Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

But just cause the metal doesn't melt doesn't mean u can't die like wouldn't u get major burns and die from ur skin touch the hot metal like how u can get burn in a fire by you touching a door knob

I was assuming, since he survives missiles, that he has some type if heat suppression system. But at those temps it wouldn't matter so I agree.
:lol it funny how people go back and forth about a movie or movies that already defy logic wanting logical things to happen in a movie :lol
:lol it funny how people go back and forth about a movie or movies that already defy logic wanting logical things to happen in a movie :lol

It's all in fun at the end of the day. Doubt anyone really loses sleep over it. We're all just fans.

With that said, I still say Bruce could make it from the Pit to Gotham in the timeframe he had. :lol
:lol it funny how people go back and forth about a movie or movies that already defy logic wanting logical things to happen in a movie :lol

It's all in fun at the end of the day. Doubt anyone really loses sleep over it. We're all just fans.

With that said, I still say Bruce could make it from the Pit to Gotham in the timeframe he had. :lol
It is possible he did have ALOT of prep time :lol
Just got back from seeing it. Progressively got better towards the end of the movie, but overall I wasn't blown away or all that intrigued by what I was watching. CGI was really dope though.

Quick question because I am sure I missed the logic behind this part. How was Zod able to come back after his craft was 'bombed' without his clear mask on? He had it off prior and became instantly weak.
Costner did his thing. I just don't think what he had to work with was any good and because of that Crowe seemed to come off even better.

I'm for dude killing as long as it's in the right situations. Not Punisher style. Maybe try to make more use of the Phantom Zone or build his own damn prison.
Exactly. They cant just ignore that by saying oh he had no choice but to kill him because he was going to harm others. That is always going to be the case, so I hope they address that.They just need to get rid of Goyer, he's only okay when he's a co-writer. And I think Snyder said that before they decided to kill Zod, they were going to put him back into the Phantom Zone, but Snyder wanted to kill him, even through Chris Nolan was against it.
Goyer wanted to kill him. I think Snyder agreed. Nolan said no. Goyer wrote the scene and then Nolan was like fine you convinced me. I think he simply didn't give a **** since he wasn't directing and didn't co-write it. He may have left things out with his Batman but he didn't make him do things wildly out of character and I doubt Goyer is going to have Supes exile himself in to space after this so like I've been saying completely new and different Superman.

I assume before he rewrote some scenes instead of just dumping the ship in to the other one to cause the black hole to the phantom zone they would've just had it like a beam so he could reopen it later for Zod cuz from what happened there was no place to put Zod even if he beat him.

I'm not going to try and re-quote each section from my phone...

1. I made my point pretty clear. Stark's mouthing off was a tactical blunder. You have military personnel who are stronger and faster than him. That's an advantage for them. That's all based off the STORIES that we were provided in the respective movies.

I backed off of using IM3 as an argument because of how bad the writing was and how things don't add up.

2. Since you want to get technical. Molten lava at its lowest temp is about 650C which isn't hot enough to melt metals which have the tensile or compressive strength to withstand the beatings we saw IM take in the Avengers. Furthermore, the human tolerance for heat is around 40C. If they were that hot Tony could not have been within 10 ft of Killian without armor during their fight. So in order for that metal to melt Tony would be dead.

Didn't one of Tony's armors fall apart after getting hit by a bus? That would hold up against what we saw from NamEk or Faora? Right.....

3. Lets talk what we KNOW from these movies. Those blast on the ship incapacitated Kryptonians (for at least a few seconds but we couldn't see) when the ship was switched to Earth's environment. That would make them basically invulnerable right? If those were weak blasts they would have ate them and slapped Lois down. Supes ate one from the ship in Smallville and was down for a bit. I would say they're comparable.

4. We are not talking comics right now so why I would you even attempt to bring up "the extremis arc." I have no need to watch IM3 again, that crapfest is burned into my brain forever just like SM3 :lol

Look man. I'm gonna stick to my original post when you posted this nonsense yesterday. You either don't really understand the strength of Kryptonians or you just flat out overhype IM.....or both

I'm done...
It's not a tactical blunder because they weren't gunning for him before he called them out. You gotta be dumb to think Tony needed to announce his address for them to know where he lives. Tony Stark is a celebrity, it'll be easy to figure out where he lives. So again it's not a point at all. You're just ignoring story telling and the entertainment induced for the plot.

:lol I didn't know I was getting technical by saying the extremis soldiers were like molten men. I didn't say they were made of molten lava son :lol Obviously w/e they were made of was hot enough to melt through his suits with punches and damage his armor, not enough to sear through his skin though seeing not once was he punched in his armor and it pierced through him like the hollow suits. Of course none of what you're saying about molten lava temperatures and Tony dying has anything to do with what I was saying about the extremis soldiers, Thor, and Faora.

As for the kyrptonian hand guns and blasts from the ship I'm seeing a lot of ifs and a lot of stuff you're arguing I aint even bring up. Seeing the word invulnerability thrown around. Like I said I think you should rewatch the movie asap.

Well if you don't need to read or watch it again I guess it's fair to say you have not understood it well enough to discuss it.
:lol it funny how people go back and forth about a movie or movies that already defy logic wanting logical things to happen in a movie :lol

It's all in fun at the end of the day. Doubt anyone really loses sleep over it. We're all just fans.

With that said, I still say Bruce could make it from the Pit to Gotham in the timeframe he had. :lol

The blast radius and his survival is still worse. I look back and think there's no reason Nolan had to make that a nuke. Had American gov't laying down to terrorist demands :{
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Just got back from seeing it. Progressively got better towards the end of the movie, but overall I wasn't blown away or all that intrigued by what I was watching. CGI was really dope though.

Quick question because I am sure I missed the logic behind this part. How was Zod able to come back after his craft was 'bombed' without his clear mask on? He had it off prior and became instantly weak.
I think just gradually they get used to it sorta like how Clark got used to being on the ship. Initially his body couldn't take it but then he was able to breath normally wasn't super strong but able to breath and walk around normally
i think henry did a great job as superman. i do not know why people are saying he was just so so.

its superman. people just want every super hero to act like tony stark. thats not who he is...

Which is why I'm kinda surprised Warner Brothers have not paid more attention to making a solid Flash movie. Flash potentially has all the ingredients necessary to endear himself to the audience if casted right. He might not be the most iconic member of the Justice League but he can potentially be the one with the best personality. He can potentially be Tony Stark 2.0 minus the money.

Iron Man was nowhere near an iconic Marvel character among mainstream fans during his release but Robert Downey Jr killed it so up went Iron Man's personality. It wouldn't be crazy to think that there's an actor waiting out there who can do that for Flash.

So it kinda puzzles me that Warner Brothers want to fast track a sequel to MoS right away and then a Justice League after. Somebody up at Warner Brothers has no sense.
i think henry did a great job as superman. i do not know why people are saying he was just so so.

its superman. people just want every super hero to act like tony stark. thats not who he is...

Which is why I'm kinda surprised Warner Brothers have not paid more attention to making a solid Flash movie. Flash potentially has all the ingredients necessary to endear himself to the audience if casted right. He might not be the most iconic member of the Justice League but he can potentially be the one with the best personality. He can potentially be Tony Stark 2.0 minus the money.

Iron Man was nowhere near an iconic Marvel character among mainstream fans during his release but Robert Downey Jr killed it so up went Iron Man's personality. It wouldn't be crazy to think that there's an actor waiting out there who can do that for Flash.

So it kinda puzzles me that Warner Brothers want to fast track a sequel to MoS right away and then a Justice League after. Somebody up at Warner Brothers has no sense.
WB filled with **** ups. IMO Flash was always the right choice to be that charismatic hero. Instead they tried it with Ryan Reynolds in GL. I think WB just wants another profitable superhero movie that'll build more of the DC universe. I don't know why they're so tentative with Flash. He really could be that new fan favorite.

Noble, I don't agree that ppl wanted Henry to be like RDJR. There's no way in hell Superman/Clark Kent is like that unless they're really looking to change the character. Henry was good in his portrayal but it wasn't one you could love and think is really cool and fun. That usually doesn't happenw hen you're being heavy handed with your hero being a beacon of hope. My thing is he wasn't really being the Clark Kent everybody has had in their head from comics to tv shows. It was really more of a blank slate and still cautious like he just got off the ship. More mysterious drifter than anything.
i think henry did a great job as superman. i do not know why people are saying he was just so so.

its superman. people just want every super hero to act like tony stark. thats not who he is...

Which is why I'm kinda surprised Warner Brothers have not paid more attention to making a solid Flash movie. Flash potentially has all the ingredients necessary to endear himself to the audience if casted right. He might not be the most iconic member of the Justice League but he can potentially be the one with the best personality. He can potentially be Tony Stark 2.0 minus the money.

Iron Man was nowhere near an iconic Marvel character among mainstream fans during his release but Robert Downey Jr killed it so up went Iron Man's personality. It wouldn't be crazy to think that there's an actor waiting out there who can do that for Flash.

So it kinda puzzles me that Warner Brothers want to fast track a sequel to MoS right away and then a Justice League after. Somebody up at Warner Brothers has no sense.
WB filled with **** ups. IMO Flash was always the right choice to be that charismatic hero. Instead they tried it with Ryan Reynolds in GL. I think WB just wants another profitable superhero movie that'll build more of the DC universe. I don't know why they're so tentative with Flash. He really could be that new fan favorite.

Noble, I don't agree that ppl wanted Henry to be like RDJR. There's no way in hell Superman/Clark Kent is like that unless they're really looking to change the character. Henry was good in his portrayal but it wasn't one you could love and think is really cool and fun. That usually doesn't happenw hen you're being heavy handed with your hero being a beacon of hope. My thing is he wasn't really being the Clark Kent everybody has had in their head from comics to tv shows. It was really more of a blank slate and still cautious like he just got off the ship. More mysterious drifter than anything.
reynolds woulda been better as the flash IMO
I don't think it is just RDJ that made IM work, it is also the suit and the CGI made it seamless. I mean not many believed an IromMan suit could look so good and believable on the big screen w/o it being hokey or cheap but they really pulled it off. 10 years prior to the IM1, the technology just wasn't up to par and it'll likely look like crap if made it back then.

I think it's a combination of those two plus a good story that made IM as popular as he is. GL is almost the polar opposite, not so great acting, terrible CGI and crappy story and see where it is at now. Even Reynold do not want to reprise the role as it is now, it'll likely take Nolan to get him back on board.
What woulda REALLY been dope is if in order to build character development and to see more footage of clark growing up and discovering his powers is for them to have done a grindhouse approach and make 2 or 3 movies back to back to back to watch. i know i woulda paid to see that first movie is the end of krypton and him landing on earth and growing into his teenage years then second movie establishing himself as a hero and drawing attention to him as an alien and luthor questioning him and disliking him then last movie with zod coming to earth and raining destruction. I honestly get tired of these 2-3 year gap for sequels
All this talk about flash reminds of how bad they messed up deadpool in that one X-men. Deadpools main thing is he's always messing around and never shuts the hell up.

They made him a serious guy who doesn't talk..
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All this talk about flash reminds of how bad they messed up deadpool in that one X-men. Deadpools main thing is he's always messing around and never shuts the hell up.

They made him a serious guy who doesn't talk..

Well he was on point as Wade before becoming Weapon XI.
It's not a tactical blunder because they weren't gunning for him before he called them out. You gotta be dumb to think Tony needed to announce his address for them to know where he lives. Tony Stark is a celebrity, it'll be easy to figure out where he lives. So again it's not a point at all. You're just ignoring story telling and the entertainment induced for the plot.

So its not a tactical blunder to call out an international terrorist to come to your home and not prep for them? That's either arrogance or stupidity. Both of these are character traits established for a through the writers or what you like to call entertainment induced for the plot :lol. In the Avengers Banner was able to focus his anger on the aliens during the final battle and change into the Hulk because he was "always angry." Like 15 minutes before he was pissed and damn near tore up the hellacarrier. You wouldn't accept in AV2 that he couldn't be able to do that again would you? No, because it's an established character now regardless of if the fact that they didn't establish how it can happen. Same with Tony. You want to ignore these traits because they make him look weak. NO WHERE in my arguments for the kryptonians have I done so. You seem to enjoy it ;lol

:lol I didn't know I was getting technical by saying the extremis soldiers were like molten men. I didn't say they were made of molten lava son :lol Obviously w/e they were made of was hot enough to melt through his suits with punches and damage his armor, not enough to sear through his skin though seeing not once was he punched in his armor and it pierced through him like the hollow suits. Of course none of what you're saying about molten lava temperatures and Tony dying has anything to do with what I was saying about the extremis soldiers, Thor, and Faora.

So because human flesh was inside the suit it didn't burn through. O ok.. I told you that movie is absurd and you should not have used it in your arguments

I mentioned earlier how Thor was struggling with aliens who were being taken out by Widow and Hawkeye. Faora embarrassed about 10 humans in under 30 seconds. I provided you with a basis for comparison using events that ACTUALLY occurred in the films which can lead one to a LOGICAL CONCLUSION

As for the kyrptonian hand guns and blasts from the ship I'm seeing a lot of ifs and a lot of stuff you're arguing I aint even bring up. Seeing the word invulnerability thrown around. Like I said I think you should rewatch the movie asap.

Well if you don't need to read or watch it again I guess it's fair to say you have not understood it well enough to discuss it.

Really? You didn't bring that up.

Lois was taking out those lame soldiers with a kryptonian gun.

Your quote...not mine.

3. Lets talk what we KNOW from these movies. Those blast on the ship incapacitated Kryptonians (for at least a few seconds but we couldn't see) when the ship was switched to Earth's environment. That would make them basically invulnerable right? If those were weak blasts they would have ate them and slapped Lois down. Supes ate one from the ship in Smallville and was down for a bit. I would say they're comparable.

I provided you with a basis for comparison using events that ACTUALLY occurred in the film which can lead one to a LOGICAL CONCLUSION. In Earth's atmosphere we saw Krytonians thrown through buildings and shrug off fire without a scratch on them. If its not invulnerability its damn near close.

Don't bother replying man. You can't provide me with logical rebuttals. I got stuff to do.

Hail Iron Man ;lol
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i think henry did a great job as superman. i do not know why people are saying he was just so so.

its superman. people just want every super hero to act like tony stark. thats not who he is...

Which is why I'm kinda surprised Warner Brothers have not paid more attention to making a solid Flash movie. Flash potentially has all the ingredients necessary to endear himself to the audience if casted right. He might not be the most iconic member of the Justice League but he can potentially be the one with the best personality. He can potentially be Tony Stark 2.0 minus the money.

Iron Man was nowhere near an iconic Marvel character among mainstream fans during his release but Robert Downey Jr killed it so up went Iron Man's personality. It wouldn't be crazy to think that there's an actor waiting out there who can do that for Flash.

So it kinda puzzles me that Warner Brothers want to fast track a sequel to MoS right away and then a Justice League after. Somebody up at Warner Brothers has no sense.
WB filled with **** ups. IMO Flash was always the right choice to be that charismatic hero. Instead they tried it with Ryan Reynolds in GL. I think WB just wants another profitable superhero movie that'll build more of the DC universe. I don't know why they're so tentative with Flash. He really could be that new fan favorite.

Noble, I don't agree that ppl wanted Henry to be like RDJR. There's no way in hell Superman/Clark Kent is like that unless they're really looking to change the character. Henry was good in his portrayal but it wasn't one you could love and think is really cool and fun. That usually doesn't happenw hen you're being heavy handed with your hero being a beacon of hope. My thing is he wasn't really being the Clark Kent everybody has had in their head from comics to tv shows. It was really more of a blank slate and still cautious like he just got off the ship. More mysterious drifter than anything.
reynolds woulda been better as the flash IMO
The exact thing I said. Not to mention most of the general fan base is completely out of touch with Hal Jordan and were all wondering why GL wasn't black.

It's not a tactical blunder because they weren't gunning for him before he called them out. You gotta be dumb to think Tony needed to announce his address for them to know where he lives. Tony Stark is a celebrity, it'll be easy to figure out where he lives. So again it's not a point at all. You're just ignoring story telling and the entertainment induced for the plot.

So its not a tactical blunder to call out an international terrorist to come to your home and not prep for them? That's either arrogance or stupidity. Both of these are character traits established for a through the writers or what you like to call entertainment induced for the plot :lol. In the Avengers Banner was able to focus his anger on the aliens during the final battle and change into the Hulk because he was "always angry." Like 15 minutes before he was pissed and damn near tore up the hellacarrier. You wouldn't accept in AV2 that he couldn't be able to do that again would you? No, because it's an established character now regardless of if the fact that they didn't establish how it can happen. Same with Tony. You want to ignore these traits because they make him look weak. NO WHERE in my arguments for the kryptonians have I done so. You seem to enjoy it ;lol
I already said it's not and why. You just quoted and replied by asking me the same thing and then adding more of your ridiculous criticisms that are geared specifically to ignore.

:lol I didn't know I was getting technical by saying the extremis soldiers were like molten men. I didn't say they were made of molten lava son :lol Obviously w/e they were made of was hot enough to melt through his suits with punches and damage his armor, not enough to sear through his skin though seeing not once was he punched in his armor and it pierced through him like the hollow suits. Of course none of what you're saying about molten lava temperatures and Tony dying has anything to do with what I was saying about the extremis soldiers, Thor, and Faora.

So because human flesh was inside the suit it didn't burn through. O ok.. I told you that movie is absurd and you should not have used it in your arguments
Of course it'd be absurd to you. Half your argument has little to no reasoning. You go quoting any of my posts picking up on discussions you were not involved in at all which you most likely did not read from the jump to even understand what was being discussed and just keep on going further and further away from my point. You're busy being mad about molten lava temperatures and why Tony didn't die and end up being insanely far away from what I was talking about in regards to Tony, Faora, Thor, and the extremis soldiers. It's no surprise that you think I shouldn't have brought it up. You don't even know why I did.

As you originally (and incorrectly phrased) said you don't get my argument about the Avengers against the 3 kryptonians or even IM against Faora/Namek.
I mentioned earlier how Thor was struggling with aliens who were being taken out by Widow and Hawkeye. Faora embarrassed about 10 humans in under 30 seconds. I provided you with a basis for comparison using events that ACTUALLY occurred in the films which can lead one to a LOGICAL CONCLUSION
There's nothing logical about your reasoning. Humans don't compare to aliens. Widow and Hawkeye taking out chitauri has nothing to do with Faora taking out human soldiers and at no point have I entertained that reasoning. I'm sure the comparison makes sense to you though.
As for the kyrptonian hand guns and blasts from the ship I'm seeing a lot of ifs and a lot of stuff you're arguing I aint even bring up. Seeing the word invulnerability thrown around. Like I said I think you should rewatch the movie asap.

Well if you don't need to read or watch it again I guess it's fair to say you have not understood it well enough to discuss it.

Really? You didn't bring that up.

Lois was taking out those lame soldiers with a kryptonian gun.

Your quote...not mine.
What I've brought up and what you're talking about aren't the same thing. It's amazing you couldn't understand that sentence if you think I said I didn't bring up the gun :lol What I'm referencing when I say you're bringing up crap I never said isn't the gun but you should reread the words you're using and then read what I've said cuz you're interpreting things the wrong way or outright assuming I've said things that I haven't.
3. Lets talk what we KNOW from these movies. Those blast on the ship incapacitated Kryptonians (for at least a few seconds but we couldn't see) when the ship was switched to Earth's environment. That would make them basically invulnerable right? If those were weak blasts they would have ate them and slapped Lois down. Supes ate one from the ship in Smallville and was down for a bit. I would say they're comparable.

I provided you with a basis for comparison using events that ACTUALLY occurred in the film which can lead one to a LOGICAL CONCLUSION. In Earth's atmosphere we saw Krytonians thrown through buildings and shrug off fire without a scratch on them. If its not invulnerability its damn near close.
No you haven't. You're comparing w/e you want to try and build your side of an argument that's unreasonable from it's inception. You can't reach a logical conclusion with an illogical premise. At this point it's pretty clear you're not sure what I'm even talking about given this is what you're leaving with asking me not to reply :lol

You obviously don't know what invulnerability means. Bringing up Earth atmosphere is irrelevant given they all had their gas mask helmets on but that's not the first irrelevant thing you've brought up and continued to go on and on about.
Don't bother replying man. You can't provide me with logical rebuttals. I got stuff to do.
This from the boy championing anti-logic from the jump.
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I just realized. How does Lois take out all those Kryptonians with one gun in the ship. It doesn't make any sense when you think about it. Cuz this was right around when the atmosphere changed and Clark became super strong again.
I just realized. How does Lois take out all those Kryptonians with one gun in the ship. It doesn't make any sense when you think about it. Cuz this was right around when the atmosphere changed and Clark became super strong again.

she had helped from Jor-El

he knew exactly where the kryptonians were and controlled the ship.

he anticipated their moves and knew when and where to shoot, and how to evade them.

also they werent exposed to the yellow sun because they were inside the ship.
I just realized. How does Lois take out all those Kryptonians with one gun in the ship. It doesn't make any sense when you think about it. Cuz this was right around when the atmosphere changed and Clark became super strong again.

she had helped from Jor-El

he knew exactly where the kryptonians were and controlled the ship.

he anticipated their moves and knew when and where to shoot, and how to evade them.

also they werent exposed to the yellow sun because they were inside the ship.
When you think about it though he could've just changed the gravity and had everybody but Superman floating around since at the end he had to go and save Lois anyway.
Feels like its just the same ppl defending how the good movie is. I fully get being a comic book fan or superhero fan kind of guides a lot of opinions but the lack of acting can not be ignored. The action was top notch which helps the movie immensely, but story and acting from main charters was sorely lacking and makes this movie just ok
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I think they could've picked a different actor for Zod. He didn't look like a cool, menacing villain to me. He looked like a weirdo with a bad haircut.
I think they could've picked a different actor for Zod. He didn't look like a cool, menacing villain to me. He looked like a weirdo with a bad haircut.

yeah. Shannon just isnt very intimidating imo. i laugh at his voice whenever he speaks
It's all in fun at the end of the day. Doubt anyone really loses sleep over it. We're all just fans.

With that said, I still say Bruce could make it from the Pit to Gotham in the timeframe he had.
I sincerely believe Nolan was just out of ideas with TDKR. Like he knew the story he wanted to tell, but he didn't have his heart in it because some things were just awfully ridiculous.
I think they could've picked a different actor for Zod. He didn't look like a cool, menacing villain to me. He looked like a weirdo with a bad haircut.

yeah. Shannon just isnt very intimidating imo. i laugh at his voice whenever he speaks

Faora was more menacing. She had those cold, dead eyes and looked like the type to rip your balls off if you looked at her weird at the bar but then you'd ponder for a second because you like the thought of her touching your junk just not in that painful way :\,
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