of the show or Greenberg that would make my familiarity with the show the slightest bit relevant.

I'm not out "looking" for racists... they usually do a good enough job of exposing themselves to any critically thinking person. And how is the media the "wrong place" to analyze content for racism?

He asked if you watch the show, because if you did you would know Mike Greenberg is the most politically correct, ultra-liberal on ESPN's payroll. Some ofyour (and others') comments show clearly that you don't have any prior knowledge of Greenberg's person or track record and it seems like you'reall just piling on.

It is funny that he's the one in the center of this controversy when he'd typically be the guy calling for apologies from other sportscasters forracist and sexist comments no matter how "harmless" some may perceive them.

But at the end of the day, Mike's not a closet racist, he speaks very quickly and if you DID watch the show you would know that he stumbles on his wordsand slips up often enough. It's just unfortunate that it happened in this circumstance.

The apology WAS necessary because no mater how innocent the mistake was and even though he did correct himself immediately, it did alarm and unsettle a lot ofpeople and the courteous thing was for him to apologize officially, and he did that. That should be enough.

It really wasn't that big a deal. Just a very unfortunate and public mistake. No need to call for the man's head.
Yeah I dont think this dude is a racist. Think about it, he's been on the air for l0 years straight rambling like all talk radio hosts do. SO I can see howhe could mess and say that especially if he trying to say the whole name.

Come on Mike Greenberg, a racist?


I could honestly see this dude letting Black dudes bang his wife, if you've ever seen the show if comes off as this sorta wimpy guy, seriously doubt hemean it.
first off i watch the show on espn2 when i am out late or still up and i must say mike greenberg is an articulate thought provoking guy from what i have seen.and i have prob watched/heard 23/30 hours of this show total in the past few years. without knowing or listening to them ever before its very easy to take anACCIDENT out of context. if you had watched the show you'd know that homie does ALOT of the talking. sort of like the play by play man in a basketballgame. he is responsible for the teases into and out of break, also has to spit out all the on air ads they make them do. so knowing that alone its easy to makea mix up. add in that as most have said in a rush its easy to get syllables misplaced/rushed when speaking quickly...

seems like alot of people calling for him to be fired almost WANT him to be a racist. you hear what you want to hear, and as i was taught in a few diffrentenglish classes if one has a strong enough opinion anything can be twisted and taken out of context. however part of rhetoric as it pertains to both thespeaker and listener is listening for tone and context. after the initial shock you cant tell me that its not clear that in this case he stumbled on his words.and for that you want him fired? we just got rid of a president who did the same exact thing for 8 years straight...give me a break.

one last thing and this might be a slight reach but those saying "well he said it so he must have thought it and use it everyday" you yourself areracist for that thought process. why you may ask..if this was an african american host itd be more of a "wow he butchered that" followed by a joke.however since this is a white man he HAS to be a racist?

if this incident is your definition of racisim youve had an easy life...just my two cents though.

oh and since it matters i am italian, and mexican.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I really am baffled as to why people don't understand that he just accidentally said the o sound one syllable too soon. Like, it wasn't like he accidentally said a sound that wasn't even in the name, he just said the oo sound in junior early on accident. This type of slip up happens all the time. People need to relax.

"King junior" vs "Koon Jingior" he just crossed his syllables. That's all.

An "accident" is not always "no big deal" just because it wasn't intentional. If I ram someone with my car "accidentally", I can't just yell out "sorry I didn't mean to!!" and just drive along. Some accidents and slip-ups are so unfortunate and potentially hurtful that there are consequences to deal with. This is one of those accidents.

Also, for those of y'all claiming it was a "Freudian slip," that would mean that some part of Greenberg really feels that King is a *%*%. Y'all are basically admitting to his (conscious or otherwise) racism.
Wait, you guys are seriously comparing a car accident to a word slip up? Car accidents have the potential to injure people, cause death, and damage personal property. I don't understand how someone trying to speak faster than theyprobably should, and mess up a word even how unfortunate it sounded, can compare to an accident... Do we call for peoples heads who ram their cars into othercars?

I can't believe I missed this
^ Nnarum... please tell me you didnt miss this one though...

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Dudes screamin reach but let me look yall moms in the face and say "You are the !%#+#, best woman I know" dudes gon wanna scrap. Homeboy was thinkin about him bein a #+@+ so he said that instead of what he was supposed to say.

If I'm talkin to somebody while I'm writing somethin and I say "end" to them, I'll write that on the paper instead of the intendin word I meant to write which would be "start". It's the same thing so don't try to take up for him

Let me come punch u in the face and say "Oops, I meant to shake ur hand"

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by nnarum

Have you written ESPN about your disgust yet? Or have you "turned a blind eye"? And bless your soul for never slipping up a word. May you be an example for all of us. At the end of the day, nothing is going to happen. Why? He corrected himself immediatly after the tongue tie, and issued an unnecessary apology. Do you even follow his show? Or just want to chime in on a witch hunt outing the racists? My friend, you are looking in the wrong area.
You're right, nothing is going to happen... and given the apology and the original circumstances, I don't believe further action is really warranted... so I will not write ESPN or pursue any kind of follow-up action. But it is NOT "unnecessary" to apologize for using a racial slur on national television; that, my friend, is VERY NECESSARY whether or not what he said was intentional.

And no, I don't follow his show. What does that have to do with this situation? Do I have to follow Mike & Mike to have an opinion on what happened? I never claimed any type of knowledge of the show or Greenberg that would make my familiarity with the show the slightest bit relevant.

I'm not out "looking" for racists... they usually do a good enough job of exposing themselves to any critically thinking person. And how is the media the "wrong place" to analyze content for racism?

He asked if you watch the show, because if you did you would know Mike Greenberg is the most politically correct, ultra-liberal on ESPN's payroll. Some of your (and others') comments show clearly that you don't have any prior knowledge of Greenberg's person or track record and it seems like you're all just piling on.

It is funny that he's the one in the center of this controversy when he'd typically be the guy calling for apologies from other sportscasters for racist and sexist comments no matter how "harmless" some may perceive them.

But at the end of the day, Mike's not a closet racist, he speaks very quickly and if you DID watch the show you would know that he stumbles on his words and slips up often enough. It's just unfortunate that it happened in this circumstance.

The apology WAS necessary because no mater how innocent the mistake was and even though he did correct himself immediately, it did alarm and unsettle a lot of people and the courteous thing was for him to apologize officially, and he did that. That should be enough.

It really wasn't that big a deal. Just a very unfortunate and public mistake. No need to call for the man's head.
That's great but I never asked for his resignation or for ESPN to fire him or claimed that Greenberg was racist. That's fine that hespeaks quickly and his words slip up sometimes but when his words slip up to utter a racial slur then an apology is called for even if he didn't intend it(which I never claimed he did)... So actually I think we're in agreement here.

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

An "accident" is not always "no big deal" just because it wasn't intentional. If I ram someone with my car "accidentally", I can't just yell out "sorry I didn't mean to!!" and just drive along. Some accidents and slip-ups are so unfortunate and potentially hurtful that there are consequences to deal with. This is one of those accidents.

Also, for those of y'all claiming it was a "Freudian slip," that would mean that some part of Greenberg really feels that King is a *%*%. Y'all are basically admitting to his (conscious or otherwise) racism.
Wait, you guys are seriously comparing a car accident to a word slip up? Car accidents have the potential to injure people, cause death, and damage personal property. I don't understand how someone trying to speak faster than they probably should, and mess up a word even how unfortunate it sounded, can compare to an accident... Do we call for peoples heads who ram their cars into other cars?

I can't believe I missed this
And you're still missing it...
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I really am baffled as to why people don't understand that he just accidentally said the o sound one syllable too soon. Like, it wasn't like he accidentally said a sound that wasn't even in the name, he just said the oo sound in junior early on accident. This type of slip up happens all the time. People need to relax.

"King junior" vs "Koon Jingior" he just crossed his syllables. That's all.

An "accident" is not always "no big deal" just because it wasn't intentional. If I ram someone with my car "accidentally", I can't just yell out "sorry I didn't mean to!!" and just drive along. Some accidents and slip-ups are so unfortunate and potentially hurtful that there are consequences to deal with. This is one of those accidents.

Also, for those of y'all claiming it was a "Freudian slip," that would mean that some part of Greenberg really feels that King is a *%*%. Y'all are basically admitting to his (conscious or otherwise) racism.
Wait, you guys are seriously comparing a car accident to a word slip up? Car accidents have the potential to injure people, cause death, and damage personal property. I don't understand how someone trying to speak faster than they probably should, and mess up a word even how unfortunate it sounded, can compare to an accident... Do we call for peoples heads who ram their cars into other cars?

I can't believe I missed this

I used the car accident as an example of a situation in which a lack of intent does not necessarily mean no one should be held accountable. I wasn'tcomparing the two, I thought that much was obvious. He slipped up, it was a horrific slip-up, he apologized sincerely, and it is over. My problem was with thepeople that were making it seem like this was a complete non-issue because he didn't mean it.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I used the car accident as an example of a situation in which a lack of intent does not necessarily mean no one should be held accountable. I wasn'tcomparing the two, I thought that much was obvious. He slipped up, it was a horrific slip-up, he apologized sincerely, and it is over. My problem was with thepeople that were making it seem like this was a complete non-issue because he didn't mean it.
If you weren't comparing the two why bring up such a dumb analogy? Because you're trying to make people see the relationship between the two ideas. Unfortunately, those those ideas have nothing to do with one another - nothing at all therefore there was no point in making the analogy you made.

Intent is EVERYTHING. Forget the implication of the word he happened to mutter. This was a mere fumbling of words, a momentary lapse of brain to motor skills - this happens to EVERYONE. You're going way too far by trying to state that this was something that deserved even the slightest kind of reprimand. This was not something that he meant to say "jokingly" only for it to fail miserably like the Don Imus incident or even something he said on the sly only to cover it up with a nicely packaged apology.

You may think you're being a socially conscious & morally upstanding citizen by bringing up the  explanation you did, but people like you who cry wolf over things like this only serve as a deterrent for dealing with real issues of racism and prejudice. You're so over the top with trying to be politically correct that it's actually more harmful than whatever it is you're campaigning against.
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