Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Homeboy had the city on lock down . He was shooting at twin peaks , then Home Depot , then random people on the high way ( a 17 month baby was **** in the face ) , and finally the movie theater . My coworker who I went to the game with had a anxiety attack because his wife and son were going to the sane theater that evening . They also had local citizens riding around looking for dude too.
All my Texas brothers be careful out there. Y’all got this schmuk around who can’t even support common sense reform

All my Texas brothers be careful out there. Y’all got this schmuk around who can’t even support common sense reform


More thoughts and prayers , should of known . The crazy part is that almost everyone is strapped up in this town and dude was still able to do his thing .
All my Texas brothers be careful out there. Y’all got this schmuk around who can’t even support common sense reform


Jesus Christ I hate these types of people. :smh:

God given right, huh? I’d love to be shown where in the Bible it states this. Just more twisting of the “good book” to fit their colonizer agenda. Tired of these dudes man.

It's the guns. Guns cause gun deaths.

Agreed. I’m just saying for the first time in my life, I’m feeling like violent games like GTA have some influence.

How ironic is it that after the El Paso shooting, Walmart decided to pull all advertising of violent video games........BUT STILL SELL GUNS IN THE STORE?!!
Agreed. I’m just saying for the first time in my life, I’m feeling like violent games like GTA have some influence.

How ironic is it that after the El Paso shooting, Walmart decided to pull all advertising of violent video games........BUT STILL SELL GUNS IN THE STORE?!!
It's not like the US is the only country with a high consumption of violent videogames.
Agreed. I’m just saying for the first time in my life, I’m feeling like violent games like GTA have some influence.

Video games are extremely realistic now (like that airport shooting mission in COD), so I wouldn't be surprised if some of these scumbags used them for inspiration and/or training. But their will to kill is probably present long before they ever touched a video game. Other factors, like how they were raised and who they associated with are far more pertinent.
These “games” are legal in plenty of other countries, yet plenty of mass shooting occur only in usa. ‘Merica.

Yes to praying
I mean God can only do so much before its the responsiblity of the people He made to stop violence and death.
These “games” are legal in plenty of other countries, yet plenty of mass shooting occur only in usa. ‘Merica.

Blaming video games, movies, music or any form of entertainment for our society's problems is either disingenuous or just lazy low IQ thinking.

I've spent 2 separate one year stints outside of the US, travelled plenty, to a few different countries.

I'll see more physical violence (bar or street fights) on any given holiday weekend in any given California metro area than in a years time in another developed country.

Our country has an innate problem with violence. Gun regulation, mental health, white fragility, all very valid issues in desperate need of action but it amazes me how little mention of there is of our country's problem with its culture of violence.

It's such an accepted part of American life and culture relative to other countries - there are reasons for that - but the lack of growth and progress forward is disgusting. This isn't the ******* American frontier anymore.

It has nothing to do with socioeconomics either. I come from a place in CA where many have it harder than most, poverty and desperation will push individuals to act in a way that they think will alleviate those problems always.

But we have a problem within our society as a whole. Never seen more thoughtless and casual violence in the form of street and bar fights until I experienced white college frat boys for the first time back in undergrad.

Combine a culture of violence with unlimited access to guns and ammunition, no serious mental healthcare to speak of, and a subset of racist white men who hate minorities and yup, we deserve to be on track for more mass shootings annually than there are days in the calendar year.
Our country has an innate problem with violence.

This. It's cultural. Like you said, going on a crusade against music, movies and video games is either disingenuous or idiotic. Probably a combination of both. Politicians don't have the guts to call a spade a spade and admit that our culture is trash. Because they and who came before them are largely to blame.
hopefully one day ppl will stop blaming the country as a whole or video games, movies, etc. and those that are actually responsible can take accountability. its def a cultural thing but its a certain group of ppl's culture.
i'm all for calling a spade a spade. they've made up a ton of things about us and ran with it and they're quick to call us out based on falsehoods and situations they've created based off of suppression, oppression, theft, etc. but have yet and have shown no signs whatsoever that they would ever take actual fact and apply it to themselves.

the same group of ppl that invented capital punishment and the same group of ppl that have thought of the most heinous and sick ways to act out violence. the same group that robbed everyone else of their culture, identities, etc. and has killed and killed to get ahead...the same group that enslaved to steal lands yet the same group that blames everything and everyone else but themselves for a culture they created off the backs of those that they've robbed, enslaved, etc.
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