Magic Johnson's son goes public with boyfriend

It sounds ignorant because it adds nothing to this debate. The fact that 2 guys can't create a child, doesn't give them any less of a right to express their love. And even today with reproductive technology technically each of them could have children using surrogates. Lesbians do it all the time.

About 10-15 percent of the world is gay, that number is probably higher if you factor in those still in the closet. There may be evolutionary benefits to having the "gay gene" persist in nature as much as it does.

2 guys can't create a baby (TOGETHER), but they can raise one.

being gay doesn't make you infertile...technically a gay dude can create a child with a woman, if necessary...technically, according to religious folks, sex should only be used as a way of reproduction anyway...
Man Magic needs to tell the dude to calm down all of that.

He can do whatever he wants at the end of the night, but to be so damn LOUD with it is embarrassing. VERY. I wouldn't want that nonsense attached to MY name.
put it like this if majority of the world were gay..the world would end thats a 100% fact

its basic common sense 2 guys cant create a baby...if the world was gay noboby would be born...sounds ingorant but its true

View media item 344485

Saying our species wouldn't propagate due to sexual orientation is one of the most ignorant things I've ever read on this site.

:lol: @ "100% fact"
Man Magic needs to tell the dude to calm down all of that.

He can do whatever he wants at the end of the night, but to be so damn LOUD with it is embarrassing. VERY. I wouldn't want that nonsense attached to MY name.
TMZ came to him doe 
:lol: at grasping at straws....this same argument is being talked about in da supreme court RIGHT NOW.

If homosexuals are allowed to redefine marriage

Polygamy wont be far behind..afterall, what argument

Can you give to gays that wouldn't apply to polygamist? Once you disrupt a pillar of society such as marriage you effect everyone that society.

As a parent your kid will potentially marry da same

Gender or be da 3rd-4th wife of some rich dude.

Again, polygamy is illegal. You also aren't born a polygamist, unlike homosexuals being born gay.

Arent born polygamist? :lol: thats da best you can do?

If i hit da lotto and wanted a different wife for every

Day of da week, there's NO argument you can tell me

That wouldn't apply to homosexuality.
Arent born polygamist? :lol: thats da best you can do?

If i hit da lotto and wanted a different wife for every

Day of da week, there's NO argument you can tell me

That wouldn't apply to homosexuality.

You don't quite grasp polygamy do you? Sometimes I think you get so caught up in denying that you are wrong that you forget that you are also not very bright.
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once you change da definition of marriage from "man to women" to "union of people" it waters down da use of it.

then you'll have lawsuits advancing da right for polygamist to get married...after all, whatever reason you can give homosexuals to

marry you have to give it to polygamy camps.

and once those 2 goes down you're living in a COMPLETELY unrecognizable society from right now, so like i said before, IF homosexuals

forced for da definition to be re-defined then da society me and you know now will be GONE..and that effects EVERYONE.

Being a polygamist is illegal. Being homosexual isn't.

Sam-sex marriage detractors always grasp for straws and go for the "well...if we allow gays to marry, you just know we will have to allow polygamy and bestiality too" It's a shortcut to thinking and is always employed by the densest of seen here.

What's wrong with polygamist marriages, though? If they were legal, what would be the downfall? How would that negatively affect society? It seems to me that polygamy being illegal is just as arbitrary and based in fear of the unknown as opposition to gay marriage.

I've said it before in another thread: animals cannot give consent. So that could never be an option in marriage or legal sexual conduct. However, adults can. And we have yet to change many state marriage laws to reflect marriage as being between consenting adults. In most states all you need is parental consent and you can marry a 13 year old girl right now as we speak. Nobody's talking about that, though.

There's alot wrong with how we look at marraige, and homosexual marriage is the least of it. What's wrong with polygamy?
Arent born polygamist?
thats da best you can do?

If i hit da lotto and wanted a different wife for every

Day of da week, there's NO argument you can tell me

That wouldn't apply to homosexuality.
sure there is and it's a doozy so get ready: POLYGAMY IS ILLEGAL.  homosexuality isn't, therefore it doesn't apply.  
Dude is arguing polygamist marriages, neither gays no straights can marry multiple people. That IS marriage equality.

And if you want multiple women or men, do what everyone does and cheat. The lengths these bigots go to argue against homosexuality.

lol @ the argument that legalizing gay marriage would affect straight people and society. The only people this affects are homophobes and bigots. When slavery was abolished I'm sure racist white people were affected.
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Again, polygamy is illegal. You also aren't born a polygamist, unlike homosexuals being born gay.

I beg to differ. I think the male species is not designed for monogamy, but we get married and stay faithful DESPITE that fact. I can't think of a single logical reason to outlaw polygamy, aside from being judged by others in society, which really is just a result of outlawing and denouncing polygamy in the first place. It's still very legal and accepted in a lot of non-westernized places.
I dont have a problem with gay people I just dont think its right...

Racist: "I don't have a problem with blacks, I just don't think we should be treated equally"

Keep talkin', nothing worse than a bigot who goes through lengths to act like he isn't. it's a like an inner struggle between what they know is right and what they have been indoctrinated to believe.

Stop sugar coating in with pseudoscientific arguments and attempts at logic. If you hate gay people just say it and keep it moving.
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