Former FBI James Kalstrom of TWA 800 infamy, posted a theory that the plane was hijacked, landed and will be used in a future terror attack.
This is the most plausible theory. 
So all of those ppl will what? Be drugged and placed on the plane for the attack or all executed?

This reminds me of the conspiracy theories when ppl talk about the 9/11 attacks and the one plane that didn't get to it's target but crashed somewhere in Penn. Lots of talk about it not looking like a plane crashed there and no signs of human remains or something. The question left is what did they (whoever they are) do with all the ppl?
I believe this is false. Your phone won't ring until it connects to the other end.
This is what multiple experts have said though all day long, because the question has been posed repeatedly.

It makes sense because sometimes you'll call someone long distance and they'll say " Why didn't you pick up until the 5tth or 6th ring ?? " when your phone actually only rang once before you picked it up.

I've witnessed a few times where the number of rings the person calling me heard was different than the rings I got by one or even two rings and that's when I'm standing right next to the person.
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Former FBI James Kalstrom of TWA 800 infamy, posted a theory that the plane was hijacked, landed and will be used in a future terror attack.
This is the most plausible theory. 
So all of those ppl will what? Be drugged and placed on the plane for the attack or all executed?

This reminds me of the conspiracy theories when ppl talk about the 9/11 attacks and the one plane that didn't get to it's target but crashed somewhere in Penn. Lots of talk about it not looking like a plane crashed there and no signs of human remains or something. The question left is what did they (whoever they are) do with all the ppl?

My guess, guys executed and maybe some women sold to prostitution rings? Or perhaps I just watch too many movies.
Former FBI James Kalstrom of TWA 800 infamy, posted a theory that the plane was hijacked, landed and will be used in a future terror attack.
This is the most plausible theory. 
So all of those ppl will what? Be drugged and placed on the plane for the attack or all executed?

This reminds me of the conspiracy theories when ppl talk about the 9/11 attacks and the one plane that didn't get to it's target but crashed somewhere in Penn. Lots of talk about it not looking like a plane crashed there and no signs of human remains or something. The question left is what did they (whoever they are) do with all the ppl?

i would assume they would be killed
But they found oil spill on the water. Hijack makes no sense.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.
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But the found oil spill on the water.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.
They already ran tests on the oil and found it wasn't from the plane but from some boat.
But the found oil spill on the water.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.

First of all, the oil wasn't related. Second, plane parts don't just burn up into ash instantaneously lol.
But the found oil spill on the water.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.
First of all, the oil wasn't related. Second, plane parts don't just burn up into ash instantaneously lol.
rerread. I said floatable debris (i.e. plastics synthetic materies etc). Not the whole plane 
But the found oil spill on the water.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.

First of all, the oil wasn't related. Second, plane parts don't just burn up into ash instantaneously lol.
rerread. I said floatable debris (i.e. plastics synthetic materies etc). Not the whole plane >D

but they didnt find any ash in the water either

lets just wait a couple days before making wackadoo theories
But the found oil spill on the water.

Plane probably crashed, and sunk. Storm washed all the debris away. Or caught into flames in the air, crashed and floatable debris turned into ash.

First of all, the oil wasn't related. Second, plane parts don't just burn up into ash instantaneously lol.
rerread. I said floatable debris (i.e. plastics synthetic materies etc). Not the whole plane 
but they didnt find any ash in the water either

lets just wait a couple days before making wackadoo theories
only reason why I mentioned that is to the possible reason as to why no debris has been found.

either way it doesn't look good.
They got sattlites that can see what's on your mind. Them fools know where the **** that plane at. They just tryna distract y'all drones from something else even bigger. While y'all fools out tryna see if the plane gon land in y'all back yard. The government slipping a roofie in y'all drank. Just watch, don't believe me just watch.
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honestly don't think they'd need to pull this off to distract us, the distractions are plenty already

it's something else but idk
They got sattlites that can see what's on your mind. Them fools know where the **** that plane at. They just tryna distract y'all drones from something else even bigger. While y'all fools out tryna see if the plane gon land in y'all back yard. The government slipping a roofie in y'all drank. Just watch, don't believe me then watch.

Okay, chief.
They got sattlites that can see what's on your mind. Them fools know where the **** that plane at. They just tryna distract y'all drones from something else even bigger. While y'all fools out tryna see if the plane gon land in y'all back yard. The government slipping a roofie in y'all drank. Just watch, don't believe me just watch.

I hear ya. Dunno if this is that certainly but its plausible. Aliens are definitely being discussed by the higher powers
They got sattlites that can see what's on your mind. Them fools know where the **** that plane at. They just tryna distract y'all drones from something else even bigger. While y'all fools out tryna see if the plane gon land in y'all back yard. The government slipping a roofie in y'all drank. Just watch, don't believe me just watch.

give this dude a tin foil helmet & a sign that says "THE END IS NEAR"

View media item 853380
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1) The Government is involved in something much bigger here. Under no plausible circumstance can a plane, in 2014, vanish without a trace. I'm sorry. I can't believe it and I won't. This is my primary opinion.

2) My second opinion on what happened is that it was hijacked by some incredibly smart individuals who took the plane to a remote undisclosed location, where they executed everyone on board and are now in possession of a plane to be used as a weapon.
Where have all the big NT conspiracy theorists gone? As recent as a year a ago people would be up in here on some:

"The Illuminati made a deal with the alien higher ups to have the plane disappear to get your eyes away from the Ukraine conflict. Obama and Putin are just puppets. There's billions of dollars in Ukraine that THEY don't want you to know about. I heard all of this from a guy who sat next to Jay-Z when he was flying back from MALAYSIA! Please go watch Zeitgeist and OPEN YOUR EYES. Meth doesn't want me to talk about this. The truth is out there. Hail Satan."
1) The Government is involved in something much bigger here. Under no plausible circumstance can a plane, in 2014, vanish without a trace. I'm sorry. I can't believe it and I won't. This is my primary opinion.

2) My second opinion on what happened is that it was hijacked by some incredibly smart individuals who took the plane to a remote undisclosed location, where they executed everyone on board and are now in possession of a plane to be used as a weapon.

Exactly my thoughts, leaning towards #1 though. Too difficult too pull #2 off with no government aid
The "expert" on CNN said that 777s are equipped with salt water alarms and it would take someone with superior intelligence and the know-how to disable the box. 


If it crashed, why wasn't the alarm triggered (expert said the boxes are built for the most catastrophic events so it would have survived a crash)

The hi-jack protocol was never triggered. (those who think it was the pilots...the co-pilot was recently interviewed on CNN for one of their can be used for an argument that some faction, group or agency turned him OR like the show suggests...a pilot who loves his job.)

I'm a LOST fan, naturally, the premise comes to mind, however, I do feel like we're missing the bigger picture.

I'm more concerned on WHO made the plane vanish rather that WHY at the moment. You can't make a plane, in 2014, just disappear and not have the kind of influence that a Charles Widmore would have.
The "expert" on CNN said that 777s are equipped with salt water alarms and it would take someone with superior intelligence and the know-how to disable the box. 


If it crashed, why wasn't the alarm triggered (expert said the boxes are built for the most catastrophic events so it would have survived a crash)

The hi-jack protocol was never triggered. (those who think it was the pilots...the co-pilot was recently interviewed on CNN for one of their can be used for an argument that some faction, group or agency turned him OR like the show suggests...a pilot who loves his job.)

I'm a LOST fan, naturally, the premise comes to mind, however, I do feel like we're missing the bigger picture.

I'm more concerned on WHO made the plane vanish rather that WHY at the moment. You can't make a plane, in 2014, just disappear and not have the kind of influence that a Charles Widmore would have.
are you talking about the black box ?? who said it was disabled ??

I think the "alarm" you're referring to is the ping it gives off for 30 days which has a 5 mile radius.  So it's likely they haven't come within 5 miles of the wreckage yet.
They got sattlites that can see what's on your mind. Them fools know where the **** that plane at. They just tryna distract y'all drones from something else even bigger. While y'all fools out tryna see if the plane gon land in y'all back yard. The government slipping a roofie in y'all drank. Just watch, don't believe me just watch.

give this dude a tin foil helmet & a sign that says "THE END IS NEAR"

Repped for the gif :lol:

Maybe the black box malfunctioned? Idk
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I also think that the Malaysian Airline company might be a bit incompetent and probably hiding some inconsistencies about the condition of the plane preflight. Probably an airline that was/is operated on thin margins.
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