Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

There's a lot of ignorance in this thread, and I bet it's being spewed by mostly non black folks. It's not funny to make fun of people dying you#%#+%#$%. MJ did a lot for music as we know it today, especially for black artists. So say nice things or shut the @#%% up, cause karma always come back andmost times it comes worse.
What's the over/under on how many "streetwear" brands are going to juice the @%%$ out of Sir Michael now?
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Whos down for a Team Michael Jackson?
as much as I love his music and respect what the man did and would love to hop on the team, I couldn't do it.

I'd feel like I did just because he passed today and that's not the kind of person I am, I'm more of a casual fan, an admirer, so I'll casuallyfall back and watch the team.

since I haven't posted in here yet, R.I.P. Mike. I know you probably wouldn't agree with me right now but I'm downloading the hell out all yourCD's right now since I can't really get to a CD store right now and buy them all, and I don't have that much money on me.

It's all out of pure respect and for my cousin's sake though, you'll always be appreciated for your music if nothing else, you left the WORLDunited with a common meeting ground, yourself and your legacy, and no matter what anyone says you'll be missed, if nothing more because of your music,because you either gave them memories of their favorite music today, or helped inspire what came to be music from their favorite artists.
Originally Posted by DMasta718

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by lysolflow

Originally Posted by mjmoney23

Maybe as a show of respect, everyone should hold an infant over a balcony
lmao... that @%!! was funny...

what's really funny is how my daddy just came in here and gave me a 30 minute talkin to about Mike Jackson... and i'm sittin here thinkin "pop... i couldnt give any less of a f*ck about that..." lol... i didnt say that... but that's what i was thinkin...

i do feel bad for the old heads that feel bad, though... they takin it pretty hard... but its crazy how they hullin' the young folk.... i'm 20... and didnt grow up w/ mike... so i'm not gonna pretend like i'm sad... any person my age may prolly identify 4 to 6 songs by mike... but for the most part... all we caught was him holding babies, accusations of having sex w/ boys, plastic surgery, and turning into a ghooley-lookin creature...
I'm 20 and I bought all his albums. If your parents were fans chances are you were going to become a fan. At least thats how it was in my neighborhood. My mom had VH1 on when I was 5 and seeing the Bad video changed my life at THAT time. So that whole "no one my age" bs isn't going to pass for how disrespectful you are being.

-The Juice
Truth at least in my case. My mom is a huge MJ fan. All the time she would play Off the Wall album while cleaning the kitchen or playing it whenever. Always would catch his videos on VH1 cept Thriller
I thought my mom was the only one. I remember my olderbrother took me to the Blockbuster Records (
who remembers that?). And Ibought Off The Wall on CD. My mom almost collapsed in the kitchen. She couldn't believe that you could get a MJ record on a CD at the same time she wasconfused like "can I put this in the cassette player?"

-The Juice
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

There's a lot of ignorance in this thread, and I bet it's being spewed by mostly non black folks. It's not funny to make fun of people dying you #%#+%#$%. MJ did a lot for music as we know it today, especially for black artists. So say nice things or shut the @#%% up, cause karma always come back and most times it comes worse.
Race has nothing to do with it. If anything you are the one trying to play the race card. I liked his music, and I do know that he did alot fortodays music since he did inspire most of todays artists, just never liked him for the thought of him even touching little boys. And to those saying that hewas not found guilty, you can commit a crime and not get found guilty especially if the jury consists of possible crazed fans like most people on here happento be.
that one joke... the "who died..." that was funny... i didnt get it at first but i do now... lol...

but seriously... all those who feel bad cuz he affected you... that's cool... mourns much as you need to if Mike genuinely had an effect on you... butthose bandwagon jumpers who feel all distraught cuz everybody else is distraught are the one's that make it somewhat of a mockery... dont get mad if folkssay "we dont care" and stuff like that b/c they are telling the truth... be mad at the ones that are all "OMG... MIKE IS GONE..." and dontknow the plot to Moonwalker or any album he's ever released besides "Thriller"....

but... i gotta drop this one cuz Dave Chapelle just completely spit the truth....
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