Magic Johnson's son goes public with boyfriend

I don't think kids are born gay, it stems from some form of absence growing up. mother or father.  but that is MY opinion.  and the idea of being born with is the fact you just don't remember details of childhood at such a young age...

So gays only have one parent? I understand it's your opinion, I'm just curious if you want to expound on this...

here's the point dude - you don't GET to choose.  don't any of you people realize that?!  YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE!!  the best thing you can hope for as a parent is that your kid is healthy, happy and successful in life.  you don't get to choose what they do for a career, you don't get to choose their mate, you don't get to choose their sexual orientation.  YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THAT FOR THEM, IT'S THEIR LIFE.  man it's really easy to see who got kids in this thread and who doesn't 

Unless you're a woman..
Damb. This thread is flying.

Quick question... are y'all saying people are wrong for not wanting their kids to be gay?

Maybe I'm tripping... I have no problems with gay dudes. I let them cook...

But ... would I want my boy to be gay?


Am I a bigot?
I don't think kids are born gay, it stems from some form of absence growing up. mother or father.  but that is MY opinion.  and the idea of being born with is the fact you just don't remember details of childhood at such a young age...

and yet i had a normal childhood, two married parents, no abuse or neglect, etc...

... what's my excuse?
Damb. This thread is flying.

Quick question... are y'all saying people are wrong for not wanting their kids to be gay?

Maybe I'm tripping... I have no problems with gay dudes. I let them cook...

But ... would I want my boy to be gay?


Am I a bigot?
if you had a checklist of things you wanted for your child, would 'NOT GAY' be on it?  my list was, 'healthy'  'smart'  'i'll take care of the rest'.  i don't think 'bigot' is the right term for this sort of discussion.  i just don't see it as a big deal either way and if my son were gay, he'd still be the best thing ever and the thought honestly never crossed my mind.
^it's never been confirmed by there are rumors afloat that he has dabbled in pool before in his younger days. I believe it, personally.
here's the point dude - you don't GET to choose.  don't any of you people realize that?!  YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE!!  the best thing you can hope for as a parent is that your kid is healthy, happy and successful in life.  you don't get to choose what they do for a career, you don't get to choose their mate, you don't get to choose their sexual orientation.  YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THAT FOR THEM, IT'S THEIR LIFE.  man it's really easy to see who got kids in this thread and who doesn't 

Correct, you obviously can't choose. I was expanding on a rhetorical statement made earlier.

From personal experience, every gay person I know male or female was lacking at least one dominant parental figure in their life, usually the father. Men don't have that masculine figure to guide them towards a heterosexual lifestyle. The women I know who are lesbian or bi didn't have their father around either, or there mother wasn't around either. So you're searching for something...

It's the same idea of girls without fathers tend to live a promiscouos lifestyle...
I don't see what is wrong with people not wanting their sons to be gay. Maybe the culture their from frowns upon it? Just because it doesn't fit your agenda or culture doesn't mean its wrong
magic has way too much money to be worried about his son liking boys..

being worried about your son's sexuality is a broke boy problem.
Atleast hes confident enough to be open about it and not no homo thug type etc

People are born gay, you dont just wake up one day and choose your sexuality.
I don't see what is wrong with people not wanting their sons to be gay. Maybe the culture their from frowns upon it? Just because it doesn't fit your agenda or culture doesn't mean its wrong

Exactly, people in here upset because there ideas are not cosigned by everyone else.

I do not want my son to be gay does not mean that I hate gay people.
They look happy here (to me atleast). Why anybody in this thread would wanna clown and bash on them, or use the situation to spread their discomfort, hatred, or own insecurity is beyond me...... not to say I'm surprised though.
LOL it is a picture man. How are you going to say, "They look happy" though? :lol:

But I don't understand the issue with a man not wanting his son to turn out to be flamboyant. A man is wrong/bigot for that? Hmm....
Damb. This thread is flying.

Quick question... are y'all saying people are wrong for not wanting their kids to be gay?

Maybe I'm tripping... I have no problems with gay dudes. I let them cook...

But ... would I want my boy to be gay?


Am I a bigot?

No I wouldn't want my kid to be gay either if I had the OPTION (which I don't) and the only reason is because of threads like this. This world hasn't evolved enough for people to live freely and I wouldn't want my kid to go through that

It's definitely wrong to say;

"I'll kill myself"

"I rather my kid be a serial killer than gay"

"This is the worst thing that could happen to me"

etc. That doesn't sound absurd? You rather your kid kill people than be happy with whoever they choose to be with which has absolutely nothing to you? I don't a give a damn who my kid is with after they become legal, my only concern is if their in good health, overall happy, and financially stable. The rest is their business. Anybody that says things "I hope I never have a daughter" or "My child better not be gay" shouldn't be parents IMO
These types of threads always display the most ignorant views on NT. Good to see they're all happy and supportive of each other.

FYI, there is nothing unnatural about homosexuality considering tons of animals display it. And I'm pretty sure they don't decide to choose their sexuality.
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if you had a checklist of things you wanted for your child, would 'NOT GAY' be on it?  my list was, 'healthy'  'smart'  'i'll take care of the rest'.  i don't think 'bigot' is the right term for this sort of discussion.  i just don't see it as a big deal either way and if my son were gay, he'd still be the best thing ever and the thought honestly never crossed my mind.
I mean... I dont sit and stew on it...

But if someone said "everything bring equal... would you rather your son be gay or straight"...

I'd say straight...

I see that as saying "would you rather your son be short or tall"

Wouldn't change how I felt about him PERSONALLY ... just wouldn't want him to be gay.
....this is gonna sound mad stupid but there really should be some sort of official NT gay thread.


because every time someone makes a thread about someone coming out, whether they're famous, or through relation, the thread always goes the same direction.

> is being gay a choice?

> ayo

>i feel bad for _____

>gay rights

>fight for gay rights is like the fight for civil rights

so why not consolidate?
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