Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Just reading this part is making me think you think I'm saying because I was not satisfied with how he died I think it was not violent or violent enough. Right there that's you making up an argument for me, so you're just wrong there.

Not making a rasoning for you, I am just saying that to other it is violent enough but it may not be to you.
Again though what does that have to do with anything I said? I could think it was violent and still be unsatisfied with it.

I didn't say it isn't but it may not be if you feel that those that enjoyed it are wrong?
I don't get this. Now you're just kinda saying if I feel this way instead of looking at what I actually did say. Plus again I have to stress not at ANY point did I say anybody who enjoyed how Zod died is wrong for enjoying or wrong for thinking it was violent enough or ruthless enough or any other new word you're gonna bring up. My unsatisfaction is simply my unsatisfaction. Where you started thinking that meant anyone who disagreed was outright wrong only you could explain.

Now if you think anybody is impling that you'd be the first outright saying it and I'd have to think your delusional for it. Just reading in to things that are not there. I'm pretty sure if I read back the past 2-4 pgs even the person that brought up the kill scene being anti-climactic (and anyone else who agreed) didn't say that it was a fact that it was anti-climactic.
I stand by the fact that you just saying "you're wrong to enjoy this film for this reason" is crazy. :lol
:eek :lol Never said that though. What are you even talking about. This is LITERALLY you putting words in my mouth and making up an argument for me I never once typed. You're just making **** up now.
Like I said, with the combination of all those things, including the "ruthlessness", I was happy with the ending. I still do not get how you can tell people are wrong for enjoying the film though? laugh.gif
Please quote the post where I did this. Otherwise this is just more delusional bull **** you're imagining.
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No im not. Look at your posts. I clearly said others may find it climatic enough you just say it is wrong.
To OTHERS, how savage it is made it enjoyable enough and climatic enough! ?

So not you but "others". Then those ppl would be wrong.

Yah that pretty much me saying others may like it for that reason and you say they are wrong.

Here's another one:

I'm really not sure why ppl keep using the words "more ruthless" or "savage" when ppl say the kill scene was not satisfying or anti-climatic. I'm not sure I'm seeing anyone ask for Superman to be more ruthless and savage :lol

Perhaps, because to others, how savaged it looked made it climatic and satisfying?
Well that's just faulty reasoning. You're basically saying you liked it cuz it was ruthless and you think anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough :lol That not true at all. It's not like ruthlessness equals a good climactic ending.

Again, all I said was that to other it can be climatic enough and you go on a rant on why it is not or how it is faulty reasoning.
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No im not. Look at your posts. I clearly said others may find it climatic enough you just say it is wrong.

It's pretty clear you're not reading and understanding something I said if you think that but please do quote where I said. I think you're confusing something.

Cuz this
So not you but "others". Then those ppl would be wrong. I find it strange seeing as you brought up the word ruthless but you're not apart of these others.

Simply goes back to this.
Well that's just faulty reasoning. You're basically saying you liked it cuz it was ruthless and you think anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough laugh.gif That not true at all. It's not like ruthlessness equals a good climactic ending.

I'll say it again I'm not seeing anybody asking for Supes to be ruthless or for that kill scene to be more ruthless. Ruthlessness is not the issue.

So basically switch out you for "others" and that's basically what you're saying others are saying. I think you should let these others speak for themselves.

This is where you're confused pretty much. I'm not saying they're wrong for disagreeing (again though not that violence and ruthlessness is even relevant to what I'm saying). They'd be wrong if they're saying they liked it cuz it was ruthless and anybody who didn't like it it's because they feel it wasn't ruthless enough. That's not true and that'd be wrong.
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Look up. :lol

Whatever dude, this has become littered stupid sh*t again. Ad yes I am partly to blame. You can let some of them go though and not respond to every word written that disagrees with you. :lol

I wasnt even responding to the "climaticness" of that ending to begin with.
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Look up. :lol

Whatever dude, this has become littered stupid sh*t again. You can let some of them go and not respond to every word written that disagrees with you. :lol
Instead of trying to make something clear you muddled it up by assuming and literally not understanding what I said and running with it :lol

Again though, let these others speak for themselves if you're not even in line with what they're opinions are.

Sadly I'll restate again, that ruthlessness and whether or not the kill was violent doesn't have much to do with why I was unsatisfied so bringing up the words still seem irrelevant. You bring up that the scene was ruthless with the shockwave after watching it 3x. I don't even think I gave any focus to it being ruthless or not when I replied.
It's still a neck snap though, minus the shockwave a human can do that to another human and be just as ruthless. I don't think it was that busy, they kinda really slowed things down so you could understand Zod is going to kill these humans that can't escape a corner and Supes having him in that headlock, I guess struggling to move Zod's head as the laser vision gets closer to them was forced to do kill (even though Superman fans probably had a bunch of ways out of that scenario that didn't need killing).
So again this whole whether it's violent or violent enough or ruthless isn't part of why one would feel the kill scene was unsatisfying.
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Sigh! never mind. Just to end it and we can move on, you win.
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It isnt just about you do.
Yeah, at this point it kinda seems you just want to argue. I'm talking about why some ppl would be unsatisfied with the neck snap, another person throws in the phrase anti-climatic. I say I'm unsatisfied and can see why others would be as well. I then say I wonder why ppl keep saying things like more ruthless and savage as if anyone in the thread said anything about wanting the scene to be more of that in relation to why they were unsatisfied and you bring up other ppl liking it for that. That's not at all addressing my post. Then you start bringing up others ppl's opinions and harping on the scene being violent enough and ruthless as if it is a response to what I just said which again wasn't something I was really paying any mind to and apparently is other ppl's opinions about why they enjoyed it. I'm not making a stance for why the scene is not enjoyable or violent. If you read what I initially said you'd remember that so I'm not sure why you're telling me about others enjoyment and focusing on the violence and ruthlessness of the scene.

If other ppl loved it for it was cuz it was violent and ruthless, great. I was never saying it isn't believable that ppl would like it, you assumed that.
You just plainly said they were wrong.
You're not paying attention at all for what I'm saying they would be wrong for. Read the reply when you brought up others and instead of focusing on that I said it was you look at what I said.
im just saying others enjoyed it for what it is and you disagreed.
I never disagreed with ppl enjoying it for what it is though, you assumed that because you didn't understand one of my replies and ran with it.
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Annnnndddd moving on...

Legendary And Warner Bros. Officially Part Ways

The latest new from Variety tonight is pretty somber for DC Comics fans as Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. are reportedly set to part ways. Legendary is currently deciding whether to partner with NBC or Fox as it looks to venture into television and develop adaptations of its own comic book properties. It is thought that Legendary will make a decision by the Fourth of July weekend.

The report from Variety also mentions that Warner Bros. is looking to take a more hands on approach with its DC Comics adaptations. Specifically, WB's new goal under newly appointed CEO Kevin Tsujihara will be to produce its superhero films out of its own pocket, with no co-financier and become the sole benefactor of any box office success. An interesting statistic to take away from the article is that Legendary backed 50% of the production costs and therefore shared 50% of the profits on Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and the recent Man of Steel. In that regard, it's not difficult to see why WB would make this move as they own one of the biggest comic book publishers in the world which brings with it some of the most iconic superheroes of all time. However, WB's recent venture into superhero theatrics without Legendary, Green Lantern, didn't exactly fare too well, which has more than a few DC Comics fans nervous about letting Legendary slip away. But Tsujihara is apparently not afraid to make waves as the film division of the revered movie studio has recently undergone significant restructuring in the wake of Jeff Robinov's departure/force out. Now comes the news that it is losing a key asset like Legendary which has financed upwards of 75% of the production cost on some of WB's biggest blockbusters.

What this move means for Man of Steel 2 and future DC Comics adaptations at this point is anyone's guess. Without Legendary sharing the cost will WB be willing to take a chance on some lesser known characters and provide the full budget to do those films justice? And how much of the studios' film budget will be allocated to spandex and capes so that fans get more than one DC superhero film per year?

A somewhat alarming revelation from the report is that the Guillermo del Toro "giant mecha vs kaiju" blockbuster, Pacific Rim is currently not tracking very well. In fact, early surveys shows that the general audience is more interested in Grown Ups 2 which opens that same weekend. If the film bombs, Legendary will take the brunt of the blow as the studio actually financed 75% of the production cost for del Toro's giant robot monster flick.

Really hope this doesn't mean they cut corners and make bad decisions due to costs.
Buddha, in one post can you just sum up what you think is wrong about the movie/why you think other movies are better? I'd like to be a bit more active in the conversation but some of the posts have side-tracked past the initial arguments and I'd rather not try to reorganize them myself. This way you can take a firm stance and maybe we can have a bit of back and forth. You also actually saw the movie, so it's not like you're a brick wall in this case. Thanks.
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Critics also loved IM3...

yea im not holding a lot of weight on critics. IM3 was weak, plain and simple. so to slam MOS which was written, directed way better and didn't use gimmicky slapstick action and comedy to entertain. IM3 trailer made it seem better than what i actually got.

a question ive been pondering is...would the movie be vastly different if nolan god directed and co wrote it? also would it be better?
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Critics also loved IM3...

yea im not holding a lot of weight on critics. IM3 was weak, plain and simple. so to slam MOS which was written, directed way better and didn't use gimmicky slapstick action and comedy to entertain. IM3 trailer made it seem better than what i actually got.

a question ive been pondering is...would the movie be vastly different if nolan god directed and co wrote it? also would it be better?

well he would need jonathan nolan to help with the script, but I believe it wouldve been alot better. The whole staff of the daily planet was useless. i believe a better screenwriter wouldve either left them out, or developed them more. Also the chemistry with Lois and Clark couldve been directed alot better. Im not sure if Nolan wouldve been able to a better job with the action, but the story wouldve been tighter
Critics also loved IM3...

yea im not holding a lot of weight on critics. IM3 was weak, plain and simple. so to slam MOS which was written, directed way better and didn't use gimmicky slapstick action and comedy to entertain. IM3 trailer made it seem better than what i actually got.

a question ive been pondering is...would the movie be vastly different if nolan god directed and co wrote it? also would it be better?

Nolan did co-write the script, but I think he helped more with building the story & less with the actual script & dialogue.

I think the movie would've been different if Nolan had directed the film. Being a director himself, I don't think he meddled too much into what Synder was doing. In fact, I'm not sure he was too involved. I think WB wanted him attached to the relaunch of this to help steer it in the right direction at the ground stages & probably a little at the end in post production...
Honestly surprised to see complaints about The Daily Planet of all things, and the way Zod dies, etc. Are we just looking for anything to complain about?

From the very first preview, they showed us, this was a darker, more serious, more "realistic" ( :lol ) Superman. No fumbling around chasing an ugly woman. No glasses or corny sidekicks to the villian, straight, serious toned, Alien amongst us storyline. Amd with that, the guidance of his lessons, from his Earthly father to his true father. Both of them working on shaping who he will become, should become. And on top of that, the world's resisting him. Something no Superman movie ever delved into.

In 1978 he comes, and says "A friend" and that's that, the world is down with him. They look to him, just like that. An alien, with infinite power, is just accepted, just like that.

In this movie, we don't trust him until he proves he's worthy of it, by fighting aliens that come down with attitude. Even tho he lived among us for 3 decades, we still had no faith in him, he had no credit yet. Once we witnessed him fighting for us, and to protect us, then we stopped shooting at him. :lol That to me, is a MUCH better storyline than rehashing the damn Daily Planet angle. I much rather see what happened to Krypton than a newspaper editor shouting like he did in 1978, or like I saw in Spiderman. That angle has been covered already, time for something new, something never before shown to us.

We got that in this movie. I really, truly, don't get the complaints. :{
Honestly surprised to see complaints about The Daily Planet of all things, and the way Zod dies, etc. Are we just looking for anything to complain about?

From the very first preview, they showed us, this was a darker, more serious, more "realistic" ( :lol ) Superman. No fumbling around chasing an ugly woman. No glasses or corny sidekicks to the villian, straight, serious toned, Alien amongst us storyline. Amd with that, the guidance of his lessons, from his Earthly father to his true father. Both of them working on shaping who he will become, should become. And on top of that, the world's resisting him. Something no Superman movie ever delved into.

In 1978 he comes, and says "A friend" and that's that, the world is down with him. They look to him, just like that. An alien, with infinite power, is just accepted, just like that.

In this movie, we don't trust him until he proves he's worthy of it, by fighting aliens that come down with attitude. Even tho he lived among us for 3 decades, we still had no faith in him, he had no credit yet. Once we witnessed him fighting for us, and to protect us, then we stopped shooting at him. :lol That to me, is a MUCH better storyline than rehashing the damn Daily Planet angle. I much rather see what happened to Krypton than a newspaper editor shouting like he did in 1978, or like I saw in Spiderman. That angle has been covered already, time for something new, something never before shown to us.

We got that in this movie. I really, truly, don't get the complaints. :{

we get it. you loved the movie and can find nothing wrong with it. To me, it seems like you dont even like Superman the character since you hate the stuff that makes him him.
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No, I hate people complaining about the Daily Planet not getting enough shine or a dude getting his ne k snapped isn't climactic enough.

If people want to complain about plotholes, ok, the billions in damage, ok, but the newspaper team didn't get developed enough? :lol That's just people complaining for the sake of complaining.
No, I hate people complaining about the Daily Planet not getting enough shine or a dude getting his ne k snapped isn't climactic enough.

If people want to complain about plotholes, ok, the billions in damage, ok, but the newspaper team didn't get developed enough? :lol That's just people complaining for the sake of complaining.

my complaint is, if your going to include something, dont half *** it. Thats how i feel about the daily planet. Why even have it, if you arent going to put any effort into it.

as for the zod thing, I ddnt hate it. I just found it silly at the moment when I watched it, that they just had a slugfest that destroyed the city, but a necksnap was enough to kill him. I just wanted a more creative end to him
Hate the stuff that makes him, him? Says who, 1978?

So then, I must hate Dark Knight cuz there was no Robin or POWs whenever he punched somebody.

Or Spiderman cuz he didn't have his camera enough.
Because that's what you are arguing. What makes him HIM, is what we just saw. His father's guiding him to what he can be. What he should be. What ANY father would want their son to be.

I already saw the dorky reporter portion of his himness, now I got to witness what makes him who he truly is.
No, I hate people complaining about the Daily Planet not getting enough shine or a dude getting his ne k snapped isn't climactic enough.

If people want to complain about plotholes, ok, the billions in damage, ok, but the newspaper team didn't get developed enough? :lol That's just people complaining for the sake of complaining.

my complaint is, if your going to include something, dont half *** it. Thats how i feel about the daily planet. Why even have it, if you arent going to put any effort into it.

as for the zod thing, I ddnt hate it. I just found it silly at the moment when I watched it, that they just had a slugfest that destroyed the city, but a necksnap was enough to kill him. I just wanted a more creative end to him

I mean, you hate the Daily Planet because they didn't go in depth enough........?

Exactly what more do you need to see?

It's 2013, there have been 5 Superman movies and a TV show already, plus infinite cartoons + the source material of the comics. Forgive me, but do you, or do you not already know plenty about the Daily Planet? I assume that you do, so WHY would you demand that be a bigger part of the story?

That is equivalent to me being pissed off about Fast and Furious 6, they never get gas. Why show ALL those cars, and nobody ever goes to the gas station? I mean, damn. Not one gas station in 6 movies, that franchise is half *** with their writing......

That's what you're doing, with this Daily Planet stuff.
got no problems with the way zod dies...just bring back faora for next film :hat i wanna see her fine *** hit people with that









body was never ready :{
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is there a reason why superman didnt get a full set of kryptonian armor from his dad? at the start of the movie it shows his dad wearing the same superman one piece (without the cape) before getting into his battle armor to fight zod and later in the movie we see that zod has the same style of one piece on under his armor, so why does superman only get a cape attached to his underware rather than a full set or armor
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