Where's people like Jesse Venture etc, not that hes the best example but i wanna watch a youtube video on this event from a conspiracy theorist too learn more. Very intrigued
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link
From reddit. Someone found this. You can find it too on the map at the link below.

You can go grid by grid to help look for the plane via satellite images

Why doesn't the government just use satellite imagery to see where the plane was minutes or even seconds before it lost contact and go from there?? Google can even use their satellites.
are you talking about the black box ?? who said it was disabled ??

I think the "alarm" you're referring to is the ping it gives off for 30 days which has a 5 mile radius.  So it's likely they haven't come within 5 miles of the wreckage yet.
No, they said the 777s are equipped with sea water alarms that "ping" and should have been located already if it did meet its fate over the waters of Malaysia. 

The disabled part was about the guy saying that all these preventative measures could not be disabled by just anyone. It would take someone with either first hand knowledge of building the technology or a very lucky person to know where everything was.
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link

Yoooooo if this is true and not a conspiracy theory this is crazy. The part about jamming the planes communication signals sounds believable though.
From reddit. Someone found this. You can find it too on the map at the link below.

You can go grid by grid to help look for the plane via satellite images

The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link

:rofl: :rofl: i'm laughing because this sounds logical as **** :lol: relatively speaking
Yoooooo if this is true and not a conspiracy theory this is crazy. The part about jamming the planes communication signals sounds believable though.

Everyone wanted a conspiracy theory, there it is, pretty believable too. The fact i read it, copied pasted this text to send to a friend and then figure id go find the site again to post in here, and bam, vanished within 5 mins, suspect much!?!?!?! Fark
Yoooooo if this is true and not a conspiracy theory this is crazy. The part about jamming the planes communication signals sounds believable though.

Everyone wanted a conspiracy theory, there it is, pretty believable too. The fact i read it, copied pasted this text to send to a friend and then figure id go find the site again to post in here, and bam, vanished within 5 mins, suspect much!?!?!?! Fark
NSA probably raided OPs house.
this is
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link

didn't they say those two dudes were from iran? A 18 year old? they posted the 2 surveillance pictures today of them
this is

didn't they say those two dudes were from iran? A 18 year old? they posted the 2 surveillance pictures today of them

I heard they said Iran, but didnt sound like they knew. Got pictures add em in here for us too see.
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link
this would make a great micheal bay movie.
On 11 March, BBC reported that the passengers traveling with stolen passports were 29-year-old Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza and 18-year-old Pouri Nourmohammadi, both Iranian nationals; Nourmohammadi was travelling to Germany to seek asylum. The two of them entered Malaysia on February 28 using valid Iranian passports. According to the Malaysian Chief of Police, Inspector General Khalid Abu Bakar, the young Iranian was "not likely to be a member of a terrorist group".[73] At a news conference in Lyon, France, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble also said, "The more information we get, the more we're inclined to conclude that it was not a terrorist incident."
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