Geez, I hope the folks are still alive :frown:

I'm not sure making this announcement while they're still on the hunt was the smartest idea, though understandably they may have to since folks want answer now. The bad guys may do something even more crazy and harm the hostages if they are still ticking.

Like I said from the beginning, I'm certain a movie is going to be made sooner or later (of course with a Hollywood touch).
Hope the passengers are still alive meaning they didn't crash into water and they are on some discrete island. Some splinter cell type **** could be on that island as we speak. Could it be possible that terrorists got on without a passport and from the cargo or internal parts?
So since it's considered hijacked at this point.

A plane of that size with a full tank, how far could it fly so they could determine possible targets ?

I read so many articles about this event since it occurred, I may be wrong but I recall an article stating that they had enough gas to go up to 3k miles farther.
We still need serious confirmation by multiple parties, but if the hijacking turns out to be true, and folks are still alive. WOW, will be one the crazies stories ever.

I can see Hollywood studios racing to get a movie made about this.

-But I still think be will end up finding the plane crashed somewhere
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you guys do realize they are just saying it was hijacked, thats all. they dont know where it is. if the plane has landed, if it hasnt crashed. no one knows anything but what they do know and which was obvious with all the news yesterday was it was hijacked. manually turning off the systems, flying at different altitudes multiple times, flying all different directions.

it was obvious but this doesnt mean that the plane isnt at the bottom of the ocean or at some hanger in the middle east, no one knows.
Still the hijacking conjecture isn't conclusive until we have someone who IS authorized to talk to the media actually confirm it.
well regardless, i cant wait to see how this unfolds because its crazy to think they actually landed somewhere.

When if it comes out I'm going to post,told you so!

not say it did or didnt, im saying its crazy for someone/s to go and hijack and random plane and land it somewhere.

we will see how it unfolds, might take awhile tho
not say it did or didnt, im saying its crazy for someone/s to go and hijack and random plane and land it somewhere.

we will see how it unfolds, might take awhile tho
I agree, some crazy stuff
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