I learned about this a year ago in psychology class. I have lucid dreams every once in awhile, I can DO what whoever i mean whatever.
I learned about this a year ago in psychology class. I have lucid dreams every once in awhile, I can DO what whoever i mean whatever.
i tried this a few months back but didn't work due to my impatience. If you truly master this art then you can dream about banging any girl you want and itwill feel real.
Originally Posted by NLoc

i tried this a few months back but didn't work due to my impatience. If you truly master this art then you can dream about banging any girl you want and it will feel real.

That would completely kill my motivation to do anything with my life!
Ive done this numerous times before...............I wish it was the time where i had 4 chics in one room, but i couldnt be that lucky, lol.
Not sure what it is but about 3 times in the past week i had dreams where it felt like real life and i seemingly had control of what i was doing...fewdifferent situations per night as well...and yes i went to sleep drunk or slightly drunk all 3 of those...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by NLoc

i tried this a few months back but didn't work due to my impatience. If you truly master this art then you can dream about banging any girl you want and it will feel real.

That would completely kill my motivation to do anything with my life!

lol. no kidding eh?

"#!%# this, I'm going to sleep... better luck there."

but honestly... I have lucid dreams quite often. It's fun going around doing everyone

I manifested a dream the other night by focusing hard on what I wanted to dream about before I went to sleep that night, so I guess that's one step closerto lucid dreaming... Interesting stuff...
When I used to have my resident evil Mr. X chasing me dreams used to always get to that one scene in the matrix, as if i was uploading guns into my dreams.

I used to get it crackin' back in the day
Lucid + Wet =

But for some reason I don't dream as much as I used to
i've been doing a lot of research about out of body experiences (OBEs) via youtube and googling.

and it's cool stuff. lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis are the first steps to OBEs.

the other night I woke up from a sleep paralysis and I was trying to concentrate to do a rocket ship out of my body, but only felt the vibrations down myspine.

I couldn't focus hard enough though and fell back to sleep. I'm still trying to figure out how to induce sleep paralysis whenever I want but it'shard. plus my concentration is complete !*#%.

and yea I read that you can meet other people in the astral plane. Some say they meet up with different aliens too.

I also heard there are very powerful spiritual beings in the astral plane that are full of love and warmth.
It happened to me ONCE. I didn't take advantage of it though.

I came home from my school's basketball game against our county rival and we lost by like 2 points. Later that night I had a dream I was at the game again,but since I knew, I called it out that it wasn't a dream. All I ended up doing was slapping this girl in the face before I woke up.
UPDATE: So i have started my dream journal. I figure if im going to do it im going to do the whole nine. I'll keep a dream journal for a week or two (oruntil i feel i have sufficient dream recall) and then turn my focus onto reality checks and dream signals. Hearing all these personal experiences got me allexcited.

Keep the stories and tips coming NT, good lookin
Originally Posted by Hoosier Bad Boy 11

welcome to my world i take this stuff every Monday and it's a trip the dreams I have are out of this world.

article about mefloquine from wikipedia
Side-effects Mefloquine may have severe and permanent adverse side-effects. It is known to cause severe depression, anxiety, paranoia, aggression, nightmares,insomnia, seizures, birth defects, peripheral motor-sensory neuropathy,[2] vestibular (balance) damage and central nervous system problems.
i dont want to risk getting some of those side effects or else i'd be all on that. What kind of dreams do you get taking that though??
I need to start taking the time to write down my dreams in the mornings. Some times they are so damn vivid.

I have had my dreams translate into movements in real life. When I first started playing basketball regularly, I had a dream in which I was trying to block apass with my hand, and ended up slamming my hand against the wall.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

I couldn't focus hard enough though and fell back to sleep. I'm still trying to figure out how to induce sleep paralysis whenever I want but it's hard. plus my concentration is complete !*#%.
That's the scariest %$$$ ever man. I don't know why you'd want to induce that.
I've done the whole lucid dreaming stuff on a handful or more occasions,

usually after a night of drinking... sometimes not though

its pretty tight... kinda makes you think, what if reality was just a dream :tongue:
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

Originally Posted by Hoosier Bad Boy 11

welcome to my world i take this stuff every Monday and it's a trip the dreams I have are out of this world.

article about mefloquine from wikipedia
Side-effects Mefloquine may have severe and permanent adverse side-effects. It is known to cause severe depression, anxiety, paranoia, aggression, nightmares, insomnia, seizures, birth defects, peripheral motor-sensory neuropathy,[2] vestibular (balance) damage and central nervous system problems.
i dont want to risk getting some of those side effects or else i'd be all on that. What kind of dreams do you get taking that though??
I only have to take it for a few more weeks until I leave Afghanistan
What I found to be the most EFFECTIVE method of inducing sleep paralysis, lucid dreams, OBEs, or Astral Travel is to use a timer that beeps at timed intervals.The the way the lucid dream timer method works is you set a timer to wake you around 4-5 hrs after sleeping. You set the timer to beep every few minutes sothat you wake up, fall asleep, wake up, fall asleep over and over again. This works for me 9 out of 10 times and I had a OBE the first time I tried it. Really.

This causes you to hover more and more closely on the awake asleep threshold so that eventually your mind is above the thresold and your body is below it. Thiscause you to enter "mind awake/body asleep" or waking sleep paralysis. If you wake up and fall asleep 4-5 times in an hr withoutmoving you will experience spontaneous sleep paralysis and OBE vibrations.

For those of you that have a computer in your room, there is a flash timer available online @ http://www.saltcube.com/timer-debug.html thatyou can use in your browser (preferably IE or Firefox), or you can just simply download the timer.zip file to your computer. Make sure to use the Load RhythmNap 4 interval setup.

While it's ideal to stay up 45 min before going back to bed and starting the timer, I know some people don't have the patience to wait around. You canchange the first interval to 300 minutes (5 hrs), and start it before you go to bed. Set the volume loud and keep the speakers close by for the certainty thatyour brain will wake once it hears the sound. Also, make sure you don't move when the intervals start or you will ruin your chances.

For those of you that don't have a computer close by..there's a free application you can download to your cellphone calledLoreWeaver.(www.LoreWeaver.com). No movement is needed to turn it off, as it also has automated intervals.

MP3 Timer for Iphone- http://www.practiphone.com/

Having problems exiting your body while in sleep paralysis? Check this guy's videos out on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/LucidDreamTricks. Very knowledgeable on the subject.

What I found that worked for me was imagine rolling over out of bed or floating. It's kind of strange cause I sense my perception to be shifted outside ofmy physical body after it's intitial onset, even though I had no vision. Usually it takes me about 15 secs after I exit my body to pry my eyes open.
I encourage everyone to try this, consciousness has it's wonders.
Ive always been fascinated by dream and what we can get out of them.
I dont think ive ever had a full lucid dream before but im def. gonna try it now.
Im bout to watch the video posted on here..
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