I've had 2 short full obe's and many in which I could only get out half way out of my body...
I've been practicing on and off for 3-4 years now... I'm mos def not a natural at it. I'm currently at a stage at which I can reach pre-exitvibrations at will... Takes me maybe 30 mins of meditation.

But both the times I exited happened in the morning, out of a transition of a lucid dream.

Many fear sleep paralysis... but that is the perfect state at which you want to exit your body.

There are countless obe techniques out there.... It's all a very interesting realm.

Also... to those that say that their dreams only reflect real life.
Looking at my journals... I fly in about 75% of my dreams.
But that's maybe because I've always been fascinated with flying.

I'd love to point people in the right directions if anyone is interested.

actually helps in many ways.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Last semester I learned how to do this. But I only knew how to "pause" my dreams and enter "cheat codes". like I would have a dream that i was being chased by someone and I learned how to pause the entire dream, and then in my mind I would enter a "cheat code" and move to a new location.

I stopped because Lucid Dreaming causes TEMPORARY SLEEP PARALYSIS! Now I can not sleep on my back in fear of being able to not move.

-The Juice

.................i go through the same thing every time idream!

its like.....if im really not feeling one dream, ill stop....eject, and move on to the next.......NO BULL!

and it is very common for me to have more than one dream a night! its only a few times when i just have one long dream like a movie.........there more like 30minute episodes, but i can only remember one or two of them when i wake up

**goes to look up temporary sleep paralysis**
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Stop yelling
I lucid dream 3-4 times every month...it's so awesome and is easily one of the most fascinating things the human mind can do.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I lucid dream 3-4 times every month...it's so awesome and is easily one of the most fascinating things the human mind can do.
This, anybody have a dream where they cant breathe and you wake annd you feel like you're just catching your breath?
Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I lucid dream 3-4 times every month...it's so awesome and is easily one of the most fascinating things the human mind can do.
This, anybody have a dream where they cant breathe and you wake annd you feel like you're just catching your breath?

this is because you were so in to your dream that it made you hold your breath until you woke up

the same thing when your crying in your sleep and you wake up with tears pouring down your face
i've done this before.... it was like a couple years ago.

i realized it was a dream, because of the unreal settings.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Dreams are a lot of fun...
This. And I agree about trying to remember my dreams. I always actively try and remember dreams, usually I can sometimes I can't.

As for lucid dreams, I've had a few of them. In my experience, they're really nothing like real life. In terms of how "real" they seem theirexactly as realistic as my other dreams except I'm in control.

That being said, I don't think I've had a 100% lucid dream, that or their just not as they're described. The majority of my lucid dreams involveme flying (which is probably about 5+). Usually I'll be in a life or death situation and realize that it's just a dream, and I'll fly away, atwhich point I have full control over where and how fast I'm flying. I'm never in control till I actually start flying. But that #%%* does always feelvery real, like a roller coast x10.

Dreams are some fascinating stuff.
Ive had a few in my time.

BUT one I still remember to this day.

I was in NYC... around the park. and I realized I could fly, but I could do it by a running start and jumping in the air. The feeling was crazy, i couldactually feel the power flying in the air.

When I lucid dream..somehow I just know I'm dreaming.
Other times I don't which is weird ..ex: dreaming about back in highschool..and I'm in college. but not realizing it.

Also when I was younger I learned how to close my eyes in the lucid dream and think and concentrate on something I wanted to happen..and it did.
It's insane..and whenever I lucid dream now I do the same thing.
My dreams are weird, maybe its because I'm an artist and use one side of my brian more than the other, i dunno. I've been told artist's dreamsare different than
the normal dreams people expirience. In my dreams there's basically a map that stays the same, I'll walk to the same places that don't exist, take the same subway
from a fiction boston harbor/capecod/florida island to NYC all the time, and the highway system remains the same which I usually tavel by either running,
driving or riding a motorcycle or somethign that feels like one. I could draw pictures right now of certain areas that I visit alot. It's odd though, the planes
change kind of like an old PS1 rpg where the camera changes to show a new area all of a sudden. I used to be able to read a book and see giberish
and know it was a dream, flick a light switch and it wouldn't work right or look at a digital clock and not be able to read it. Now these things seemmore
real and I have a hard time deciphering what is real. I'll abondan a dream asap if I wake up in a dream and realize my room is different than it normalyis,
this usually leads to a horrifying nightmare. I'll punch my bed really hard and try to jerk myself awake.

I've had a handfull of lucid dreams but the one I remember the clearest was when I was about 16 or so.

I was up at a camp in New Hampshire and people were turning into zombies, and I was in a screenhouse with a shotgun that wouldn't work correctly.
Suddenly I realized that I was dreaming. I walked by a few zombies, hopped into a car and decided I could hotwire it since it was a dream. I
heard a voice say somethign like, " what are you doing? " or something to that extent and I was like, eff this dream I'm driving route 95 toFlorida.
The entire dream was just cruising down 95 with the top down.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by chr1scross

BTW.. if you smoke (weed) or drink before you go to sleep, you probably won't lucid dream, so you need to get off that stuff first.
i'm just curious, is there any truth to this or are you just saying that

You probablly noticed that you don't remember many dreams if you are a weed smoker on a regular basis. I remember when I quit awhile back I had the strangest dreams. Like full length feature films, I don't know where I even came up with the stuff I was dreaming. It is almost worth quitting weed just for the dreams alone.

Yea I smoke maybe 5 or 6 days of the week and the days i go to sleep sober i have THE weirdest most vivid dreams that have me like
when i wake up. Like the flying ones but your not really flying you just run andjump and your in the air for a minute
Dreams are amazing. When smoke iwake up half dead and hungry, I don't even remember what i did before i went to sleep F dreaming
ive done this %*## before, was kinda weird but hasnt happened in a while
my god... I just had the strangest dream. it was all over the place.
I need to start keeping a journal of my dreams. I've shared them with one person for like a week straight, and durring that week, my dreams would get SOdetailed and I would remember them so well. I need to start recalling them...

Originally Posted by Al Audi

can you die in a lucid dream?

My dad used to tell me that you cant die in your dream, because if you die in your dream, you die in life. It would mean your consciousness is dead. Somethinglike a self-termination... Mental suicide...
^ everything that i have read says that there is no connection to dying in a dream and dying in real life. It is after all just a dream, a figmant of ourimaginations not at all connected to a physical well being and or health. But there still are stories...... hmmm

Also heard of something called dreamscaping. where while you are lucid, you search out ofr someone you know. That person too is in a lucid dream and you twocan actually meet eachother in the dream world. Both lucid, in the same dream, together, and able to remember and recall the dream they shared together thenext morning.

This would be interesting. To be able to go home, go to sleep, then meet up with ya boys in a dream world and go kick it with them.

crazy stuff tho
Originally Posted by MOEree5e

EDIT: btw.......has anyone ever woke up from a dream for a few minutes and went back to the same dream once you fell asleep?!?

This is almost impossible unless you only open your eyes and not move your body. There are waves emitted from our bodies during sleep that reach all over theworld and into the atmosphere that bring certain thoughts to us.Once you move, these waves will shift and you will not be able to have the same exact thoughts.

Lucid Dreams,
If you want to have lucid dreams, as stated before, while you are dreaming try to look at your hand. If you can do this then you will be conscious of yourselfdreaming and should be able to do as you like.
Thats how I began.

Usually during my lucid dreams I am always in a place I have never been before and I am so excited by the fact that all I usually do is fly just like everyoneelse, but there are countless amount of things that can be done.

My only problem is coming down from flying, its scary as hell.
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