Originally Posted by zyr12

 No gamecocks comments?

well the only people in here that will make gamecock comments is us UL fans, and we have no room to talk this season. 
Yea I thought so too MJ that's y I pulled the trigger. It woulda been damn near impossible to find it at a decent price.

But I'm really hoping that these loses the cards have had will get them turned around in the the direction. Pitino will had them ready, it's just a matter of when this season.
I'm glad UK finally lost, because now I can semi (I can't put more emphasis on "semi") root for them.
I didn't want UK to go undefeated simply because UL fans would NEVER hear the end of it.
Not from fellow NTers necessarily, but you know what I mean.

200th post

movin on up
^^^^I always root for UK to go undefeated until we play them. That way it's just even better when we play them. I don't completely hate UK, just most of the ignorant fans....rednecks, bandwagoner's, etc.

As for the game...no comment.
Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

^^^^I always root for UK to go undefeated until we play them. That way it's just even better when we play them. I don't completely hate UK, just most of the ignorant fans....rednecks, bandwagoner's, etc.

As for the game...no comment.
i agree 100%... no comment from me either
does anybody see kansas getting upset in the "octagon of doom" (or whatever they call it
) and Nova moving to #1??
its funny how when uk loses someone always brings it up....but when ul loses....crickets....crickets....i guess ill have to turn that around.
Got the AM1QSred DS for 65 shipped, thank you guys once again.
Next up a pair of team orange 95's
Oh and Siva was at the Eastern Jtown game tonight, smh at myself for not getting a picture with him.
Ay D, I know you said you take everything UK personal, but come on. The #1 team in the nation losing its first game is a lot more important than one of our losses. Of course it was gonna get mentioned. I'm not gonna go back and check but I think our first loss was mentioned too. Either way you gotta expect some hate when your on top.
^ I'm not just talkin about this season, its been like that on this forum for a few years now....I know there's gonna be hate, that's fine but we never see me chew or spoos say anything when louisville loses, even last yr when louisville was good.

Its cool though I don't really care I was just sayin....I've only said stuff about louisville in retaliation to a knock on uk.
^^^And that's usually when I say stuff about UK in relation to UL lol.

I think everyone has gotten better on this board about UK/UL bashing, except a few of the newer members. They will learn.

Chew- I knew you were going to say that. Ha
Originally Posted by Mjmvp23

^^^And that's usually when I say stuff about UK in relation to UL lol.

I think everyone has gotten better on this board about UK/UL bashing, except a few of the newer members. They will learn.

Chew- I knew you were going to say that. Ha 
guys. i know i have done some unecessary joking/arguing since i have joined the forum. I apologize for some of the hostility that may have been caused. I joke about almost everything/anything i see, but ill try to tone some of it down when it comes to uofl uk because we all know thats a hard felt subject. after all, too much joking is a bad habit i need to get rid of.

and need some help from anyone that knows chicago. girlfriend is going up there on a school trip this weekend, instructed to stay "on north michigan" or something. Any good spots  particularly near the street/area of n. michigan?
i know of niketown and hoh. tyler informed me about leaders1354, but i dont know about anything else and i dont know if those spots are close to where she will be visiting... i've only been to chicago for aau bball events. never for a shopping spree, but yes, any help soon will be nice. her flight leaves about now. thanks!
Look for St.Alfred, it's kind of hidden. Self Conscious is nice and I believe there is one more but I can't recall the name. Sorry I can't remember the rest of the names or exact location. I was rushed on my visit.
thanks for the help! both spots look tight. Ill definitely check them out myself next time i'm up that way. (possibly spring break) but in the mean time i hope she finds one of them and can get something nice.
I think it started around midnight from what i heard, and i have about 4inches...i live in the southeast suburbs, kind of close to jmall. dont know much else. havent been out this morning
Originally Posted by zyr12

This snow is nothing at all.

It's a pain in the ##@ is what it is. After Christmas I'm cool on the snow. I'm ready for spring....baseball season is here. 
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