Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I think these twerps have some sort of delusion that it's them vs everyone else because they're having a hard time in school, getting bullied or what not. Like it's the end of the world because they're unpopular and they assume that's how it will be forever so they try and go out in a blaze.

If only they knew how insignificant high school is.
Thinking back, I feel bad for some of the bullied kids especially the girls. Not having many friends, being insulted and called fat, having stuff thrown at them in class. Having to endure that abuse 5 days a week will definitely cause some to have trauma.
Eh, socially there seemed to be a big diifference between hs and college kids. In the classroom as well since most were working towards something and actually paying attention in class. Not really any bullying BS either.
Eh, socially there seemed to be a big diifference between hs and college kids. In the classroom as well since most were working towards something and actually paying attention in class. Not really any bullying BS either.

Maybe because I attended a "party school" my view is jaded. I'm sure if I went to an Ivy or something it would be a different opinion.
Being bullied can mean anything in todays world. It’s not just the 90’s kid toilet dunks. There’s bullying everywhere. With the internet too? Dude can have zero actual interactions in life but go at it on a YouTube comment section and be bullied in his opinion
Every school will have party people, frat boys, and jocks. You start getting into upper level classes and science classes, majority of those students aren't there to goof around. My school wasn't crazy expensive but parents wouldn't be happy if their kid was wasting $12-18k a year in tuition.
I’ve been to a D2 commuter university and a D1 nationally known university and the difference is night and day with the party level during undergrad. Nobody coming in for their masters or doctorate are part of anything but the alumni association haha. I don’t count those upper grades with the undergrad years. Totally different
In college it’s mostly people you don’t know and don’t really get to know for the most part. So it’s sort of all business. Where as in HS it’s normally people you’ve come up with and known for years.
True. In college, it’s the people you know that **** with you generally speaking. All this said, in todays internet world, I don’t know how the dynamic works anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️
its scary I'm thinking back about my HS and my **** had 11 floors

man my younger self wouldn't know what to do

that video posted a few pages ago thank god those kids had a window/door exit (looked like a window) those kids were really brave and shoutout to that teacher
His parents look like trailer trash

His dad looks like he listens to Limp Bizkkit and drinks Monster on the way to work.

This don’t happen in the city because the kids know the cops will shoot and kill them

interesting take. can't recall a school shooting in NYC growing up. bringing guns to school? sure. actual mass shooting? never happened.

that said, NYPD school officers don't have guns. just hands.
He had a fight so big at my school we made the news. Whole 3rd floor was throwing hands and I remember this teacher power bombing a dude through one of those huge *** grey rubber made rolling trash cans.

plenty of guns in school, no school shootings. We had a couple kids killed or locked up for killing outside school though.
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