Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Imagine a librarian being told carrying a firearm is now part of your job. Damn stupid people of a certain type always have the worst ideas.

How about admitting lifting the assault rifle ban was a mistake that needs to be corrected instead.

Speaking of librarians I just saw a story about one getting shot and killed in Florida by a cop at some training exercise :smh: This happened in 2016 but I just found out. So many senseless deaths....
all while certain folks are trying get books banned…








You could put an armed guard on every street corner - and all that would happen is that more black and brown people would get shot.
You could put an armed guard on every street corner - and all that would happen is that more black and brown people would get shot.

This is also my issue with the proposed increased gun regulations. In theory, it sounds great.

In practice, I fear it will become an avenue to harass and terrorize black people.
Yeah I'm no parent but if the school has an armed combat vet patrolling the hallways I'm either moving, choicing out of that district, or home schooling my kid.

Also, wouldn't they just target and ambush that dude first?

Solution isn't more guns/violence.

Or just try addressing the guns..

But my concern, given what we have learned about the mental ramifications of being put in war like situations why would I want my kid around someone on a daily basis who is being asked to be on alert in a school setting
Or just try addressing the guns..

But my concern, given what we have learned about the mental ramifications of being put in war like situations why would I want my kid around someone on a daily basis who is being asked to be on alert in a school setting
they won't. the NRA pays too much to keep the politicians silent. nothing will change as long as Texans keep on voting pro-gun employees (republicans in general). and most Texans are conditioned to such thinking inspite of what's going on around them, they just don't give a damn as long as it doesn't have to be their guns. the U.S. is getting riped for a government change or revising the 2nd amendment and if not, may be heading towards anarchy if this keeps on getting worse.
This is anecdotal, I know, but a lot of people just toss their voter registration cards in the trash when they get them. None of the people I personally know would be classified as MAGA garbage either. Voter turnout in Texas is abysmal and it doesn't help the state is making it harder to vote.

It's always odd seeing the representation of the state being way off from the demographics at the top.

We'll always have garbage like Ted Cruz till people finally decide they've had enough.
This is anecdotal, I know, but a lot of people just toss their voter registration cards in the trash when they get them. None of the people I personally know would be classified as MAGA garbage either. Voter turnout in Texas is abysmal and it doesn't help the state is making it harder to vote.

It's always odd seeing the representation of the state being way off from the demographics at the top.

We'll always have garbage like Ted Cruz till people finally decide they've had enough.
And this is on top of the fact most people who move to Texas are conservative. In fact, Beto won the native Texan vote the last time he ran, but the transplant vote helped him lose.

I got family down there, and I'm sorry to say that but y'all ****** for the foreseeable future.
they won't. the NRA pays too much to keep the politicians silent. nothing will change as long as Texans keep on voting pro-gun employees (republicans in general). and most Texans are conditioned to such thinking inspite of what's going on around them, they just don't give a damn as long as it doesn't have to be their guns. the U.S. is getting riped for a government change or revising the 2nd amendment and if not, may be heading towards anarchy if this keeps on getting worse.

i know..

just sad we’re even having these conversations on doing something else
Guns are like aids. Once they exist, there's no cure. Partly due to capitalism, they are easy to get. People will sell it bc they want the money. Period. Esp if it's on the black market.

Only thing close to a solution that l can think of is beyond unrealistic: guards on virtually every street corner protected from head to toe.
What about installing doors where u have to be buzzed in for elementary and middle schools since everyone starts at the same time.

Most schools the front doors are just wide open all day. Feel like there is no need for that after first period. If you’re late, doors lock, and you just get buzzed in.
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