Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

I think they could've picked a different actor for Zod. He didn't look like a cool, menacing villain to me. He looked like a weirdo with a bad haircut.

yeah. Shannon just isnt very intimidating imo. i laugh at his voice whenever he speaks

Faora was more menacing. She had those cold, dead eyes and looked like the type to rip your balls off if you looked at her weird at the bar but then you'd ponder for a second because you like the thought of her touching your junk just not in that painful way :\,

I couldn't resist

As you originally (and incorrectly phrased) said you don't get my argument about the Avengers against the 3 kryptonians or even IM against Faora/Namek.
There's nothing logical about your reasoning. Humans don't compare to aliens. Widow and Hawkeye taking out chitauri has nothing to do with Faora taking out human soldiers and at no point have I entertained that reasoning. I'm sure the comparison makes sense to you though.

You make comparisons like this

Of course chitauri don't comare to kryptonians (when fully powered by a yellow sun). I'm more than positive Iron Man would hold his own on with a bunch of kryptonians that haven't even honed their skills yet, who without their helmets would be immobilized.

Assumptions like this

If you think Tony Stark aint smart enough to think hey guys go for the aliens helmets, they clearly haven't adapted to Earth's atmosphere then I'm not going to continue this pointless back and forth.

Iron Man would've took a few shots and while rebooting and calling in more armor

With nothing to base it off of. But I can't?

What I've brought up and what you're talking about aren't the same thing. It's amazing you couldn't understand that sentence if you think I said I didn't bring up the gun :lol What I'm referencing when I say you're bringing up crap I never said isn't the gun but you should reread the words you're using and then read what I've said cuz you're interpreting things the wrong way or outright assuming I've said things that I haven't.

Back tracking yet again....then what exactly were you saying? You were responding to my reasoning for Lois being able to take out Kryptonians with the "lame" guns. You make posts like this but never say anything. It's a nice tactic when you have no argument. Try again

No you haven't. You're comparing w/e you want to try and build your side of an argument that's unreasonable from it's inception. You can't reach a logical conclusion with an illogical premise. At this point it's pretty clear you're not sure what I'm even talking about given this is what you're leaving with asking me not to reply :lol

You obviously don't know what invulnerability means. Bringing up Earth atmosphere is irrelevant given they all had their gas mask helmets on but that's not the first irrelevant thing you've brought up and continued to go on and on about.

in·vul·ner·a·ble [in-vuhl-ner-uh-buhl]
1. incapable of being wounded, hurt, or damaged.
2. proof against or immune to attack

What I said

In Earth's atmosphere we saw Krytonians thrown through buildings and shrug off fire without a scratch on them. If its not invulnerability its damn near close.

Argument Fail

Also Faora, Zod, and NamEk all had their helmets on while on Earth and this still had powers. Jor-El had Lois change the ship's atmosphere to be that of Earth's. Provide me with a difference. They were all in the presence of the yellow Sun.

Argument Fail again

This from the boy championing anti-logic from the jump.

Nice try
Zod wasn't supposed to come off as a villain just a desperate man trying to save his people by any means necessary. That is why Faora was so thorough she was the muscle.
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Exactly. They cant just ignore that by saying oh he had no choice but to kill him because he was going to harm others. That is always going to be the case, so I hope they address that.They just need to get rid of Goyer, he's only okay when he's a co-writer. And I think Snyder said that before they decided to kill Zod, they were going to put him back into the Phantom Zone, but Snyder wanted to kill him, even through Chris Nolan was against it. 

If they weren't going to address it, Superman would've killed him and that would've been it. Instead, he tried to stop him until he felt he had no choice then cried after killing him. I'm glad he killed Zod. Superman isn't Superman yet in this movie. He just started flying. He just became a public figure. That was the first time he fought anyone that tested him. He's not going to be perfect, idealistic and charming Superman with no experience after a lifetime of holding back and blending in.

And why does it matter that Amy Adams was old-ish as Lois Lane? She was supposed to be a legit reporter, not some chick straight out of college. It takes years to get to that level. Don't mind the move at all.

You guys are really arguing Avengers vs. Superman or whatever in a fight? How old are you guys?
I actually like reading through the arguments.

Reminds me of that Batman vs. Spiderman thread. That was fun to participate in and read. It went on for a whole week I think.
Saw this a couple of hours ago, wasnt blown away but it was a good movie and I think its the perfect springboard for future ones.
I couldn't resist
Of course you couldn't. Why not keep posting more stuff instead of making sense? It aint like that's stopping you.
You make comparisons like this
So are you saying the chitauri are as strong as kryptonians? Seems you don't much. There not assumptions if you've read the comics which is the basis for the movies.
Assumptions like this
Tony Stark aint smart? One of the smartest dudes in the MU can't hack alien tech? Same dude who made IM suit in a cave?
With nothing to base it off of. But I can't?
See that's the thing though. When I was talking with RFX which is who I was talking with and where you grabbed those quotes from we didn't need to waste time arguing whether or not the chitauri are as strong as kryptoninans or if tony Stark is smart (although I think he disputed movie Stark hacking ability) cuz he at least knows for the most part these aren't assumptions and where some of the basis is coming from.

If you want to dispute those things rewatch Avengers, the Iron Man movies, and MOS.
Back tracking yet again....then what exactly were you saying? You were responding to my reasoning for Lois being able to take out Kryptonians with the "lame" guns. You make posts like this but never say anything. It's a nice tactic when you have no argument. Try again
I don't need to backtrack when you started off quoting me about this saying you don't understand my argument in the first place. Instead of taking the time to understand it you just went on arguing without comprehending. So I'm not surprised you'd come up with a reply like this.
in·vul·ner·a·ble [in-vuhl-ner-uh-buhl]
1. incapable of being wounded, hurt, or damaged.
2. proof against or immune to attack
Argument Fail
Like I said, irrelevant but at least you smartened up and used the dictionary definition to feign competence. I notice you don't at all address the first part of what you've quoted. You're argument isn't based on anything reasonable for it to lead to a logical conclusion.
Also Faora, Zod, and NamEk all had their helmets on while on Earth and this still had powers. Jor-El had Lois change the ship's atmosphere to be that of Earth's. Provide me with a difference. They were all in the presence of the yellow Sun.
This is the crap I'm talking about. What are you even arguing here? What do you think I'm saying actually? Who said they didn't have their helmets and powers? Who said Jor-El didn't change the ship's atmosphere? Who said they weren't in the presence of a yellow sun for the duration of the movie? What are you even asking for here? It's like just decided to go off on another irrelevant tangent as you pick and choose what to reply to.

Like I said
At this point it's pretty clear you're not sure what I'm even talking about given this is what you're leaving with asking me not to reply :lol
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And why does it matter that Amy Adams was old-ish as Lois Lane? She was supposed to be a legit reporter, not some chick straight out of college. It takes years to get to that level. Don't mind the move at all.

You guys are really arguing Avengers vs. Superman or whatever in a fight? How old are you guys?

Lois being old matters because Superman looks much younger than her and when the sequels are made, she will look even older and might have to be re-cast and then it'll be another chemistry issue. This is a movie about an alien coming to Earth and you want a realistic elite writer to be in her 40s to be considered good at her job? She barely looked 30 in the film. I am not saying cast Emma Stone to make Lois look like a teenager, mid-20's to early-30's is fine, about the same age as Superman. Not someone who looks 40years old, watching it on IMAX doesn't help either. At this point, people become invested in films and the audience gets attached to these characters and a reboot/recast is almost always frowned upon. WB/DC really needs to start planning these films for a long run.

I believe Superman said he is 30 or 33 years old in the movie.

You ask us how old we are for having a discussion about comics? Only 12 year olds are allowed to have a discussion? How old are you? You sound pretty immature with that comment.
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And why does it matter that Amy Adams was old-ish as Lois Lane? She was supposed to be a legit reporter, not some chick straight out of college. It takes years to get to that level. Don't mind the move at all.

You guys are really arguing Avengers vs. Superman or whatever in a fight? How old are you guys?

Lois being old matters because Superman looks much younger than her and when the sequels are made, she will look even older and might have to be re-cast and then it'll be another chemistry issue. This is a movie about an alien coming to Earth and you want a realistic elite writer to be in her 40s to be considered good at her job? She barely looked 30 in the film. I am not saying cast Emma Stone to make Lois look like a teenager, mid-20's to early-30's is fine, about the same age as Superman. Not someone who looks 40years old, watching it on IMAX doesn't help either. At this point, people become invested in films and the audience gets attached to these characters and a reboot/recast is almost always frowned upon. WB/DC really needs to start planning these films for a long run.

I believe Superman said he is 30 or 33 years old in the movie.

You ask us how old we are for having a discussion about comics? Only 12 year olds are allowed to have a discussion? How old are you? You sound pretty immature with that comment.

yea, she was poorly cast. Clark is 33 while lois looks around 38. And seeing as how these movies take 3-4 years to come out, shes gonna get worse
sequel costume please
And why does it matter that Amy Adams was old-ish as Lois Lane? She was supposed to be a legit reporter, not some chick straight out of college. It takes years to get to that level. Don't mind the move at all.

You guys are really arguing Avengers vs. Superman or whatever in a fight? How old are you guys?

Lois being old matters because Superman looks much younger than her and when the sequels are made, she will look even older and might have to be re-cast and then it'll be another chemistry issue. This is a movie about an alien coming to Earth and you want a realistic elite writer to be in her 40s to be considered good at her job? She barely looked 30 in the film. I am not saying cast Emma Stone to make Lois look like a teenager, mid-20's to early-30's is fine, about the same age as Superman. Not someone who looks 40years old, watching it on IMAX doesn't help either. At this point, people become invested in films and the audience gets attached to these characters and a reboot/recast is almost always frowned upon. WB/DC really needs to start planning these films for a long run.

I believe Superman said he is 30 or 33 years old in the movie.

You ask us how old we are for having a discussion about comics? Only 12 year olds are allowed to have a discussion? How old are you? You sound pretty immature with that comment.

yea, she was poorly cast. Clark is 33 while lois looks around 38. And seeing as how these movies take 3-4 years to come out, shes gonna get worse
Hopefully they get really carefree and kill Lois, then bring in a Lana Lang to be the main woman in his life. I tend to wonder if one of the reasons they want the MOS sequel out so fast is cuz of the age of her :lol Cuz Amy Adams will be 40 after this sequel comes out.
Feels like its just the same ppl defending how the good movie is. I fully get being a comic book fan or superhero fan kind of guides a lot of opinions but the lack of acting can not be ignored. The action was top notch which helps the movie immensely, but story and acting from main charters was sorely lacking and makes this movie just ok
You'll never find me arguing for the story or acting in this. I actually think the die hard comic fans would have the most criticisms given the amount of liberties taken with Superman. From a movie perspective, the supporting cast was a bit forgettable but to me Cavill, Crowe, and Shannon did their thing.
sequel costume please
:rollin @ the skulls at his feet. You want Supes to go real dark. Justice Lords steez.
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she had helped from Jor-El

he knew exactly where the kryptonians were and controlled the ship.

he anticipated their moves and knew when and where to shoot, and how to evade them.

also they werent exposed to the yellow sun because they were inside the ship.

Yea, but that's just it. Clark was inside that ship too and once the atmosphere changed he became super strong and took his shackles off. I'm saying when he gets super strong, wouldn't everybody else in the ship get super strong then.

Also, how do I do nested quotes?
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I agree about Lois Lane being mis-cast.

They will probably re-cast her like they did with that girl in TDK.
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Yall buggin. Wait for The Ice Man :smokin

or at least watch Boardwalk Empire.

It was real weird seeing him outside of his Van Alden role in BE :lol . I thought he did fine as Zod, could have a better voice for it though.

Even weirder when you realize he was in 8 Mile.
This movie was whatever to me. The dialogue really sucked. If you took the characters and replaced them with Autobots its the same movie. I ono. I really got bored, there was all this stuff happening but I wantedthe plot to just GO. I ono I was disappointed.
Of course you couldn't. Why not keep posting more stuff instead of making sense? It aint like that's stopping you.

Ok here we go

So are you saying the chitauri are as strong as kryptonians? Seems you don't much. There not assumptions if you've read the comics which is the basis for the movies.
:rollin :rollin You can't just pull info from the comics when it pleases you. We have been sticking to the movies because this whole argument started off of characters from the movies. You however choose to ignore movie comparisons and base your opinions off who knows what. I only quoted that to put your hypocrisy on full display. See below.

Eh the same IM suits that were taking blows from Thor can't take blows from those 3 now? When they're not even fully powered? Them suits would do the job.
Your words again. How are you able to make that comparison? Based off what? The comics? That comparison was across two movies and based off of what? When I make a comparison of events in the same movie I am some how grasping. Hypocrisy at its finest. :lol

Tony Stark aint smart? One of the smartest dudes in the MU can't hack alien tech? Same dude who made IM suit in a cave?

It's not about him not being a tech genius. Your arguments you've made are based off the assumption that Tony Stark enters the fight knowing the very weak point to attack a being who he doesn't yet even know is invulnerable. That's ridiculous son. As RFX already tried to explain to you he wouldn't even inflict enough damage to them to figure out that weakness before he is murked.

See that's the thing though. When I was talking with RFX which is who I was talking with and where you grabbed those quotes from we didn't need to waste time arguing whether or not the chitauri are as strong as kryptoninans or if tony Stark is smart (although I think he disputed movie Stark hacking ability) cuz he at least knows for the most part these aren't assumptions and where some of the basis is coming from.

For the record Tony doesn't hack squat, Jarvis does. As I stated previously he would be dead before he figured out that weak point. Superman didn't even figure it out until he inflicted enough damage to Zod. All the basis should be from the movies. If you want to go to comics this is over before it starts. Your whole premise for IM's survival is based off a setup from the movie (the helmet and that the initial exposure to Earth's atmosphere could be a weakness due to a rush of heightened senses for the Kryptonians).

If you want to dispute those things rewatch Avengers, the Iron Man movies, and MOS.

Sounds like you need to

I don't need to backtrack when you started off quoting me about this saying you don't understand my argument in the first place. Instead of taking the time to understand it you just went on arguing without comprehending. So I'm not surprised you'd come up with a reply like this.

Pass that bruh..... See below how you sound

Like I said, irrelevant but at least you smartened up and used the dictionary definition to feign competence.

Irrelevant huh? Keep reading your own words

I notice you don't at all address the first part of what you've quoted. You're argument isn't based on anything reasonable for it to lead to a logical conclusion.

I already did so keep reading

This is the crap I'm talking about. What are you even arguing here? What do you think I'm saying actually? Who said they didn't have their helmets and powers? Who said Jor-El didn't change the ship's atmosphere? Who said they weren't in the presence of a yellow sun for the duration of the movie? What are you even asking for here? It's like just decided to go off on another irrelevant tangent as you pick and choose what to reply to.

Another tangent?...son you seem lost in your own arguments so let me help you out

Lois was taking out those lame soldiers with a kryptonian gun.

You're mistaken. Go watch MOS again if you think the blasts from guns and the blasts from the ships are "same type blasts" and then after, I can get in to why even if they were similar, that a blast from a hand gun and from the ship are on a different scale That seems like something incredibly dumb to ignore.

All you bruh.

3. Lets talk what we KNOW from these movies. Those blast on the ship incapacitated Kryptonians (for at least a few seconds but we couldn't see) when the ship was switched to Earth's environment. That would make them basically invulnerable right? If those were weak blasts they would have ate them and slapped Lois down. Supes ate one from the ship in Smallville and was down for a bit. I would say they're comparable.

My response. You even tried to compare it to a hand gun. We're talking laser type blasts :lol
Then I tried to tell you it was a logical conclusion based on facts from the movies.

No you haven't. You're comparing w/e you want to try and build your side of an argument that's unreasonable from it's inception. You can't reach a logical conclusion with an illogical premise. At this point it's pretty clear you're not sure what I'm even talking about given this is what you're leaving with asking me not to reply

You obviously don't know what invulnerability means. Bringing up Earth atmosphere is irrelevant given they all had their gas mask helmets on but that's not the first irrelevant thing you've brought up and continued to go on and on about.

What I wrote based off scenes from the movie seems very unreasonable? Ok.
You appear to still be on topic here

Also Faora, Zod, and NamEk all had their helmets on while on Earth and this still had powers. Jor-El had Lois change the ship's atmosphere to be that of Earth's. Provide me with a difference. They were all in the presence of the yellow Sun.

My response. I think this is when you started rollin up

This is the crap I'm talking about. What are you even arguing here? What do you think I'm saying actually? Who said they didn't have their helmets and powers? Who said Jor-El didn't change the ship's atmosphere? Who said they weren't in the presence of a yellow sun for the duration of the movie? What are you even asking for here? It's like just decided to go off on another irrelevant tangent as you pick and choose what to reply to

You seem to even forget what you type son. Do better. I really am done now bruh. I refuse to continue to feed the troll.
she had helped from Jor-El

he knew exactly where the kryptonians were and controlled the ship.

he anticipated their moves and knew when and where to shoot, and how to evade them.

also they werent exposed to the yellow sun because they were inside the ship.

Yea, but that's just it. Clark was inside that ship too and once the atmosphere changed he became super strong and took his shackles off. I'm saying when he gets super strong, wouldn't everybody else in the ship get super strong then.

Supes got strong because of the stored yellow sun rays in his cells, the other Kyrptonians in the ship didn't have that, they were never exposed in the yellow sun. The yellow sun wasn't provided inside the ship, JorEl just changed the atmosphere similar to Earths.

IIRC, when JorEL started to correct the environment in the ship to suit Kal, the Kryptonians in the ship got a bit disoriented? The ones that Lois shot had their helmets on, I think?

Really got to watch it again to be sure.
You can't just pull info from the comics when it pleases you. We have been sticking to the movies because this whole argument started off of characters from the movies. You however choose to ignore movie comparisons and base your opinions off who knows what. I only quoted that to put your hypocrisy on full display. See below.
How else are we going to establish who is stronger? A freshly made fictional alien species or a 70+ year old fictional alien species that have been portrayed in several movies? Even if you want to ignore your common sense since you just seem to be drawn to ignoring things, feats in the movies themselves show the difference but I already told you what to do in regards to the movies. I'll be sure to pm you the dvd bootleg when the link is online. You can say we've been sticking to the movies but I question if you actually remember what happened in them if you're questioning which alien species is stronger. I mean RFX straight up said the Avengers would have a harder time fighting the kryptonians than the chitauri. That's basically saying the kryptonians are stronger, because they are. It seems I have to go back to the drawing board for you to understand that. That was never an issue previously. I already finished your ridiculous talk about Johnathan Kent and now you've jumped on to the talk about who would beat who and are so lost it's embarrassing.

This is another example of you making up arguments out of irrelevant **** that needs not be questioned. I'm not surprised you find it funny though.

Kryptonians > Chitauri.

This is what you originally told me man:
I'm still not getting your argument of IM vs The Avengers.
:lol Then stay out of it.
Eh the same IM suits that were taking blows from Thor can't take blows from those 3 now? When they're not even fully powered? Them suits would do the job.
Your words again. How are you able to make that comparison? Based off what? The comics? That comparison was across two movies and based off of what? When I make a comparison of events in the same movie I am some how grasping. Hypocrisy at its finest.
What exactly are you proving here? Thor came to blows with IM in Avengers. Not just survive but fight back. With the person I was already speaking with, we've already established that Thor along with Hulk would hold his own against the 3 kryptonians. That was never a question. So if Thor can fight them and IM has survived blows from Thor why can't IM survive their attacks?

Is this logic that difficult for you to follow? I think you're completely out of your depth here. Your pulling quotes from a discussion you weren't involved in and one I think you didn't even bother to read to try and prove something you can not prove. Not even making much sense let alone a point. You're not pointing out anyting by bringing up my old posts. If anything I'd rather you try to make sense of the other crap you've been arguing and why it's relevant to anything I've been saying.
It's not about him not being a tech genius. Your arguments you've made are based off the assumption that Tony Stark enters the fight knowing the very weak point to attack a being who he doesn't yet even know is invulnerable. That's ridiculous son. As RFX already tried to explain to you he wouldn't even inflict enough damage to them to figure out that weakness before he is murked.
So he doesn't have eyes? He can't see the gas mask helmets? He can't realize they're aliens at any point in the fight? It's clear you just have a different uninformed version of how things would go down, not surprised given the other things you've tried to pass off as logical and reason based.
For the record Tony doesn't hack squat, Jarvis does.
Who created Jarvis? You thought Jarvis created himself? He's a byproduct of Tony Stark. Another accessory to his suit and when he creates other things. Honestly, for the record? :rollin C'mon son.
Sounds like you need to
I'm not the one disputing what actually happened in the movies or making things up or poorly describing and interpreting events though.
Pass that bruh..... See below how you soundPass that bruh..... See below how you sound
This is called deflection. You still haven't taken the time to comprehend anything yet :smokin
Irrelevant huh? Keep reading your own words
This whole invulnerable talk is your argument not mine.
I already did so keep reading
No you haven't but that you think that you did lets me know you're not actually reading the posts in their entirety.
Another tangent?...son you seem lost in your own arguments so let me help you out
All you bruh.
What that got to do with who is invulnerable? I mentioned the gun and disputed you thinking the blast from the gun is the same thing as a blast from the ship. You failed at addressing that. All you kept saying is they were the same after initially saying "correct me if I'm wrong" and I did and suggested you re-watch MOS. It's simply you not actually comprehending scale and the difference between a handgun and a ship's cannon/weapon port. Yet you think they're comparable for some reason when the movie isn't supporting it. If they were comparable everybody who got shot by Lois would've got sent flying out of the ship instead of to the ground.
My response. We're talking laser type blasts
Like I said a lot of ifs and things I didn't say. Who said anything about weak blasts? Why are you asking me if getting hit by that blasts makes them immortal? The Earth atmosphere has nothing to do with what I said about Lois and the gun or what she did and what the soldiers on the ship were incapable of doing. They all had their helmets at the time and if they weren't on go up within a second.
You even tried to compare it to a hand gun.
No I didn't. This is more of the assuming and misinterpreting instead of asking so things can be made clear to you. I didn't compare anything to a handgun. You can't find that post cuz it never happened. I referred to the gun Lois had as a handgun, it's a gun that shoots a blast that fits in her hand. Me calling it a hand gun is not me comparing it to a hand gun. Only a stupid person would think that and run with it. I would say I'm amazed but these are the things you have continually misunderstood for like 5+ pages now.
Then I tried to tell you it was a logical conclusion based on facts from the movies.
Which it wasn't.
What I wrote based off scenes from the movie seems very unreasonable? Ok.
It's not my fault you can't watch the movie, understand what happens in the movie and then form coherent speculation let alone theory or begin to measure scale in a comparison to two different types of weapons and remain reasonable at the same time.
My response. I think this is when you started rollin up
You seem to even forget what you type son. Do better. I really am done now bruh. I refuse to continue to feed the troll.
Which wasn't relevant to what I was talking about and arguing for. You just started stating **** nobody disputed. Who said anything about them not having their helmets or yellow sunlight? I think you see me mention something or point out something and just jump at any chance to reply without thinking it through.

I'm pretty sure despite going back to my post to quote me you don't even know why I brought up Lois on the ship with the gun. Tony Stark and his 40+ suits don't have the time to fight Faora/Namek but Lois is shooting down soldiers on the ship with ease cuz a hologram tells her where to shoot, now suddenly her reaction time is superior. Lois was brought up simply to talk about what she did and how she did it to put emphasis on what Tony would do in his suit with his repulsor blasts. Then instead of addressing that you spend paragraphs upon paragraphs talking about the blast from the ship and the blast from the gun cuz you can't tell the difference between scale and stating undisputed facts about them being in yellow sunlight on the ship after it was changed to Earth's atmosphere after asking me if they're invulnerable.

By the way, if you were actually done, you wouldn't need to keep saying you're done. You refuse to continue but can't resist :lol Ol contradicting hypocritical lookin boy. Can't even gracefully bow out.
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There might be a bit of a power discrepancy in the Marvel Cinematic universe. The Iron Man in the Avengers movie seemed more powerful than the Iron Man in IM3.

I really don't know how you can go from going toe to toe with a Norse god and surviving an alien invasion in one suit change to needing a billion suits to finish off like twenty Extremis.

Truly one of the things that annoyed me immensely about IM3.

If we're basing this whole Iron Man against the Kryptonians argument off of the version in the Avengers then I say Iron Man can survive them. If we're going to factor in IM3 then I don't know.
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