thats y we noncrazy gun owners gotta educate and tell the real. guns are every bit as scary as these shootings make them seem... and also not as scary, statistically. in the hands of an amateur a handgun can fire off 30 rounds in problably like 7 seconds. you have to know any semi-automatic is gonna do damage ESPECIALLY close range. the las vegas dude skirted a law that shouldve been in place this entire time.
he took his semi auto rifles and modded them with a bump stock. remember when i said a human cant shoot that fast? its a mod that uses the recoil from the first shot, to fire the next shot. so it essentially bypasses human limitations and turns any semi auto into a fully automatic. now theyre banned iirc thanks to trump. shouldve been banned decades ago.
here is a problem you have to deal with when it comes to gun laws. a fully auto weapon is EXTREMELY hard to get for the average person. but there are mods like the bump stock that make them unnecessary. the laws are SO finnicky and full of loop holes and they all need to be closed. here is an example of the bs gun laws i used way back in the thread.
the law prohibits Short Barrel Shotguns (think of the sawed off shotguns u always see in movies) and has outlawed them because theyre high damage and can be concealed too easily. theyre not ILLEGAL, just highly prohibited and you have to jump through 15 hoops. have it registered with 2 agencies etc etc. a SBS is defined as any shotgun with a barrel under 18 inches long.
this is a fostech shotgun. notice the long barrel
it becomes a SBS just by changing the barrel. this version of the gun requires registration with the ATF which takes nearly a year, and an extra two tax stamps + charges, fingerprint registration with local law enforcement, passport photos updated and sent to 2 different agencies etc etc etc. all of this...cuz the barrel changed. u see it below.
so to go around jumping thru all those hoops, this company created a 3rd version of the shotgun. instead.... its called an sbV. This is classified by the govt as a regular general firearm. Since its a regular firearm, you get to circumvent 99% of the hoops nd registrations above. Why? Cuz instead of the stock on the back... it has a "brace" which apparently is different. the brace on the back is to help with recoil, instead of being there to help with aim like a typical stock. thats it. so a brace is intended to not be put on the shoulder, BUT IT CAN..... and a stock is intended to be put on the shoulder.
the difference between the 3 guns is literally barrel length, and whether the backpiece is a "stock" or "brace." and those slight alterations have ridiculous effects on who can and can't own them, and what hoops u have to jump through to get em. all 3 guns are the exact same other than that. this is why gun law is difficult. its intentionally done in a way to leave loopholes like crazy and things are left to interpretation. so even if u ban a certain type of thing, they change out ONE piece and its called something different.
itd be like trying to ban or regulate pickles, but cucumbers left in vinegar are fine.