Mark Buehrle Will Leave His Family Behind Because His Dog Is Banned In Toronto

Dec 10, 2001

New Blue Jays pitcher Mark Buehrle loves his puppies, American Staffordshire terrier Slater, and Vizslas Drake, Duke and Diesel. But Toronto doesn't love Slater. Ontario has a ban on pit bulls and related breeds, so Slater—big slobbery baby that he is—isn't allowed in the province. So rather than leave his dog behind while he moves to Toronto, Buehrle is going to leave his entire family behind.
Said Buehrle,
"If people don't own dogs, they're not going to understand you're leaving your family and your kids behind over a dog."
Buehrle wasn't happy about Miami trading him—the Marlins don't give out no-trade clauses, but when he signed a four-year deal last winter, he was told he wouldn't be moved without his input. "Just like the fans in South Florida," Buehrle said, "I was lied to on multiple occasions."
But Toronto presents a unique situation for the Buehrles. They had four options when it comes to Slater. Buehrle could have lived somewhere on the American side of the border, putting him about a 90-minute drive from Toronto. They could have boarded Slater at a kennel for the season. They could have attempted to fight Slater's ban in court, but that could take months and he would be locked up the entire time. They chose a fourth path, still far from ideal: Buehrle will live in Toronto, while his family and the dogs split time between homes in Florida and St. Louis.
"He's an awesome dog," Buehrle said Saturday. "That's what's a shame; just the way he looks is why we have to get separated."
If Buehrle struggles to start the season, I don't think it'd be presumptuous to assume a broken heart, treatable only by a 15-day DL stint spent playing with Slater and a squeaky toy.
Toronto pitcher Mark Buehrle to leave family behind to care for dog, outlawed in Ontario [AP]
it sucks how bad Pits get a bad name they are by far one of the most loving dogs i've known to own. It all depends on there owner and how they raise/teach them. They really are like big babies
it sucks how bad Pits get a bad name they are by far one of the most loving dogs i've known to own. It all depends on there owner and how they raise/teach them. They really are like big babies

LOL I have friends who own Pitts they are really sweet dogs once they get to know you, but they are extremely territorial. I literally had to get my friend's dog to warm up to me when we first met. She would bark like crazy, it was terrifying but now she comes and gives me hugs.
Can't blame homeboy for not wanting to give up his dog

Can't blame the province for not wanting pits around.

Homeboy probably is looking at it like he is gonna own the dog longer than he is gonna be playing in Toronto.

And to all the dudes that are gonna argue that pits aren't dangerous, it is the owners. Think about how many idiots own pits. People are already to lazy to train their dogs, and with a Pit, that it just asking for trouble by not doing that. Pits are a handful and extremely territorial.
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Why are people saying damn Canadians, it is not a country wide ban. A province in Canada bans them

It would be like a state banning pits and everyone saying "Damn Americans"
I ain't even mad at him. Gave my old dog up (shiva Inu) when I moved to Ohio n couldn't really find affordable housing that accepted pets. Now I got a boxer pit mix n wouldn't give him up for the world.

Pits are easily one of the best breeds around I would never get another breed
Why don't people understand that your pets are essentially part of your family as well. I mean it sounds bad on paper that dude is leaving his family behind over a dog but that relationship people have with their pets is sometimes really special.

Cue bicycle dude in seattle who had to put down his dog video clip.
It's true. The second you place an animal over your wife, you're unbalanced.

I'd be livid if I was his wife.

And for the record, Canada is a much better country to live in. Hands down.
They actually used to make Pits baby sit babies.

Anyway I myself have a dog and I can't see myself leaving her behind. With that said, here's a poem from Jimmy Stewart.
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I'd drop a dog for the cat 8 days outta the week. He's slipping :smh:
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You guys are making it out to seem worse than what it is.  His family, including dogs, will stay in either Florida or St. Louis while he's in Toronto.  It's not that uncommon for players to have their families live away from them for the season, I mean he's gonna be on-the-road for half of the season anyway...
You guys are making it out to seem worse than what it is.  His family, including dogs, will stay in either Florida or St. Louis while he's in Toronto.  It's not that uncommon for players to have their families live away from them for the season, I mean he's gonna be on-the-road for half of the season anyway...

The story was written/told that way for that reason :lol:

Especially after trades... with mid season trades dudes are living in hotels. Some guys don't want to take their kids outta school...(Buerle has 2 kids)
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