Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Yeah, I think me and my family’s time here in the U.S. is quickly approaching its end. Moving has been on my mind for years now, but it’s time to get serious about making it happen. This ain’t the spot for my daughter to grow up in, sadly. :smh: :smh:

What's your play bruh??
Didn't know there was an Oregon District in Ohio. Started thinking about my homie that lives in Portland, OR for a second.

But damb one of these days theres gonna a planned day for mass shootings all across America.
I didn't want to say that but low-key I've been concerned about something like that. If the web was scoured, i bet the authorities could find something brewing.
Has anybody browsed 8chan for intel??


Scratch that. I peeped the threads and its a **** show.
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Another day and another shooting.

I live in Germany now and events like this further confirm my decision to not come back to America. Love that country and what it provided me but I won’t be coming back. Tired of being lied to that this is a mental health issue and not a gun one. I live in a country that has the SAME mental health issues and government corruption and this **** isn’t happening.

I just don’t understand.

Gun violence a bigger threat to Americans than MS-13, etc...but ya know...narratives. :smh:

I can't even really say that I'm desensitized to this, because each time it happens my soul hurts.

Something HAS to give. We have a major problem here in the US...domestic terror cells right beneath our noses and nothing is being said or done about it.
This is the hole in the bucket. Any human being is capable of snapping depending on the situation: divorce, death, losing career. A perfectly healthy gun owner could go ballistic at the drop off a hat. More guns are being pumped out daily too smh

Say it louder for the “we need to background check” gun toters. ANYONE is liable to go off their rocker.

Guns are dangerous in the hands of ANYBODY. Police get strenuous psychological analysis and background checks... and look at what they do with their guns.......

We legit have modern day hitler in the White House who is inspiring these dudes to kill people of color. Scary times.

Man stop this. Its these kind of dumb, stupid ignorant statements that push the other side to be even more reactionary. Trump is an idiot, but to compare him to Hitler? Your better than that fam

Another shooting less than 24hrs!

Senseless killing taking loved one from their families over some dumb ****!

I’m so ******* hurt y’all!

R.I.P. to the victims of this senseless tragedy
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