I've been seeing this picture a lot in the articles. Dude is such a boss with his pink phone cover. 
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Damn they are effed then, could take weeks to get all that area covered. Dont even think Malaysia has resources to scan that whole part of the world.
Well, still there was a limited supply of gas, so I don't think it would have made it to the left-most parts of the map, but it's still a lot to cover!
Any runways left over are either still in use (in some way), or completely unusable. Regardless, they're not big enough. Hell, most airports can't handle much more than a 737, if that. Only major airports can handle jumbo jets.

Actually runway length and take off has to do with weight, if you dump a large amount of fuel you can land a 747 on a runway 5,000 feet, a 777 technically can land on a runway less than 5,000.

For example:

I mean yeah technically you are right. I just can't imagine to many runways are chilling that are wide enough and long enough to land and turn around then take off a 777. One that was obviously full when it landed
Here is the very informed opinion of a former FAA accident investigator: (Scott Brener)

"No way was this an accident."

"Even more troubling than the direction of the plane, someone turned off the transponder on the aircraft."

"He not only turns off the transponder, he also turns off another system on the plane called the ACAR system."

"If you turn off both of those things, you've got somebody whose got some bad intentions."

"They had all these folks out there spending huge amounts of money looking in an area where they well know there was no aircraft to be found."

"Why would they do that? Perhaps they are sensitive about potential terrorism or being identified with terrorism. But they did that on purpose."

Hands down the best analysis I've seen all week.
some theory on reddit:

Interesting theory from another pilot
The terror organisations recognise that the sure way to win the current war they're waging against the West is to use the Ronald Reagan ploy of making the war simply too expensive for the other side to wage. If this turns out to be a terroist attack, it's clever, particularly if it can be repeated.

Someone, be it a terrorist who forced his way into the cockpit or a pilot who has been recruited or forced to co-operate with the terrorists, had to have enough knowledge of the 777 to know which nav and comm. functions to disable - and in a very short time - to cause it to disappear (in an electronic sense) in a matter of seconds. After that, it's just a question of getting the aircraft a long way away from the commonsense search area before ditching it or flying it deliberately into the sea to destroy it. (When your foot soldiers are willing to die for the cause, the possibilities that can be employed are endless.)

The effect of two or three similar disappearances will be huge. The incredible expense, both to governments and airlines, in just trying to find the missing hull, will eventually become crippling; the drop off in passengers, as airline travel becomes something less than 100% safe in the public's perception, will hurt the airlines' bottom line; the increased security measures will make airline travel an even more painful experience than it has become since 2001.
All will end up making travel very, very expensive, which means the bad guys will have won, for without easy and cheap air travel, Western society will not be what it has become over the last fifty years.

In that case, the airplane kept sending signals even while going down. This thing just vanished with no trace.
the plane 'vanished' in a similiar manner. And finding the wreckage took years.

They found wreckage within 5 days, it took 2 years to locate the black boxes.

Everyone jumping to the conclusion that the Malaysian Airlines or plane had some sort of malfunction need to stop w/that nonsense immediately. Please explain why the flight started northeast (which it was supposed to), turned around, passed by numerous airports and headed west?

Do I have to draw out an example?

Plane leaves Phoenix headed for Denver, turns around & authorities (knuckleheads) now have thoughts that the plane might be in the area of San Diego.

This point to a hijacking. No other scenario given the facts.
not saying this is what happened but there is a possibility that if there was a technical problem that caused the communication devices to go out and also caused decompression issues in the cabin,everyone could've went unconscious due to the decompression and if a plane is on auto pilot (which it reportedly should be at the certain point in the flight that it was) then if all communication and flight management systems go down the autopilot loses the recorded destination course in the computer.  The plane is able to redirect its' own course and change directions which is what an experienced pilot said on CNN and it has happened before.
the plane 'vanished' in a similiar manner. And finding the wreckage took years.
people need to stop comparing this to Air France.  They had a relatively good idea of what exactly happened to Air France and why it went down immediately while it went down.  It sent multiple distress and failure signals and they found parts of wreckage and bodies within 5 days.
Just heard on CNN that it's possible the plane could be in the indian ocean.
I've been saying for a couple days now that it's probably in the Indian Ocean,  I just couldn't believe that it fell into any of those relatively smaller and shallower areas and almost 40 ships and 20 aircraft couldn't locate any debris or even a ping from the black box.

Im sure it flew off radar at the Malacca straights but continued to head in that direction until it crashed into the Indian Ocean.
You know how piss-poor these "terrorist" organizations are? Just how dumb these dudes are? Now all of sudden they're masterminds who can infiltrate all these electronic systems like something out of mission impossible?

Now lets say they did get someone who was capable of doing so, where the hell are they going to land a plane to use for a future "terror attack" without being detected by another 20 different countries airspace towers? Even if the location systems are down on the plane it'll still come up on a radar as a literal "ufo" and a threat once it reached a flyzone. F-16's from any country would be alongside it instantly ready to shoot it down.

If terrorists did take over this plane, it's no doubt at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. Why any terrorist group would hijack a Malaysian airplane filled with Chinese citizens? I don't know, it's pretty stupid. They're getting nothing from it. It'd be a desperate need for attention.
[Malaysian civil aviation chief] Mr Azharuddin said the search includes northern parts of the Malacca Strait, on the opposite side of the Malay Peninsula and far west of the plane's last known location. Mr Azharuddin would not explain why crews were searching there, saying, "There are some things that I can tell you and some things that I can't."
the plane 'vanished' in a similiar manner. And finding the wreckage took years.
people need to stop comparing this to Air France.  They had a relatively good idea of what exactly happened to Air France and why it went down immediately while it went down.  It sent multiple distress and failure signals and they found parts of wreckage and bodies within 5 days.
I only compare it to show that these searches aren't always quickly resolved. They had a relatively good idea because a civilian organization was heading the search. And even at that point they only chanced upon a piece of debris after 5 days. The haul and black box including transponder was located years after. 

They didn't conclude why it went down until years later after finding the black box.
this is crazy, how can a air craft carrying that many passengers just vanish without a clue what could've possibly happened to it. I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorists but im sure there is more to this story than what is put out there and a story to release to the news is certainly in the works.
I only compare it to show that these searches aren't always quickly resolved. They had a relatively good idea because a civilian organization was heading the search. And even at that point they only chanced upon a piece of debris after 5 days. The haul and black box including transponder was located years after. 

They didn't conclude why it went down until years later after finding the black box.
Yeah but they knew there were multiple mechanical failures, distress and turbulence with the plane right away.  They didn't know EXACTLY what caused those problems but they knew technical problems were shutting down the plane.  They also found the general area of the crash within 5 days.  The Air France fiasco wasn't fully resolved right away but we pretty much knew in general what happened right away.

The whole point of why this Malaysian flight is so mysterious is that we still dont have ANY remote idea of what the hell happened. People are still floating out everything under the sun from terrorists, mechanical failures, suicidal pilots, undercover strippers in the cockpit, Aliens,  north korean war plots, covert jungle runways and every other damn thing you can think of.  You didn't even have any speculation room with Air France for people to say half that crazy shiit.

We can't even prove right now 100% that this thing even crashed or why it changed directions or why the transponders were shut off all on top of not having a single shred of evidence of where the hell it's even at. Right now we know absolutely NOTHING of what happened to this plane unlike Air France.

Air France didn't have a thousand questions surrounding it like that.  They knew it was some kinda technical failure and they knew the general area immediately.

The only thing these two have in common is that they were both plane crashes.  It's like comparing two murders cases when one is obviously in  a whole other league of perplexity.
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You know how piss-poor these "terrorist" organizations are? Just how dumb these dudes are? Now all of sudden they're masterminds who can infiltrate all these electronic systems like something out of mission impossible?

Now lets say they did get someone who was capable of doing so, where the hell are they going to land a plane to use for a future "terror attack" without being detected by another 20 different countries airspace towers? Even if the location systems are down on the plane it'll still come up on a radar as a literal "ufo" and a threat once it reached a flyzone. F-16's from any country would be alongside it instantly ready to shoot it down.

If terrorists did take over this plane, it's no doubt at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. Why any terrorist group would hijack a Malaysian airplane filled with Chinese citizens? I don't know, it's pretty stupid. They're getting nothing from it. It'd be a desperate need for attention.

I've figure out it's best to not click into threads where conspiracy theorists run rampant. Dudes read about something then regurgitate it here like they're intelligent and in-the-know.
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