Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

idk where the **** they found this actress...but goddamn she is fire.

like introduce her to your family beautiful...
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How are people capable of forming an opinion based on what their cousin told them? :lol That's like someone whose never had burger before say they don't like them because their cousin told them all about them. :lol :rollin

Look, I'm a long time Marvel fan & I can say MOS is twice the movie then all the Raimi Spidermans, X-Men movies, IM2, IM3, & the Wolverine movies rolled together.

I've never been able to finish any of the Raimi movies or any of the X-Men movies. First Class was the only one I was able to finish. I only finished IM2 & IM3 because I had taken my son to the movies to see them.

I will be able to watch MOS several times & excited to buy in on blu ray...

Sure the movie had flaws, but I thoroughly enjoyed it both times I've seen it. So did my 9 year old son.
Just watched this. Yeah I'm late. While I'm not as intense as you guys, my petty complaint was how come his hair never got messed up when he had the suit during fight scenes :lol. When he was a fisherman saving people, and most of the scenes without the suit, it was naturally messy... Anyway minor complaint.
:eek any screen caps of that lexcorp truck?

How are people capable of forming an opinion based on what their cousin told them? :lol That's like someone whose never had burger before say they don't like them because their cousin told them all about them. :lol :rollin

Look, I'm a long time Marvel fan & I can say MOS is twice the movie then all the Raimi Spidermans, X-Men movies, IM2, IM3, & the Wolverine movies rolled together.

I've never been able to finish any of the Raimi movies or any of the X-Men movies. First Class was the only one I was able to finish. I only finished IM2 & IM3 because I had taken my son to the movies to see them.

I will be able to watch MOS several times & excited to buy in on blu ray...

Sure the movie had flaws, but I thoroughly enjoyed it both times I've seen it. So did my 9 year old son.

Just goes to show...only children like MOS.

Grow-up and invest your attention to a real Man of Steel....or adamantium.

I can thoroughly say that I was able to sit through all Marvel movies, and TDK series. Superman....they should have never created him. 'ol wack *** dude. 'ol adventures of clark and lois dean cain all grown-up dude.

hate hate hate.
I'm really not sure why ppl keep using the words "more ruthless" or "savage" when ppl say the kill scene was not satisfying or anti-climatic. I'm not sure I'm seeing anyone ask for Superman to be more ruthless and savage :lol

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?
Well that's just faulty reasoning. You're basically saying you liked it cuz it was ruthless and you think anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough :lol That not true at all. It's not like ruthlessness equals a good climactic ending.

I'll say it again I'm not seeing anybody asking for Supes to be ruthless or for that kill scene to be more ruthless. Ruthlessness is not the issue.
Budda, the reason I say ruthless or savage is in response to some of the complaints. Bottom line, it is a better death than Zod was given in 1981. And no, I was not a kid in 1978 thank you very much, I'm not that dang old. :lol
To me it's still just a neck snap. That's why the shockwave is thrown in there. It's arguably better conclusions than past movies but like you said one could say all sucked. To me the focus should just be on the decision and the emotions behind it cuz to me there's not much more you're adding to a neck snap.
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How are people capable of forming an opinion based on what their cousin told them? :lol That's like someone whose never had burger before say they don't like them because their cousin told them all about them. :lol :rollin

Look, I'm a long time Marvel fan & I can say MOS is twice the movie then all the Raimi Spidermans, X-Men movies, IM2, IM3, & the Wolverine movies rolled together.

I've never been able to finish any of the Raimi movies or any of the X-Men movies. First Class was the only one I was able to finish. I only finished IM2 & IM3 because I had taken my son to the movies to see them.

I will be able to watch MOS several times & excited to buy in on blu ray...

Sure the movie had flaws, but I thoroughly enjoyed it both times I've seen it. So did my 9 year old son.

id agree with u on everything cept spiderman 1 and 2. I dont care what anybody says, those 2 movies had a solid story, good action and they knew what they wanted out of it.
Look, I'm a long time Marvel fan & I can say MOS is twice the movie then all the Raimi Spidermans
I've never been able to finish any of the Raimi movies
You buggin, Raimi's Spider-Man 2 was great.
It's not so much all of those details and info. It's just that they were slamming each other through buildings for 30+ minutes and getting hit with eye lasers, brushing off missile and other attacks but a very human kill move did the job.

I can see why ppl would want something more than that. Most ppl aren't simply aware that Supes was probably holding back given how much more yellow sun he's absorbed.

Supes wasn't holding back, he still doesn't know the extent of his powers. His real father states that he must keep pushing the limits of his powers in order to see how strong he really is....he was going all out during this fight, but he probably unlocked even more of his power as a result of it.
I'm pretty sure he was holding back. Not holding back to the point that he could easily power up and beat them because if he could he wouldn't need to kill. He was holding back in the sense that if he pushed w/e imaginary limit he hadn't passed before he knew it'd be with an intent to kill. Throughout the whole movie Supes had the upperhand due to all the time he spent basking in the yellow sun he just wasn't willing and had no reason to cross that line until the end where he did.
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Couldn't finish any of the raimi Spidey films. Have tried multiple times for each flick but just couldn't finish, in fact I don't like any flick raimi has ever done...
I'm going to guess that most of the people that like the raimi Spidey flicks are younger & were even younger when you saw those movies so it's hard to separate the nostalgia you have for the flicks.
Even critics praised te Spiderman films. They're just better. Story telling is better. Relationships growing is better,character development. No one was forced on us.
Critics also loved IM3...
They also don't really care for MOS, so there you go. Aint saying much either way at the end of the day. Critics are just dudes with opinions that tend to word them really well.
Couldn't finish any of the raimi Spidey films. Have tried multiple times for each flick but just couldn't finish, in fact I don't like any flick raimi has ever done...
That's just bias then. Clear disdain for a dudes movies or the guy in how he makes movies to the point you don't watch or finish them. You're not looking much better than the guy you called out for not even watching MOS and going off what his cousin told him.
I'm going to guess that most of the people that like the raimi Spidey flicks are younger & were even younger when you saw those movies so it's hard to separate the nostalgia you have for the flicks.
This is just bull **** reasoning now. You haven't even watched these films in their entirety and your chalking up most of the ppl that liked them as being young when they watched it implying they haven't watched a whole lot of movies in this genre (or in general) and/or that it correlates to their movie watching experience in being able to judge a good superhero flick and their youth/nostalgia gets in the way of that.

That really doesn't ring true when the movies have great replay value. I mean we got dudes out here liking Superman Returns and Daredevil. You'd be better off bowing and agreeing to disagree at that point.
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I've gotten through enough of the films to form an opinion which is clearly not the same as having never watched them. C'mon Buddha...
I'm really not sure why ppl keep using the words "more ruthless" or "savage" when ppl say the kill scene was not satisfying or anti-climatic. I'm not sure I'm seeing anyone ask for Superman to be more ruthless and savage :lol

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?
Well that's just faulty reasoning. You're basically saying you liked it cuz it was ruthless and you think anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough :lol That not true at all. It's not like ruthlessness equals a good climactic ending.

I'll say it again I'm not seeing anybody asking for Supes to be ruthless or for that kill scene to be more ruthless. Ruthlessness is not the issue.

Just read what simple sentence I wrote/you quoted.

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?

To OTHERS, how savage it is made it enjoyable enough and climatic enough! Why can't you accept that others simply like it for the mindless violence? To you it may not seem violent, but why is it hard to believe it is violent enough that it becomes climatic or enjoyable for OTHERS because it was unexpected from Superman? Why can't that be a reason enough?

But hey, read the whole thing I wrote.

I mean it was unexpected, especially for Superman (and that is why plenty are mad) and the force he did it in was icing on the cake. To some, that is pretty climatic and epic. If he didn't fight himself from doing it and had no struggle and just snapped the neck like it was a twig w/o the shockwave or force and they took out that roar of regret in the end, then yes I can agree it was anti-climatic and whatever but all those combined, I was very happy with it. I was satisfied.

I said I was happy/satisfied with the combination of all those things. The "ruthlessness" added to it, to ME it did. I liked it. It was climatic to me. How are you going to tell me how much I enjoyed the film? :lol It's not faulty reasoning when almost all my friends and brother enjoyed it and was fine with it and had no complaints (the last 40 minutes was actually their favorite and half found the first half boring). Most people do not try to analyze it as much as we do here so why is it so hard to understand that it doesn't need to be more than that for OTHERS (not all) to enjoy the ending? Even the other forums I visit were fine with the ending, while not asking for it to be more "ruthless", it added to it being a climatic or exciting enough ending for them.
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I'm going to guess that most of the people that like the raimi Spidey flicks are younger & were even younger when you saw those movies so it's hard to separate the nostalgia you have for the flicks.

nice reasoning there bro. I was young as hell when I saw goodfellas and the godfather, so I guess my liking them now is just nostalgia, right?

if you cant see that frm an unbiased perspective that the story telling is solid and didnt need random flashbacks to move the story along, i dont know what to say.
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I'm really not sure why ppl keep using the words "more ruthless" or "savage" when ppl say the kill scene was not satisfying or anti-climatic. I'm not sure I'm seeing anyone ask for Superman to be more ruthless and savage :lol

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?
Well that's just faulty reasoning. You're basically saying you liked it cuz it was ruthless and you think anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough :lol That not true at all. It's not like ruthlessness equals a good climactic ending.

I'll say it again I'm not seeing anybody asking for Supes to be ruthless or for that kill scene to be more ruthless. Ruthlessness is not the issue.

Just read what simple sentence I wrote/you quoted.

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?

To OTHERS, how savage it is made it enjoyable enough and climatic enough! ?
So not you but "others". Then those ppl would be wrong. I find it strange seeing as you brought up the word ruthless but you're not apart of these others.

Why can't you accept that others simply like it for the mindless violence? To you it may not seem violent, but why is it hard to believe it is violent enough that it becomes climatic or enjoyable for OTHERS because it was unexpected from Superman? Why can't that be a reason enough
All of this here is utter bull ****.

Just reading this part is making me think you think I'm saying because I was not satisfied with how he died I think it was not violent or violent enough. Right there that's you making up an argument for me, so you're just wrong there. Then you asking why is it hard to believe that the death was climactic for others or enjoyable or violent enough is more bull ****. Cuz I didn't say that either. I haven't seen anyone else post that either. So I don't know why you're asking that question. Nobody said "the death was anti-climactic so if anyone disagrees they're wrong."

I'm still lost on why the word was even brought up when ppl said it was anti-climactic or that they were unsatisfied with how Zod died. Plus it's not even consistent, I'm still looking for who said they wanted it to be more ruthless. Pointing out that all the ridiculous city destroying fighting doesn't really jive or is harmonious with a neck snapping death isn't code for Superman should've tore Zod's body apart Sentry style. Suddenly that word and synonyms are being attached to this. That other forum **** is other forums.

So like I said:
Ruthlessness is not the issue.
Whether it was ruthless or not isn't why I was unsatisfied with how he died. I never said neck snapping wasn't ruthless. I actually already talked about why I was unsatisfied with the neck snapping and just focused on the emotion and situation Supes was in to get past how Zod died but I'm not gonna suggest you go back and read what I posted again.
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So not you but "others". Then those ppl would be wrong. I find it strange seeing as you brought up the word ruthless but you're not apart of these others.

Like I said, with the combination of all those things, including the "ruthlessness", I was happy with the ending. I still do not get how you can tell people are wrong for enjoying the film though? :lol

I'm still lost on why the word was even brought up when ppl said it was anti-climactic or that they were unsatisfied with how Zod died. Plus it's not even consistent, I'm still looking for who said they wanted it to be more ruthless. Suddenly that word and synonyms are being attached to this. That other forum **** is other forums.

Was it even about being anti-climatic that I responded to? My initial response was on how Superman could kill Zod and just mentioned that it looked more ruthless when I saw it again and thta might explain how a Kryptonian killed another Kryptonian. Something that might have not completely registered when I saw it at 3AM? It really wasn't about it being anti-climatic at all. :lol It just evolved into that in the process.

just saw the was good but i thought it would be better.

did he really kill the guy by just snapping his neck? :{

Why not? They are of the same strength, it can even be argued that Superman is stronger just being exposed to the yellow sun his whole life.

In the comic book Kingdom Come, though not canon, Superman has absorbed so much yellow sun that kryptonite had no more effect on him.
It's not so much all of those details and info. It's just that they were slamming each other through buildings for 30+ minutes and getting hit with eye lasers, brushing off missile and other attacks but a very human kill move did the job.

I can see why ppl would want something more than that. Most ppl aren't simply aware that Supes was probably holding back given how much more yellow sun he's absorbed.

Just watched that scene right now and just rewound it back about 3x and the impact of that neck snapping is ruthless, a shockwave emanated through the whole building. You can easily say he ripped his head right off there. I think once people see it again and notice that, it'll be more understandable. It was way too busy to really notice it the first time, I certainly didn't initially.
Just reading this part is making me think you think I'm saying because I was not satisfied with how he died I think it was not violent or violent enough. Right there that's you making up an argument for me, so you're just wrong there.

Not making a rasoning for you, I am just saying that to other it is violent enough but it may not be to you. I didn't say it isn't but it may not be if you feel that those that enjoyed it are wrong?

I stand by the fact that you just saying "you're wrong to enjoy this film for this reason" is crazy. :lol
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